
As the bell rang indicating the registration period, Bella felt her heart sink to her stomach. This was her third school in three years. Her aunt promised that they'd stay in this town till shes finished her final year of high school, she wasn't holding her breath. Bella started walking slowly towards the school's entrance and waited for her aunt. She watched as the girls all filed into class. She felt out of place, it was hard enough starting a school near the end of the first term but also this was the first time she'd be at an all-girls school.

"Come on Bella, we need to see the principle." Grace, her aunt, snapped walking past her towards the receptionist.

"Good morning, I am Grace Swart. My niece, Bella Swart, is starting here today," she said sweetly.

"Oh yes. Let me buzz Mrs. Kruger." the receptionist replied


Half an hour later Bella walked into her first class, History. As walked in trying to look as confident as she could, not noticing the doorstep, tripped into the class, dropping all her books. An eruption of laughter broke out from all the girls sitting at their desks.

"That is quite enough, young ladies. I assume you're Bella Swart." an elderly lady asked looking down at her as she picked up her books.

"Yes, I am ma'am," Bella mumbled as she took a desk at the front of the class.

"Well, nice to meet you. I am Professor Bell." the lady at the front of the class said.

That first period seemed to never end. Finally, when the bell rang, Bella grabbed her books and rushed out of the class. As she walked out the door she noticed a bathroom and quickly ducked inside then into an open stall. Closing the door behind her she started whimpering. Could this day get any worse? She missed her dad but he was still on his last army tour but promised her he would try his best to be home by her birthday in October. Wiping her eyes she walked out the stall and looked in the mirror. While she was trying to dry her eyes, she heard a toilet flush and another girl walked out. Bella quickly wet her face to hide the tears. The girl walked up to the mirror beside her and smiled sweetly at her. Bella noticed that her eyes were a uniquely green, just like a cat's but also kind.

"Hi, you're Bella right?" the girl said, not looking at her.

"Um, yes I am," Bella answered, wearily.

"Sorry about what happened in class. Some of these girls are so mean." the girl said, turning to her. "I am Jane McCarthy."

Bella just smiled at the girl. Not knowing if she could trust her. Jane dried her hands and stood by the door.

"Clearly you didn't have friends before. But I am honest and trustworthy." Jane said, raising her hand in a scouts honor style. Bella frowned at her, not knowing how to answer that. Hearing the bell indicting five minutes to get to her next class, Bella decided to take the chance.

"Ok, I've got home economics next and have no clue where the kitchen in," Bella said as she looked at her timetable.

Jane gave a little squeal, "I knew we'd get on when I saw you."

Bella looked at her confused as Jane shifted her book bag to her other shoulder.

"I have that class next too," Jane said linking her arm through Bella's. As they walked out of the bathroom Bella thought this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.


Bella was thinking back on the first day she met Jane. Since that day they had been inseparable, spending every moment she could at Jane's house as it was a better environment than at her aunt's small apartment. Jane had been there for Bella when she got the news that her dad had died in combat, then when her aunt decided that she wanted to leave the small town they were in, Jane's parents allowed her to move into the pool house to finish off her final year, they went to the same university and even got digs together. Now she was helping Jane get ready for the wedding day, placing the small white flower in her almost black hair. Bella hadn't noticed a tear roll down her cheek.

"What's wrong?" Jane questioned her "Do you think this a bad idea?"

Bella smiled widely, "of course not. You know I think James is the best thing for you. I was just remembering the first day we met."

"Yes, that was one of the best days of my life." Jane cooed "luckily I followed you into that bathroom."

They were standing hugging each other when Bert, Jane's younger brother opened the door indicating it was time to start. They quickly wiped her eyes and started toward the back of the small chapel.

Jane turned to Bella "I cannot believe this is finally happening also that you were still with me."

Bella smiled "I never told you this before but I am so glad I took that chance on you that first day. I honestly thought you were a phyco."


Bella sat in the coffee shop waiting for Jane. It had been three weeks since she'd seen her best friend. After the wedding, she and Jame had gone on honeymoon for two weeks in Bali. Jane walked in and Bella almost knocked her over with a hug.

"Oh my gosh, I missed you," Bella whispered in Jane's ear. "Also I've got big news."

They sat down at their usual table while the waitress bought their drinks coffee and cake order.

"Bella, we had so much fun on our honeymoon, but first tell me your news," Jane said as she took a sip on her coffee.

Bella just held out her left hand and Jane shrieked, making everyone frown at them.

"Seth finally popped the question," Jane said loudly, almost knocking over their table to hug Bella.

"Yes, he did." Bella sighed, looking at her ring.

Bella felt like her heart would burst with happiness as she watched Jane scratch in her bag for a notebook to start planning her big day.

May 04, 2020 03:47

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This is a very sweet story! I liked how they met. I would’ve loved to know a little more about their ages but very enjoyable read!


04:48 May 12, 2020

Thanks for reading.


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