Romance Suspense


Of course, tonight was the night some criminals started to chase me. All I was trying to do was get some footage of a robbery in progress. I worked for the true crime area of PNC (Paris News Company) and wanted to be able to show my skills to the new boss starting tomorrow. As I am still running away, it starts to drizzle. With the criminals behind me, I try to run as fast as possible. I struggle to keep running. Luckily, I see a man standing, waiting to cross the street. He has an umbrella and other men who are his friends standing near him.  

As I kept getting closer to him, he looked my way, and I saw a man with black hair and a fancy coat. Then I decided that it would change my life forever. I ran up to him and started acting like I was his girlfriend. "Hey… long time no see!" I say as I chuckle nervously. Then I look at the criminals who are still trying to get me and look back at him and whisper in his ear, "Hey I'm in quite a situation, could you help me?" He nods his head and looks at the other men who stand beside him. He then looks at the people chasing me and looks back at them. They get the message as well and surround us. The man I ran up to then whispered, “Play along, okay?” I nod my head then he winks at me and kisses me on the lips. The few seconds that he kissed me were a blur. I could hear people running away, but other than that, I couldn’t even process half of the things happening.  

Turns out the men surrounding us are his friends, and they scared off the criminals. We then pulled away from each other, and I smiled nervously. He was about to say something, but I realized everything was being recorded on my camera. 

"Shoot," I say as I try to turn off my camera. "Sorry about that. I was trying to get footage for work." 

"No problem, I was just on my way home. You're lucky I was standing here. You could've gotten hurt badly." 

"Yeah, I—" I suddenly got cut off when my phone rang. It was my mom. 


"WHY HAVEN'T YOU BEEN ANSWERING MY CALLS?!?!? I was so worried about you!!! I thought something happened!!! I almost called the police. Come home this instant!!!" 

"Mom, I have work tomorrow. I can't go to your place tonight. I'll come tomorrow. I promise." 

And just like that, she hung up the phone. 

"Well, I guess I should get going now. Bye!!! Oh, and thanks for helping me tonight!!!!" 

"Can I at least get your name?" he said in a rush trying to get my attention 

Then I walk quickly to get to my car, get in, and start driving back to my apartment. As I pull up to my parking spot, the rain starts to let up and gives me enough time to get into my apartment before it rains again. I ran into my apartment, locked the door, and laid my camera and purse gently on my bed. What a night, I think to myself. Today was the weirdest day of my life. First, Diana was acting weird all day. She wasn’t her normal self today. And now this?! I just can’t wait for a normal day tomorrow. 


 She left just like that. That was wild. I think back on her as I walk through the damp streets. Her hair gleamed in the moonlight, and her body was full of curves. The way her teeth gleamed whenever she looked at me. Well… I don't normally say this, but she sure was pretty. I need to find out what her name is. 

I gaze at where her car drove off and smile. While my friends dropped me off at my house, I kept thinking about that girl. I should've talked to her more, or at least asked for her name. I go home disappointed, hoping that I see her again another day. As I lay down in my bed, I scrolled through TikTok and I started to fall asleep, until I saw a post from the girl I met today. The post read: 

"Just got back from a long day at work!!! I can't wait to sleep!!!" 

Then there was a picture of her smiling in her mirror. I looked at the picture, I saw her gleaming skin and her shiny hair. Only when I looked at her closely did I realize how pretty she was. I then clicked on her profile. There, I only saw about 9-10 other posts because most posts had been removed. I followed her account, then turned my phone off. Then I fell into a deep sleep. 


At six-thirty in the morning, I drag myself out of bed, not wanting to get up for work. I decided to drive to work instead of walking, since I live so close to my work, I rarely drive. Gotta keeps in shape somehow. I also decided to stop at the doughnut shop, but this was only for my friends, not me. I want to go on a diet and be healthier. While I am not fat, I still feel that I never eat healthy enough. On my way to the doughnut shop, I stop at my favorite coffee shop, Dutch Bros, to spoil myself with a nice hot coffee on this chilly winter day. 

I finished getting ready and got into my car. I started driving and arrived at Dutch Bros. I ordered my favorite drink, a hot Mocha, and waited for them to make it. 

"A hot Mocha for Juliette!!" 

One of the workers calls. 

"Thank you!!! Have a wonderful day!!" 

I then got into my car and drove to the doughnut shop. I walk into the shop, and the owner, Al, greets me. 

"Morning Juliette!!! The usual dozen chocolate and dozen glazed?" 

"Yes, please! Thank you!" 

I responded. Just then, I hear the door open, and a person walks up behind me. 

"Hello, sir, just a moment, please!" 

Al says enthusiastically. 

The man behind me suddenly says something to me, 

I turn around and face the person behind me, only to realize who the man is. 

"Oh my gosh, hi!" 

"Oh hi! It's a surprise to see you here. I thought I'd never see you again." 

"It is quite a surprise! May I know your name?" I ask. 

"Of course, my name is George. What is yours?" 

"Juliette, my name is Juliette." 

Then I realize that Al has been standing here watching me and George converse the whole time. 

"Oh, um, sorry, Al, thank you for the doughnuts. Here is your twenty-five dollars." 

Al accepts the money, but before he can put it away, George says something, 

"Wait, give her back her money. I can pay for it! I need to do something nice for a person I might not see again." 

He smiles at me as he gives Al his order and pays for my doughnuts. He hands me my money back and says, 

"Here you go, take care." 

"Thank you, George!! You know you don't have to do this, right?" 

He replies with, 

"I don't mind. I mean, when am I going to see you again, right?" 

"Right, well, thank you!! Maybe one day we'll see each other again!" 

I say as I start to head out the door. We wave goodbye to each other as I walk off to my car. I got into my car and started driving to my office. 


I watch Juliette Walk away, feeling empty, as if there is a large gaping hole in my heart. 

"You know, Juliette is a nice girl. She deserves someone who will care for her. She's still single. Next time you see her, you could make a move. I saw the look in your eyes as she walked off. You like her." 

Al says to me. 

"Yeah, I do like her. But I feel like it'd be awkward if I asked her out. We only met last night. And the only reason that we met was because she was in danger. Anyway, thank you for the advice. I must get to work. I'm starting a new job today. Thanks for the doughnuts!"  

I say as I walk out of the shop. Maybe I should've asked for her number. But I feel like that would be creepy. I don't want her to think that I am weird. I got into my truck and turned on the radio. Then my favorite song by AC/DC comes on. The song is called "Back in Black." As I drive to work, the only thing I can think of is her. The way she walks, the way she talks, she's just… perfect. As I am driving to work, I see her car. She's stuck in traffic like I'm about to be. I pull up next to her and almost roll down my window, but I stop myself. The light turns green, and I see the new building I will be working in. The logo: PNC for Paris News Company, is my new job. I will be the new boss. I see Juliette drive towards the same building as me. She parks in the parking lot. As I see her start to walk inside, I call out. 


As I walk towards the entrance of the PNC building, I hear a voice call out to me. Turning around, I see the man from the doughnut shop - George - approaching me. 

"Juliette! Wait up!" he says, jogging to catch up. 

"Oh, George! What a surprise to see you here," I reply, a bit taken aback but also intrigued. 

I just started a new job here today. As the new boss, he says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 

"The new boss? At PNC?" I ask, my eyes widening in surprise. "That's…quite a coincidence. I work here as well, in the true crime department." 

George's face lights up. "That's amazing! I'd love to learn more about your work. Maybe we could grab coffee sometime?" he asks hopefully. 

I can't help but smile at his eagerness. "I'd like that, George. Here, let me give you, my number." I pulled out my phone and we quickly exchanged contact information. 

"Great, I'll be sure to text you," George says, beaming. "Shall we head inside together?" 

"Absolutely," I reply, feeling a flutter of excitement as we walk side-by-side into the building. Perhaps this chance encounter has the potential to blossom into something more. 


As Juliette and I enter the PNC building together, I can't help but feel a sense of elation. This woman has captivated me since our first meeting, and now fate has brought us together again - this time, as colleagues. 

November 13, 2024 03:57

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Brynn Helena
04:30 Nov 25, 2024

hi addisyn! i really enjoyed your story, and while i don't usually comment, i saw that you're in 7th grade and just had to! i started to get really into writing at around that time too, and your work has all the makings of someone who is set to do great things. keep writing :)


Addisyn G.
19:40 Nov 25, 2024

Thank you!


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Alexis Araneta
15:43 Nov 23, 2024

For someone in Year 7, this is impressive ! Splendid work !


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Thomas Wetzel
02:33 Nov 23, 2024

If you are really in 7th grade this is incredibly impressive. Nice work! If you like crime stories, check out mine titled "F#ck Off, Cat" or "Aint No Fun When The Rabbit Got The Gun" or "One Hot Corner". Hopefully you enjoy the read. (I probably shouldn't be suggesting any of these to a 7th grader but fuck it. We'll just keep this on the down-low between me and you.) Keep writing. You're awesome!


Addisyn G.
14:21 Nov 24, 2024

Thank you! I have read "F#ck Off Cat" and "Aint No Fun When The Rabbit Got The Gun" And they are both very interesting stories!! Thank you for the read.


Thomas Wetzel
01:35 Nov 25, 2024

Thanks, Addisyn. I kinda feel bad for contributing to the delinquency of a minor but you're gonna learn all this stuff soon enough anyway. Knock 'em out, Kid! Just keep on being you. Know thyself.


Addisyn G.
03:17 Nov 25, 2024

Thank you. And, don't feel bad, I've read way worse.


Thomas Wetzel
04:10 Nov 25, 2024

Cool. Appreciate you. You'll probably face some challenges as you grow up. Everyone does. But whenever the world whispers in your ear "You cannot handle the storm", you just shake your head and point at your chest and whisper back "I am the fucking storm!" You got this, kid. Enjoy your youth. Seriously. Get into some trouble. Have some fun. You only live once. Fuck all the rules. Be you. Just don't hurt anyone else who doesn't deserve it.


Addisyn G.
04:22 Nov 25, 2024

Thank you!


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Martin Ross
07:33 Nov 25, 2024

Welcome to Reedsy! Very nicely done — believable characters, and the romance is handled skilfully. Look forward to your next work. Have fun here — I do!


Addisyn G.
19:41 Nov 25, 2024

Thank you!! I look forward to publishing more works in the future!!


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Addisyn G.
02:39 Nov 24, 2024

Thank you so much!!


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Addisyn G.
20:55 Nov 22, 2024

Thank you so much! This is the first story I have published to this website, I hope to publish many more in the future.


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Mary Bendickson
23:21 Nov 21, 2024

Nice story for someone in seventh grade. I have a granddaughter in 7th grade who likes to write and plays a violin. Thanks for liking BS&T. And 'Clase Encounters of the Man Kind'


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Addisyn G.
01:49 Nov 20, 2024

Sorry guys, I didn't realize this was supposed to be non-fiction. 😭


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