
Everyday it started the same. 

You get up

Get dressed for work. It's only a simple, white dress shirt, black dress pants, flats, and a blue apron that says, your name on the left side and 'Julia's cafe' on the other side. 

After, getting dressed you put your hair up into a messy bun. You then headed out the door and too work. 

You arrived to work on time. You unlocked the door and walked in. Again you were the first one there. You put your purse in the back and headed out to start the machines. You started the coffee pot, and the oven to put some bread and muffins in. Once the machines were started, you started to roll the dough, to make the bread. 

You threw flour on the counter and then threw the dough on it. You mixed the flour and dough, when it was soft enough you shaped the dough into a bread shape. You then grabbed a oven tray. You put the bread on the oven tray and put the bread dough on it. Into the oven it went. When you were washing your hands you heard the bell above the door ring. You immediately rushed out and just cleaned your hands on your apron. When you got out there you saw a man. He was clean shaven, way to nice looking to be in this part of town. He had blondish brownish hair out to the side neatly. You could of sworn, you saw him before. Maybe high school? College? When you worked on the farm? You weren't sure but, you were sure you have seen him before.

Before you could get one word out he was gone. He left. You were confused. Did you stink? Did you say something wrong? Maybe it's the flour on your apron? You weren't sure what you did but he left. 

Trying to put that thought out of your mind you went back to work. People came in and out, you served them. Some wanted coffee, some wanted bread, some wanted a to go muffin. You gave them what they needed and they left. Around 10:00am Julia showed up. No one was in the cafe at he moment, so you decided to tell her, your best friend, what happened earlier. 

"Hey Julia!" 

"Hey sweetie!" She called you sweetie because she was 10 years older than you. 

"Something strange happened today!" She has a confused look on her face. 

"What happened Larina?” She asked with a concerned look on her face. 

"Some guy, I think I new before came in and then just left." 

"Wait!" She said. 

"He didn't even order anything?" You shook your head no. 

"Wow and did he do anything else? And where do you know him from?" 

"He didn't say or do anything else. He stood there for a minute then left. And I'm not sure I think he was at my high school or college maybe?" 

"Wow that's weird." 

"Yeah tell me about it!"

After, that conversation, you spent the rest of the day doing the normal schedule. Wait on customers, make more muffins, bread, coffee and when it's late you start the ice cream machine.

At the end of the day you restocked items that needed it and then wrote a grocery list that you needed to buy. 

You went home to your home. You got a shower, then sat down and read for a bit. Outside your window there was someone staring. A man. You jumped and freaked out until you realized it was, the same man you saw earlier. You ran to the door, and looked outside, to see if you could catch him. But, when you opened the door he wasn't there. You were still freaked so you locked your doors and put the blinds down and closed the curtains. Putting the book on the shelf, you headed to bed. 




You woke up to your alarm clock yelling. You got up and did the same thing again. Work! 




After your work day you went to the grocery store. Walking through the aisles, with a cart and the list for the cafe. You got most of the supplies. When you reached the cooking aisle, you saw that man again. He stood there looking and smiling at you. It was as if he was admiring you. 

"Hey!" You said while trying to walk up and catch him. But, by the time you reached the end of the aisle he was gone. You looked both ways trying to see where he went. Nothing you saw nothing. You brushed it off again and continued shopping. 


2 days later:


You haven't seen the guy for 2 days. You were kind of relieved but, also worried. Today was your day off, so you decided to go to the other side of the town and go to the art museum. 




You walked in paid for your ticket and started at the Van Gogh section. After all he was your favorite. While admiring one of the exhibits. You hear someone clear their throat. You ignore it and move on. You stop at the beautiful painting of a couple standing on a dock. They were looking out to sea. It was beautiful. You wondered what I'd be like to have that kind of love. As you sat on the bench behind you looking and wondering, you heard someone sit next to you. Out of the corner of your eye you could see he was wearing a white suit. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" The man said. You nodded without looking over. 

"Yeah yeah it is."

"It's almost as beautiful as you Larina." The man said. It took you a minute before you realized he said your name. You looked over shocked and what you saw was shocking. 

You saw the same man you have seen before. 

"Ho...how...do you know my name?" You stuttered. 

He laughed a little.

"Wow! Larina, I'm offended a little. You don't remember me?" You we're confused. 

"Um...should I?" You said. 

"We were in high school. You came to my parents home to take care of the animals. We hung out all summer." You were almost in tears after that recap. You couldn't believe it. 

You looked at the painting and then, you looked back at him in tears. He smiled with the biggest smile. You hugged him so tightly. When you let go you said one word or name rather. 

"COLE?" He nodded and you both smiled.

April 13, 2020 06:37

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