Creative Nonfiction Suspense Teens & Young Adult

Katie had always been a bit of an oddball. She was an introverted teenager, who spend most of her time reading or sketching in her notebook. She wasn't popular, and for the most part, she liked it that way. But when a rumor starts to spread about her, it seems like her quiet life is about to be upended. Was she ready for a crazy change?

It starts with a rumor that she's a witch, that her doodles hold mysterious powers, that she casts spells on the people around her. It seems absurd, she knew that. But it was hard to look away as people started avoiding her like she was a plague. Even her best friend barely spoke to her. She was used to being isolated, but it was hard to bear when she knew that she was being avoided because of something as ridiculous as a witch rumor.

She tried to ignore it, to blend in and keep her head low. But it was hard when people were watching her every move. She found herself scanning the faces of her classmates as she moved through the halls, looking for any sign of suspicion or fear. And it was getting worse. She could practically feel the rumor mill churning around her.

or is it.

Katie tried to ignore the rumors, hoping they would fade away. But they just kept growing. By the end of the week, there were whispers of strange sightings in the town. People were saying that the trees were moving, that there were mysterious symbols appearing on buildings at night.

It was around that time that Katie noticed that she was being watched. A group of kids from school had started following her around, keeping their distance but never letting her out of their sight. She tried to confront them, but they just turned and walked away. The feeling of isolation was almost palpable.

And then, something strange happened. The night after Katie had been followed by the group of kids, her house was broken into. They had taken her sketchbook, the one where she had doodled all of her strange drawings. Panic set in as she realized that all of the rumors could be traced back to those pages. They had been taken, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.

It was a gut feeling.

The weeks continued to pass, with the rumors getting more and more intense. Katie started to feel as if she was living in a world that was entirely different from the one she knew. It was as if the town had turned against her, as if it was no longer a place where she was welcome. It was getting hard to bear.

One day, as she was walking home from school, a group of kids blocked her path. They were older, and big. She felt a stab of fear as they surrounded her.

"So, little witch," one of them said, "we hear you've been spying on us. Watching us from afar."

Katie tried to back away, but there was nowhere to go.

"We don't take too kindly to that," the second one said. "Especially not after what you've been doing."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Katie said, trying to keep the fear out of her voice.

"Heard that one before," the third kid muttered. "Think it's about time we showed you what happens to people who don't know how to keep their noses out of other people's business."

That was when it happened. The group of kids descended on her, pinning her to the ground. Pain shot through her as one of them kicked her in the stomach. And then, in the middle of it all, the rumors suddenly stopped.

What a coincidence.

It took a while for Katie to come to. She was in the hospital, her parents sitting beside her. They looked worried, but relieved.

"You're going to be okay," her mother said, tears streaking down her face.

"What happened?" Katie asked, dazed.

Her father cleared his throat. "We don't know all the details yet, but it looks like someone finally put a stop to this ridiculous rumor."

Katie looked at them, confused. "What do you mean?"

"We don't know all the details," her mother said. "But from what I've heard, a group of kids were arrested for breaking into your house and stealing your sketchbook. They turned out to be the source of the rumors."

Katie couldn't believe it. It was over. Finally over. The relief was almost painful. But even as she lay there in the hospital bed, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

She felt something else would occur.

It wasn't until she was released from the hospital that she figured out what was bothering her. It was a whispered conversation that she overheard in the school courtyard.

"They were offered a deal," one of the kids was saying. "If they could convince the town that there was a witch roaming around, the charges would be dropped. It was all some kind of prank."

Katie felt the blood drain from her face. It was a prank all along? She did not want to admit but she had a history of pranking others in the past. It was sort of like a vice for her. When she saw the loo on people's faces, it gave her a high that no one could explain. They had reduced her life to a joke, twisted and manipulated everything until it was unrecognizable. She had almost died because of it.

It was a week before Katie went back to school, and even then, it was hard. The whispers didn't stop, the stares didn't stop. What did stop was her care about what anyone else thought. It no longer mattered what people said about her, what rumors they chose to believe. Katie had survived the worst, and she knew what was true. It wasn't the rumors that made her a target. It was the cruelty of others.

June 07, 2024 20:49

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Kyla Tavares
19:24 Jun 17, 2024

This story was really well written! I loved the dialogue!


Joi White
20:02 Jun 20, 2024

Thank you so much!!!


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