II'm beginning to forget you.

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends with a character asking a question.... view prompt



As I open my house front door, my eyes picked up an image of a white envelope. Before closing the door, I picked it up. I recognized the handwriting on the envelope. It was Sheila. Three days had passed since I met Sheila. I wondered if she had just come in person or had sent the brown envelope through someone. This was so because the last time we met, I found Derrick, seated on Sheila’s laps, in her sitting room. Nonetheless, I opened the envelope and noticed a postcard.

In part, these were the words written to me: “Dear Harry, I hope you are fine. I know you can’t pick up my calls because you are very upset to find Derrick sitting on my laps that Friday. Save as I always told you, Derrick was my former boyfriend. I'm sorry about what happened. Somehow, I cannot understand this. I'm beginning to forget you…” 

What is this nonsense! I lamented. I threw myself on the sofa. Quickly I realized that I had lost six thousand dollars into water. Sheila had dumped me. She had swindled me with her cunning words.

At GX Restaurant barely two weeks ago, Sheila and I had gone out for dinner. In the morning of this day, she had called to inform me that she was invited to an open day for the Teens wag University. We had an appointment for this day together with the poultryman who was to deliver live chicks at home. We needed to be at home the whole day in preparation for the arrival of the day-old chicks. Sheila was aware of this program. To my surprise, she fills this activity by attending the open day. I reminded her of this but insisted that it was very important for her to attend. I let her.

The day-old chicks were delivered safely and this activity made my day. I prepared a room where I put them with hanging drinkers and feeders. Then I set the heater to warm them. I noticed the chicks running around with vigor, I was happy. Then three hours of power load shading followed. I had to go to the supermarket to buy charcoal and brazier. Then I warmed the room. This activity got my attention that I easily forgot about Sheila and the open day.

Late in the evenings, I received a text from Sheila that she needed to be taken out for dinner. I agreed to her suggestion and we met at GX. This place offers good food and mostly has a live music band. The seating arrangement is a garden pack style. I found Sheila there. She chose to sit right at the corner where there was a dim light. I noticed her and walked to this table. I decided to walk behind her and as I approached, Sheila was busy texting. I didn’t read anything because she sensed movements and behaved as she was using the phone for a torch. “Hi Sheila, You are already here”, “Yes Harry”, I sat next to and the waiter came along. As we chat, Sheila requested money to pay for her tuition fees. She said the open day had enticed her to a new program called website management that was $6000. I said, that expensive as if it is a master program, she said it was competitive and the exams were to be taken from Namibia. That week, we had sold off our family apartment and my share was $8000. I agreed to give Sheila that money since I loved her so much. In fact, my love for her was a jealousy type. I do not know why. We agreed that I deposit that money in her account the following morning at nine. The taxi came to pick us from GX and I was dropped first at home. I requested so because I wanted to check on the small chickens. I found them safe and warm.

In the morning, I made funds transactions and came back home to check on my chicks. After the errand, I made a phone to Sheila so that she confirms if she had received the funds. My calls just went unanswered. Then I received a text to say, “Funds received thanx cal you later.” I tried to imagine what could make Sheila not call but type a message. I was troubled at heart. Anyway, I ignored. Then another text came saying, I am at auntie’s place see you tomorrow. Don’t call because the pastor is praying with us.” This text added more agony to my heart. To make matters worse, the next day Sheila's phone went unanswered the whole day. I pretended to be busy with my chicks but my love for her ignited memories. The day was rough for me. I called repeatedly and left texts after texts. There were no responses.

Guess what! Sheila was rekindling her love with Derrick at GX restaurant. How foolish she decided to take derrick to the same place. They had a good time together with food and beers as usual. They left for the bloom for the whole day.

Then in the evenings, I decided to go to the same place GX for some beers to refresh. I sat alone on the garden chairs and ordered a bottle of eagle beer. Then one of the waiters who were fond of me confronted me and narrated that Sheila was there for a drink with another man. I got mad. I nearly swallowed a bottle of beer as I was drinking, then called for a taxi and drove to her apartment where my naked eyes witnessed a man seated on my love girl Sheila’s laps. I nearly collapsed but composed myself and just requested Sheila to introduce that person to me. She said that was Derrick, the long time friend. We met years back and were having a nice time together. I then said goodbye and left that shocking scenario.

It seems Sheila met Derrick at the open day. He was the interpreter for the university. Sheila and Derrick went to the same primary school and lived in the same neighborhood. In fact, they were in the same class. Derrick was a class monitor and Sheila was a head girl. Their love affairs started when they had gone for a national ball game in Livingstone for two weeks. They championed their opposing teams at the games. For the evening meals, both girls and boys could sit around campfires, sing, and dance. For Derrick and Sheila, this became a sneaking point to flame their affair. They could walk the lawns of the mighty Zambezi River late in the evenings. They never minded points tagged “Beware of Hippos and Crocodiles’” Their love was just beginning and they got blinded that far. When they got back home, Derrick and Sheila got mad with their love affair such that one morning, they were caught kissing in a classroom. They were discharged from their responsibilities as monitor and head girl immediately.

After a while on my sofa, I read the postcard again. “Dear Harry, I hope you are fine. I know you cannot pick up my calls because you are very upset to find Derrick sitting on my laps that Friday. Save as I always told you, Derrick was my former boyfriend. I'm sorry for what happened. Somehow, I cannot understand this. I'm beginning to forget you…” What is this nonsense!

May 18, 2020 14:18

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