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Mike's POV

"Oh, I'm sorry", I said as I bend down to pick up the pile of documents and files that lay in the ground. I looked at the person opposite of me, scrambling to get the documents in a stack. I noticed he looked like a new worker in the office. His face was slightly red and had black rimmed glasses. A distinct perfume smell was coming from him.

He muttered a quick "sorry" and rushed towards the door. Strange, I thought.

"Hey guys, did you notice the IT department has a new guy?” Remi asked, her eyes twinkling.

"Stop crushing on every new guys Remi", Orson stated.

"Sucks that you are not into guys", Remi shot back, sticking out her tongue.

"Yeah, I crashed with him on the way here.” I said. "He seems fine"

"Fine?! He looks amazing. I heard he is good at his work too. All the girls seem to be talking about him."

"Stop fantasizing Remi"

"Oh shut up Or. A girl can dream."(Or is the short for Orson)

"Let's finish this and have a drink today. I have invited others too.” I said.

"I think I'll pass.", Or said.

"Oh come on. It'll be fun.” Remi said.

"Your definition of fun and mine are different."

"Please. Just this time", I said.

"You guys always say that."

"Please. You can go back home early if you want"

"Fine but only this time.” Remi finally agreed.

(At the restaurant)

"Cheers" Clinking of glasses is heard.

"I swear this is one of the best places to drink.” Matt said.

“Yeah dude", Corey replied.

"The workload has been increased so much these days.” Jamie said.

"Yeah, we need more people to recruit", Deffanie said.

"Guys, guys", a loud voice belonging to indigo was heard. "This is Alder. He is new and works in IT department."

All eyes were on him and he instantly turned a bit red. He looked at us with slightly wide eyes and smiled.

We said our introductions and started chatting with him.

"Are you an Asian?” Corey asked.

"Yes, actually I am half Chinese."

"Do you like the office so far?” I asked.

Alder stared at me and blinked for a second. He cleared his throat and said, "It’s a nice working place."

"What do you like doing during free time?"

"I like playing computer games."

"We should totally do that. I like it too." I asked him a bunch of questions until Or intervened.

"Let's go grab more drink.", Or said. I nodded and we went to the counter.

"Will you stop scaring that kid.", Or scolded.

"What? I'm just trying to feel him welcomed."

"You are overdoing it. You are making him nervous by asking too many questions"

"Fine, I'll stop it." I admit I can go overboard sometimes.

We had a blast that night. We even ended up dancing and singing. By the time we decided to go home, we were pretty drunk. At least I was.

Remi, Or and I booked a cab. We were saying our goodbyes to others when Indigo came to us.

"Hey, uh, is it okay if we come with you guys? My brother was supposed to pick us Alder and I but he couldn't make it.", she explained.

We agreed. So, Or sat in the front while the rest four of us sat at the back, a bit squeezed. I was between Alder and the cab door. While Remi and Indigo were talking, I noticed Alder becoming red. I didn't know if it was because the cab was hot or he drank too much.

"Hey, why are you becoming so red?” I asked and raised my hand to touch his forehead. "Are you sick?"

He instantly ducked his head. "I-It's hot here"

I rolled the windows down and instantly felt the cold wind rush at my cheeks.

"So, where do you live?” I asked. Sue me for my inability to keep my mouth shut for a long time.

"Merlin road"

"That's far" Alder shrugged.

"I have been trying to convince him to find a room", Indigo butted.

"I can't leave my aunt alone", Alder defended.

"She also has her sons.” Indigo shot back.

"You can live with us", Or offered.

"Who are we?” Indigo asked.

"Or and I", I replied. Indigo narrowed her eyes.

"Are you guys dating?” she asked.

"No!" Or cried. "I'm straight"

I laughed. "No Indigo. We just move in a house to save the cost of the rent."

"Oh" There was a silence for a few moments. "I think it is a good idea. It would be a lot easier if you move with them."

"I don't know. I'll have to think", Alder hesitated.

"Take your time", I said. "By the way, there is a new ice cream shop opened around the corner... "

"No. We are not going there now", Or stated firmly, cutting me.


"No" We continued arguing back and forth until we reached our places.

(Few days later)

"Mike, Alder agreed to move in with you guys. Is it okay if he moves in today?” Indigo asked.

"Yeah, sure. No problem."

"Alright. See you in the evening."

Later that evening, Remi, Or, Indigo and I helped Alder move his stuffs and arrange them. After sometime, everyone left except for Alder, Or and I.

"I am going to bed.", Or announced.

"What about dinner?” I asked.

Or waved off and headed towards his room.

“I’ll cook today”, I said.

“I can help”, Alder offered.

“Nah, it’s fine. You can go and familiarize with the rooms”, I said.

I finally finished cooking and called Alder. He did not respond. I went to call him from his room. I saw that he was holding a drawing paper. I couldn’t see what was drawn. Beside him, a flower key ring was laid. I looked at the key ring and felt oddly familiar. Alder turned back and swiftly rolled the paper.

“Hey”, he said.

“Dinner’s ready. I came to call you.”

“Okay” We went to the kitchen and started eating.

“What was on the paper?” I asked, trying to a start a conversation.

“No one”

“Where did you get that key ring from?”

“Someone who was close to me gave it” I frowned.

“Have we met before?”

He didn’t respond, just continued eating. I found it weird but didn’t comment. I got up to wash the dishes after I finished eating.

“I’ll do it”, Alder offered.

“It’s fine, I’ll manage. It’s your first day here.” I continued washing the dishes. In the middle, an apron was tied to my waist. I was taken aback and stood straight. His fingers touched my waist, giving me goose bumps. Then, his hands trailed upwards and tied the laces in my neck. The tingling sensations in my neck heightened. I knew this touch. I kept the plate in the sink and turned around. I gazed into his brown eyes.

“Bud”, I whispered. He smiled. We had tears in our eyes. Few seconds passed and we were still staring at each other with big smiles on our faces. I broke the eye contact and hugged me.

“I am so sorry I didn’t recognize you”, I said. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

He shrugged and sat on the counter. I let out a small laugh.

“Your habit for sitting on counter top hasn’t gone?” I asked amused.

“Nope”, he gave a dazzling smile.

I finished the dishes and went where he sat. I lightly traced his face with my fingers. He closed his eyes and took a sharp breath.

“Do you miss me?” I asked.

“I couldn’t forget you.” he replied. I took his hand and covered it with mine.

“I missed you too.” I leaned for a kiss.


I paused and looked at him.

“I think it’s too early.”

“But we have already waited for 9 years already.” I reminded.

He shook his head. “I think we shouldn’t rush.

Unwillingly, I nodded but kissed him on the forehead.

(Next day)

“Dude, wake up. We are going to be late.” I woke up with Or screaming at me. I looked at the time and instantly panicked. I was late. I rushed to the kitchen and grabbed the breakfast.

“Where is Bu-Alder?” I asked.

“I woke him up. He should have been here”

“I’ll call him again”, I said and headed towards his room.

As I entered his room I saw he was fast asleep. I gazed at him for a few seconds thinking how handsome he looked until I remembered what I was here for.

“Bud, wake up”, I said, softly shaking him. He stirred.

“Come on. We are going to be late.” He woke up and rushed to the bathroom.

I smiled softly and turned towards the door. My eyes caught a folded paper. Curious, I unfolded the paper and saw a portrait of mine. It’s actually pretty good, I thought.

(After a few days)

I was getting ready to go home after finishing my office work when I felt Remi squint her eyes and looked at me.

“What?” I asked.

“You seem close to that IT guy”, she said,

“He is my roommate and my friend.”

“Or is also your roommate and your friend. He doesn’t look like ‘just a friend’.

“And how do can you say that?”

“Women intuition” I shrugged off.

“I expected you to come clean yourself.”, Or spoke. I raised a brow.

“I came in the kitchen to drink some water that night. I saw quiet an interesting sight.”

Dammit. At the exact moment Bud came in. Double dammit.

He saw us and gave a polite smile. He made his way to Denise.

“Wait a minute”, Remi called, She stepped in and brought Bud at us.

“We were discussing about Mike and you. Is there something going on between you guys?” This was Remi, blunt as usual.

Bud turned red and looked at me.

“There isn’t anything to discuss”, I said.

“Mind explaining what happened in the kitchen?”, Or butted in. Bud looked confused.

“He meant the first day you moved in”. I offered. “He saw us”

“I think it’s fine to tell them.” he spoke, softly.

“I did want to tell you guys but Bud wanted to keep this a secret. We are exes, more specifically high school sweethearts.”

“But aren’t exes supposed to be rude and unreasonable?” Remi asked.

“You watch too much TV”, Or stated.

“Anyways, we started dating in grade 9 for a year until Bud’s parents found out. They didn’t allow same sex dating. So, we decided to mutually break up for some time. Shortly after that, his parents moved out. They changed their contacts too and social medias weren’t much used at that time. Hence, I lost all the contacts with him.” I said.

“I don’t understand how people can be so homophobic”, Or muttered.

“Yeah, live and let live”, Remi added.

“The past is past”, I said.

“It’s seems quiet unbelievable though.” Bud said.

I looked at him and smile.

“You better believe it now”, I whispered and kissed him on the lips.

I could hear Or and Remi hooting and felt few people staring at us. I could feel Bud was heating up and the reason of him coming here was long forgotten.

August 14, 2020 13:10

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12:03 Aug 20, 2020

It was a really cute story. For your next story try not to depend too much on dialogue. I really enjoyed the narrated parts of your story. Good job!


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