Sad Drama

As I swooned and swept down the valley for the first time floating like a transparent pane of glass over the cornfields which glowed like melting gold with houses sticking at the boundaries of it.

 No one really pays any heed when I walk pass them nor they hear my silent whispers that echo’s through the night but I’m the one who gives the incentive to these people to value their own life. I have swept and travelled to different cities and have met people of different kind.I have known some extraordinary stories through my travels but this small town has captured my attention for the time being. Having tasked to take two souls but unlike the others there was something about these two souls and the town which gave me a feeling, unspeakable and unrepresentable in letters or words. The girl had neatly tied red hair with blue eyes, wearing a white dress spotted with red dots; Her body and soul still bearing the innocence of a child still to be infected by the poison apple, She had a special name; Aurora. Like him she too used to like the unforgettable music of laughter which used to play down the fields while they played with sunshine. Unlike her he was as dark as the black night sky, wearing a blue cap along with trousers made up of jeans.He too had a soul spotless as the moon shining in a full moon day with the special name called the Apollo. Both of them loved to play in the fields of melted gold filled with colours streaming down the sunshine. They twirled and played all day. Arora made him chase her all around the field being sometimes hidden. One day Arora and Apollo sat down at the edge of the field and seeing the sun going down for its break asked what was over the other side. The vast expanse of the mountains evoked the sense of curiosity. A red butterfly with beautiful delicate wings spotted with black and white came and sat on Arora’s shoulder, it seemed to come from there somewhere in the canvas of unknown. Apollo stood up and held his hand high up in the sky as If he wanted to touch the sky; He smiled and exclaimed ‘“Well, we’ll go there”. “Are you sure ?”exclaimed Aurora. “why not ?” “We will go there tomorrow when the sun is high up in the sky and the clouds float in the sky, we will be explorers”. Aurora went forward and held his hand . “we will go there , tomorrow”. “Tomorrow !”, Tomorrow!”, they jumped and spun excited by the unusual and unknown. I stood there watching them as they went home holding each other’s hand. Travelling far and wide I felt a Deep sense of unknown, unsure , I went to the muddy streets and sat down beside one the doors as night fell and the soft glowing night sky remerged. I didn’t know what was I supposed to do tasked with a task so riddled that it stifled my lungs. I started to choke when the cold sorrow wind swept passed me, pleading for an answer I floated up into the air to sleep with the dark night clouds. She wore a new dress coloured with bright yellow and her hair tied as usual, she went down the road to call Apollo who still went around his study to get all the things necessary to journal their adventure. They held their hands and walked down the muddy road as I watched them floating above silently as the questions of the future tortured me on the inside. The sun was gleeful the clouds floated with at most enjoyment . The Four limbs walked down the twisty road passing the bright cornfield towards the grass field over the edge into the unknown. The red butterfly again came back to follow them on their journey. Apollo and Aurora walked down with changing scenery. Apollo took out his drawing book sketching with a fast hand, turning lines of graphite to colourful pictures of them travelling the grass. Aurora on the other handed documented everything with the help of his little notebook. They came upon a grey stone and decided to sit for a while, being mesmerised by their curiosity I sat and looked as they played with the little brown squirrel giving him nuts to eat and brushing its furry little tail to a shape of a stream. They soon stood up and started walking. I looked upon Apollo’s drawing as it changed with the landscape. The sun and the grass were blight splotches of green and yellow and the red butterfly delicate as it is. Slowly the scenery changed with the grass growing higher and soon started to see showcase the large flower’s as I watched his drawing unfold. I too lost myself in their travel. But then it happened , it sent a shock the grasses are taller and taller and the trees denser and denser and before I noticed Apollo’s drawing started to show dark leaves and twigs twisted. Being absorbed by his drawing I looked up for the first time to see the real landscape, The butterfly had disappeared and dark long shadow loomed down the path; the sun had come down and became red. The environment had a sort of bearing down feel to it. I knew the time has come but didn’t know how, It slowly went dark , Aurora and Apollo still going in their ways impervious to the shadow creeping to them chasing them. I could see it coming and being unprepared to give up I whispered only to be ignored as I’m nothing but a figment of life. I tried to warn them to not to stop but to keep going ; faster. Aurora stopped so did Apollo, seeing the clouds at their full might and the darkness of a lone tree on earth they sat down on the ground. Apollo said that He would go fetch some water as they drank their last of the reserves. Aurora being tired laid down creating the perfect opportunity for it to strike. Apollo not knowing what to do wandered out in the woods to find water. He saw up but didn’t see his brother up in the sky as he has most of the times, feeling a strange sense of discomfort and wilderness he urged his soul to carry on. At the far he saw a stone well. Aurora waiting for apollo to come felt something crawl upto her, he liked at the sides but didn’t see a soul, she began to be impatient, she walked towards an opening in the forest but returned back to the place she was sleeping undecided wether to wait or go looking for Apollo. She looked back once more; the sky has darkened and has prepared itself for an outburst. As the first drop of rain started falling from the sky she felt a sudden pang in her; a sense of fear reaching out to her trying to grab her by the minute. Feeling discomfort she started walking towards the opening in the forest. The rain slowly turned from a drizzle to a full blown storm with thunders crashing with such horror that it felt it would tear the forest apart. The sound of the thunder and the sudden flash of light hammered down on Aurora’s soul who had given up to the mighty thunder started running away from it. She went as fast as her legs would carry, the storm merciless brought down it’s whole army. She twisted branches and cut the forest ahead of her with mud splashing and squashing under her feet she wanted to go home, she wanted to see Apollo , She closed her eye’s as she ran and then it happened. I slowed down time and broke it into a million pieces to see the last light as Aurora running blind approached the well and pushed Apollo who was pulling up the rope over the edge. I saw his moonlight fading away as he fell into my arms for an eternity of sleep. I saw Aurora as she opened her eyes and saw Apollo dead in the ground. Realising to the horror of what had happened she felt the the emptiness and the moonlight completely floating away into a deep dense ocean, which was impossible to retrieve or recover. She sat down beside the well as I came for her and slowly suffocated her soul. She fell over her shoulder drowned in melancholy, I held her arm and slowly pulled her towards myself in the cold water of the rain. As she completely came onto my arms her body laid motionless. She had drowned in her own guilt and sorrow. As I took the two souls to my home I saw the notebook fluttering its pages, the beautiful yellow dress wet in tears, mud and rain and lastly their face’s peaceful yet traumatised. I went up. I am cursed by myself I am cursed of seeing human beings in their most beautiful form destroyed as they needed to be. I am cursed to see the denial of the horror, the anger towards their actions, The sadness of the present and the acceptance of the outcome.I am cursed by being Death.

May 07, 2021 12:54

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