If he was not gone

Submitted into Contest #44 in response to: Write a story that starts with a life-changing event.... view prompt

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It was a dull grey afternoon. The sky had turned pewter with rumbling, roaring, thundering and threatening clods. At some distance the thunder roared like an old man. The trees swayed with its strong force. In a blink of seconds the rain started to fall down in long knitting needles. The rain "pitter,patter...."on the window pane and the rain drops were like tears on the window. Roanld was sitting on his cozy staring vacantly. He could not believe that his brother John was no longer with them. In a twinkling of an eye John was simply gone. Simply gone like a wisp of smoke so thin that a slightest vagary of wind could blow it away. Ronald remember him as if it was yesterday. He was big, strong, very tall and wore a coat of blue cloth that was dirty about the shoulders. His face was like that of an old man's. It was as brown as a nut and across one cheek from the eye to lip was long pale mark that looked like a sword cut. The thoughts went back and forth Ronald's mind and he could not bare the intensity any longer. Two lines of glistening water oozed against his pallid cheek. he was so sorry...so...so...sorry!

The day had started out normally. Precisely at 6:30am the alarm clock sprang to life. The artistic golden sun got up like a baby and started painting the the dark blue sky into a bright blue sky. Ronald woke up stretching his arms and rubbing his eyes. He was six feet five inches tall, weighed 250 pounds and was bursting with muscles. Ronald had blue eyes- a blue, the color of fading Levis. Eyes that were chilly, precise, unexpected Marvels of calibrations. Eye like shards of blue glass or tips of iceberg. He crawled out of bed and changed into his clothes and hurried down to the dinning room. The aroma of the buttery pancakes were spread throughout the room. Although Ronald did not like pancakes but as he took the first they were awfully good. His elder brother John sat right next to him and his eyes were like the tinted windows of a sleek limousine-he could see out but you could not see. Whereas his youngest sister Lucy sat right next to his mom with those gorgeous, dazzling emerald eyes and caramel colored hair tightly tied into a pony. John was ready to go with his friends out for camping.

The sudden honking of the car made Ronald jump out of fear. Yes they were John's friends. As John opened the door it protested and creaked open. John and his friends were really enjoying. At the hillside the asethic nature gave them the signs of tranquility. The leaves were rustling in the gentle breeze. Suddenly the peaceful environment was converted into a war zone.

"Bang...." John head striked against the car bonnet. Trickles of blood started to flow down his forehead.

"Ouch..." John cried out in pain.

"What are you guys upto?" John cried out in a feeble voice." please let me go."

John was moving backwards with his face towards his friends. While moving he caught a glimpse of a stone lying nearby. he just picked it up and threw it with great force which struck his friend's head. John ran as fast as he could but stumbled many times getting himself extremely injured. NO! This could not happen. John forgot the way back to home. Back at home everyone was worried, five hours had passed but no signs John at all. Sudden ringing of bell...Ronald hurried to see. as he opened the door Ronald let out a silent scream. all john could say was William and fainted striking hard against the floor.

Without wasting a single second John was taken to the hospital under critical condition. Ronald along with William, neighbor Gorge and the driver stood outside the I.C.U. Ronald seemed to be completely paralyzed and was unable to move as if the floor was holding his feet. Ronald only wished for one thing.... only one thing... just to see his brother.

Each one of them was completely absorbed in their own thoughts. Ronald knew he was guilty because if he had not fought with his brother over the Netflix series nothing would have happened; William understood that it was not a great issue if John wished to marry Susan and just over this small issue William and the neighbor George had beaten up John so badly. Lastly the driver felt ashamed of being bribed by William and took John to the hillside just to kill him. It was his fault! He was responsible for the whole situation. After sometime the police arrived to investigate what had happened. the police suspected Ronald and John's friend William to be involved in this case. Upon inquiring the officers came to conclusion that John was out with his friends ad something happened at that time. After investigating officers left and Ronald sat on the bench with his elbows on the knees and his face upon his hands . Ronald was so depressed that he groaned and closed his eyes. Two lines of glistening water oozed out of his eyes against the pallid cheeks. There was nothing he could say. The seconds seemed to pass with laden wings. It was as though the whole world was standing still. Upon insistence John went into the I.C.U standing right next to his brother who laid silently on the bed. It was so quiet in there the monitor went thud...thud...thud. Ronald stood quietly looking at his brother John and felt some movement. John was opening his eyes this brought smile on Ronald's face. John was muttering something but Ronald was not able to understand. suddenly the heartbeat started to fall until it reached zero.Immediately the doctor was called and Ronald was asked to leave the room. Ronald stood outside waiting for the doctor to announce the obvious. As the doctor came out with his head lowered; Ronald heard the worst


The word of the doctor were like bullets which hit directly in his heart. Ronald went from the hospital with a very heavy heart. Pain and miser shackled his every step.


June 02, 2020 16:03

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1 comment

Jason Heiser
14:09 Jun 11, 2020

Good descriptions strong characters a bit violent for my taste.


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