African American Fiction Holiday

Since Fatima was a little girl, she wanted to be a doctor. So when she received a full-ride scholarship to one of the most prestigious medical colleges in the country, it was no surprise to her family, especially her favorite Aunt Helen.

"You can do anything you want, as long as it's in your heart, and you put God first." Fatima's Aunt Helen would say.

It was Thanksgiving week and Fatima was looking forward to going home to visit with family and friends, but she especially, could not wait to see her Aunt Helen.

Fatima loved making holiday memories with her family. Her Uncle Charles taught her how to make the best peach pie ever. Her big brother Amos, taught her how to play spades. Her Cousin Carol showed her how to wrap oddly shaped gifts for the smaller children. But the most activity, Fatima looked forward to, was assisting her Aunt Helen, in making her special Pumpkin Spice Bread.

Although Fatima was not a big fan of pumpkin anything, she loved the way her Aunt Helen took pride in making her famous Pumpkin Spice Bread for the family during the holidays.

Fatima could not wait to be picked up from the airport and to see her mom and her Aunt Helen. But this time, it would just be her mom and dad.

"Pumpkin, how was your flight?" asked Dad

"It was great! I'm glad to be home" said Fatima

"How is school going? We haven't talked in a while?" asked Mom

"School is going good." "I got a B-plus in one class and all A's in my other classes.

"I can't wait to graduate and get back home to start my own private practice." Continued Fatima.

"Pumpkin, we have something to tell you, and we didn't think it was appropriate to you over the phone." "Your Aunt Helen, was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago," said Mom.

"Your Aunt Helen didn't want us to tell you, because she knew you would be worried about her well-being, instead of your schoolwork," said Dad

Fatima didn't know exactly how to feel about the news of her favorite Aunt Helen being sick. She had so many questions and concerns, but the hole in the pit of her stomach forced her to simply be quiet.

"Fatima, you know your Aunt Helen, is a tough cookie." "She will be here longer than all of us!" said Dad in an attempt to break the silence and comfort Fatima.

Fatima was glad to be home and in her old room, which was filled with all of her accomplishments and awards, pictures and poems, and endless blue and red ribbons for sports and other activities.

While Farima, was unpacking, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," said Fatima

"Hey, Fatima." "I'm glad you made it home safe!" I've been waiting for you all day!" "I've missed you, baby cousin," said Fatima's cousin Portia.

"I've missed you too Portia. How are things on the new job? asked Fatima.

"Things are going great! I was just promoted to supervisor," said Portia

"Congratulations!, that's a big deal," said Fatima

"I even have a new guy friend. His cousin just moved here from Memphis.

"I told my guy, that my cousin and his cousin, should be friends. I was hoping we could all go on a double date? asked Portia

"Portia, you know I do not like blind dates, but since it has been a while since we have hung out, I'll go this time." said, Fatima

"But first, I would like to go and see my Aunt Helen," said Fatima

"Okay, that's fine, she has been asking for her precious Pumpkin all day," said Portia.

Fatima didn't want her Aunt Helen to know, that she knew, that she had cancer. She wanted to be the same, happy Pumpkin that her Aunt Helen, knew and loved.

Fatima decided to say a quick prayer to the Lord to ask for strength and understanding.

" Dear Lord, this is Fatima. Thank you for allowing me and my family to wake up this morning. Thank you for giving me the brain to pass my final exam, I got a B plus."

"I know you are busy with lots of other important prayers to answer, but this is kind of important."

"My Aunt Helen is not feeling well, and although I know she is a tough cookie, I know she needs your grace."

"If you can please bless my Aunt Helen and her mental, physical, and spiritual health, and please give her long enough to see me graduate and become a doctor, so I

can take care of her and the rest of my family. Amen."

said, Fatima

Fatima knocked on the room door that her Aunt Helen always occupied when she came to visit for the holidays. But she got no answer. So this time, she called out her name. "Aunt Helen, it is me your Pumpkin," said Fatima. She still got no response.

Fatima went from room to room, searching for her Aunt Helen. She even went to the game room, thinking she would be playing a hand of gin rummy with her dad. But still, no luck. Fatima was baffled.

"Where could she be? She should be resting!" said Fatima to herself.

Fatima went to the one place she felt, she should not have been, the kitchen.

Fatima went downstairs and instantly, followed the aroma of pumpkin, coming from the kitchen.

"Hello Pumpkin!" I'm so glad to see you." "How is school?" asked Aunt Helen.

"School is good Aunt Helen."

"Shouldn't you be resting?" We have lots of family coming tomorrow." "You know how they can be lots to handle?" said Fatima

"I will rest when I rest child."

"Now bring me four eggs from the fridge," said Aunt Helen

Fatima always loved talking with her Aunt Helen. She would tell her stories about when she was a child, and when times were simpler than they are now.

"Have I ever told you the story about the recipe for making Pumpkin Spice Bread?" asked Aunt Helen

"No ma'am. you haven't," said Fatima

"It was me and your uncle Phil's first Thanksgiving as man and wife."

"His sister Phyliss, could not stand me." "I can't remember why, but she just didn't like me."

"She made all of the desserts for the family during the holidays, like cakes, pies, and cookies."

"Phil would brag and say: "My sister Phyliss makes the best desserts ever."

"He said that?" asked Fatima

"Yes, child!"

"I was not about to let her show me out, in front of my new husband."

"So I made Pumpkin Spice Bread, from scratch!" said Aunt Helen

"Did Uncle Phil like the Pumpkin Spice Bread? asked Fatima.

"He sure did!" "In fact, he loved it!". "He loved it so much, that he crowned me the best dessert maker in the world!" said Aunt Helen.

"Every year after that, his mean sister would try to duplicate my recipe."

"I told her, that it had a secret ingredient", that only me and my mom knew," said Aunt Helen

"Aunt Helen, what's the secret ingredient?" asked Fatima.

"When you get married, and begin to have children of your own, and you cook your first Thanksgiving dinner, then I'll tell you the secret ingredient. said Aunt Helen.

It was the morning of Thanksgiving. Family from all over was arriving at the house by the bus loads.

"Fatima, please go and check on your Aunt Helen." I'm sure she will need some help, getting dressed this morning." said Mom

'Yes ma'am." "I'll go check on her right now," said Fatima

Fatima knocked on her Aunt Helens' door and got no response. The second knock was followed by Fatima opening the door and calling out to her Aunt Helen. Fatima saw her Aunt Helen, still lying in bed. Fatima walked over to her Aunt Helen, to find her sweaty and with a faint pulse.

Fatima and the majority of the family were all gathered at the hospital, praying that their Aunt Helen, would be okay, and be able to come home for Thanksgiving.

"Aunt Helen, how are you feeling?" asked Fatima

"Your Aunt Helen is not feeling too well Pumpkin." "I have been diagnosed with cancer." "I don't have that much time left on this earth." "I didn't want to tell you when I found out because I wanted you to focus on becoming the best doctor in the world," said Aunt Helen

"I need you to do me a few favors before I go home," said Aunt Helen.

"Aunt Helen, I will do anything for you," replied Fatima

"First, make sure you always put God in front of everything you do."

"Make sure you finish school and make sure you get a husband and have lots of babies and name your first daughter after me," said Aunt Helen.

"I promise you that Aunt Helen." " But I'm sure you will be here to see me do all of those things," said Fatima

Fatima decided to stay at the hospital with her Aunt Helen. She wanted to be by her side when she woke up.

"Pumpkin, what are you still doing here?" You should be at home with the rest of the family, having dinner." "Didn't Portia set you up with a guy from Memphis? asked Aunt Helen

"Yes ma'am, but I really don't like blind dates, and besides, I'd rather be here with you, to make sure, the doctors are doing their job correctly. said, Fatima

" Pumpkin, I'll be home in a few days." "I'm just a little bit tired," said Aunt Helen.

"It's okay Aunt Helen. I understand" " Besides, Thanksgiving is not the same without you there."

"You know my Dad and Uncle John will be fighting over the last turkey leg,"

"You know Stephanie and all her kids don't have any home training." "Who is going to keep them in line?" asked Fatima

"You are stubborn, just like your Aunt Helen," said Aunt Helen

"At least I got it honest!." said Fatima

It would be the beginning of the year when Aunt Helen went home to God.

"Fatima. Your Aunt Helen left you a letter." "She made us promise not to give it to you, until this day," said Mom.

"Dear Pumpkin. If you are reading this, I have gone home. Don't dare be sad for me. I am in a better place now. I will always live in your heart. I will always be your guardian angel. You are a very special person. Never let anyone tell you differently. You are going to be a fabulous doctor. I can't wait to see you in action. Remember those few favors I asked of you? Don't forget them. Next year, at Thanksgiving, you keep Stephanie and her bad kids in line.

I left the recipe to Pumpkin Spice Bread. I know you only ate the Pumpkin Spice Bread because you love me, but I know you don't like anything Pumpkin.

To tell you the truth, your Uncle Phil, really, didn't like my Pumpkin Spice Bread. In fact, he didn't even like anything pumpkin at all.

The reason why he loved it so much, is because it was made with love. That is the secret ingredient. Love

I love you Pumpkin, love Aunt Helen

The moral of this story is to always Put God first and LOVE IS KEY

December 10, 2023 04:21

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RebaAnne Buckner
05:26 Jan 17, 2024

Enjoyed reading your story. Reminds me of my own mother who once got a recipe from me for a crawfish pie that I got from a co-worker who was also a caterer. Her crawfish pie was better than mine and even that of the caterer. When I asked her what she added to the caterer's recipe, she also said her secret ingredient was the "love". That was about 25 years ago, and she has since passed on, and try as I might to replicate her crawfish pie, I never could. So maybe she was right, her love made all the difference. Thanks for a great story...


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Ebhoni Sanders
20:07 Dec 19, 2023

Anytime love is in the mix, you can't go wrong. I hope you enjoyed my story, as all of my stories and characters are made with and from love . Thank you in advance for your support E.L. Sanders


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