Angel of Arvada

Submitted into Contest #23 in response to: Write a short story that takes place in a winter cabin.... view prompt




Chapter 1                   Avalanche

Huddled inside their warm, cozy cabin in the foothills of Arvada, Colorado, Amanda Cook and her five-year-old son Ethan clung to each other as the avalanche sent snow down the mountain. Amanda tried to reassure Ethan, and herself, that the provisions she bought the day before would be enough to sustain them for a few months if they got trapped in by the snow. The recent death of her husband due to a work accident had left her feeling lonely and overwhelmed, but she hoped her faith in God and talent with words would see them through…if her drinking didn’t kill her in the meantime.

Just a few months have gone by without her soulmate Anthony, he was killed when the Caterpillar tractor he was driving rolled over a steep embankment, killing him instantly. Everything changed in their lives that day. Although she is resourceful, Amanda wondered how in the world would she go on without him? She made the decision early on not to let her insecurities win. She would get through this somehow.

As the snow flies and the rocks tumble on and around the cabin, Amanda tries not to freak out, she must stay strong for Ethan and remembers all the instructions Anthony drilled into her for emergency situations. She says a quiet prayer inside her head that God will not let any harm come to them and they will be taken care of if they get trapped inside for long.

Right now, though, she needed to get herself and Ethan to the center of the house, away from the windows lest they implode from the force of the snow pounding down the mountain. She located their emergency kit with all their important papers and medicine, a flashlight and portable radio, and they went into the walk-in pantry to ride out the avalanche. She always kept spare blankets and sleeping rolls in there, just in case this type of emergency happened. Luckily, she had paid attention when Anthony instructed her on the basics. She was more than appreciative that Anthony had built this walk-in pantry, now it would serve as a panic room of sorts. Lining the walls were shelves filled with canned and dry goods, yet there was plenty of room to stretch out on the floor if necessary.

What Anthony could not have known was that his life would be cut down in it’s prime, that God would decide it was his time at only twenty-eight years old, he would never have left them to fend for themselves like this. Amanda was so angry, at the job, at Anthony, even at God right now. Why, why did this have to happen?  She had been working hard to figure things out, even little Ethan helped with what he could. Now inside the pantry, she tried to calm him the best she could, offering him a snack and his favorite teddy bear while she fretted over what to do next. She turned the radio to the local station and waited for updated conditions now that the snow appeared to have stopped. Ethan asked her if they were going to die, she stroked his head and told him no, God would take care of them, even if she was a bit unsure of that herself.

 Eventually, she peeked out of the pantry door, looking toward the windows to see if they had been completely or just partially covered by the avalanche. She could see a sliver of light at the very top of the window, that was encouraging! The fire was still burning in the fireplace, what a miracle! ‘What about the front door’, she wondered. She and Ethan crept slowly through the cabin, listening for any additional rocks falling. It was quiet, so she went to try the front door.  She reached for the doorknob and slowly turned it, but as she pushed, nothing happened. It wouldn’t open, not even an inch. She guessed they were stuck inside for a while. She wondered for how long and did they have enough to eat until then. Little did she know her life was about to change again, this time for the better.

Chapter 2                   Isolation

    Luckily, Amanda was a work at home mom, doing some part-time transcription and working on her novel when she had extra time. Still, life was going to get boring and lonely for the next few weeks with no place to go and nothing to look at but each other and the inside of this cabin. She pacified Ethan with a drink and a coloring book while she sat in the breakfast nook to figure out a plan for the weeks ahead. She tried to stay calm and not panic at the thought of the complete isolation, her best friend lived thirty minutes away, maybe she could at least call her for some company. Not right now though, she thought as she poured herself a cup of coffee and reached for her planner. She worried that the cabin might be damaged yet had no way to see anything outside. She went from room to room, looking at the ceilings for leaks, or cracks. Everything seemed sound, so she returned to the breakfast nook.

As she tried to devise a schedule, her mind drifted to the last time she had received some company, it had been awhile. She and Ethan made do just fine most of the time, she followed a rigid schedule. Once a week, she got a break when he attended a mommy’s day out program at the church they belonged to. She usually didn’t even notice the lack of company or the fact that hardly anyone from her family or Anthony’s ever came to visit. Maybe it was too soon, Anthony had been gone three months now, Amanda herself had not grown accustomed to the fact he was really gone.

She suddenly realized she had not written a word and got busy then, figuring out their meals, based on her last trip from the store. Let’s see, we have eggs, bacon, milk, bread, peanut butter, soup, coffee, tea, cheese, and salad fixings. There were plenty of packaged meals in the pantry and freezer. Cereal, pop tarts, waffles for Ethan. That ought to hold them for a little while. She also needed to try and pick up another client, her funds were getting very low. Anthony had not left her much to live on and bills to pay, but she had been managing so far. She needed some writing or transcription jobs and a new client or two and she would be set, really. Maybe she could pencil in more time to work on the novel too…once she got that written and published, maybe all their wishes could come true. Ha! What a dreamer she was.

Once her planner was done, she decided to tidy up the kitchen and take things out for lunch. Amanda was surprised she was so calm, yet mentally, she was fully prepared for a situation such as this. She thought she would make some comfort food for Ethan and settle in for a very secluded next few days. Grill cheese and soup, he will love that she thinks, and then he wanders in and asks what he can do to help. Such a sweet child, she muses. They had really raised him right so far. “Can you check the fire for Mommy and let me know if it needs another log please?” “Sure Mommy.” By the time he returns, she has made their lunch and decides she will call Kate later and let her know they are ok at least. She glances at Ethan and says, “Let’s eat some lunch, read a story, and cuddle on the couch awhile.” She figures once he is down for the evening, she plans on a glass of wine and her phone-a-friend, it might just be the lifeline she needs right now…

Chapter 3                Rescued

Amanda wakes to the sound of a gunshot, or was that what it was? The time in isolation has stretched out to one month, panic has begun to set in. Her nightly glass of wine has become two or three and her head is currently feeling somewhat foggy as she stumbles off the couch to see what the noise was. Ethan walks in from his bedroom and looks at her, bleary-eyed himself. “What are we eating for breakfast Mommy,” as if he never heard a thing. Amanda throws her hand up as if to say, “Not now” and walks to the window, trying to see over the snow that reaches three inches below the top of the window. She can see a bit more now that the snow has melted some and there! She thought she saw a flare from a flare gun fall from the sky.

“I’m hungry Mommy” Ethan states and Amanda wheels on him without thinking, “Be quiet for a second, did you not hear the gunfire outside?” He looks at her and nods dejectedly. As he sidles up to her leg, she reaches down to pat his head and apologizes. “I’m sorry Honey, let Mommy see if I can connect with whoever might be out there. We really need to get out or find some way to get some supplies in right now.” Together they start slapping and banging on the windows to try to get the attention of the person who fired the flare gun. Soon, she thinks she hears him calling to her. As time has passed, they have been eating and drinking up most of the supplies she had bought, although she has been working, they have had no way to replenish them. Making money doesn’t matter, she rationalized, unless you can get it and use it. Now there might be a chance to get out of here and she is prepared to take it.

“Hello?!” she hears from outside the window. “Hello!!” she screams from her side, Ethan screaming along with her. She starts banging harder and then runs to the front door to see if she can budge it yet. “Ethan, stay at the window in case he can see you.” “Ok, Mommy.” He stands on the window seat and continues banging. Amanda tried the door and it opens just a hair, she pushed frantically and started hollering through the crack, “Help! Help us! My five-year-old and I have been trapped in here for one month now! Can you hear me?” She motions for Ethan to be quiet and listens hard for a moment. “Senorita?” comes the faint reply. “Yes! Yes, we are here!!” Amanda continues to push on the door as her heart starts beating out of her chest.

Chapter 4                     Fed

The sounds of scraping can be heard now as the man and a team he has rounded up are attempting to dig through the snow to reach the windows. Amanda rushes to Ethan’s side on the window seat and watches as the men get closer to setting them free. She hugs her son, relishing his warmth and remembers the fire that needs to be stoked. She moves to the fireplace, adds another log and stokes the fire back to life. Back at the window a few moments later, she and Ethan sip hot chocolate as they wait for rescue. She hears a sound at the front door and goes to see what it is. “Hello?” comes a call through the crack. “Senorita? We will have you out soon. Stay by the window.” She clutches Ethan excitedly and looks at the window, waiting for the man to show his face. There, she sees him wink at her from the top of the line of snow which has been shoveled halfway down the window now. Goodness, he is quite handsome she thinks to herself, then mentally kicks herself for thinking that.

She blames the naughty thought on the peppermint schnapps she added to her hot cocoa, making her warm in places she hadn’t thought of in a while. Anyway, goodness! Right now, she needed to get ahold of herself and take stock of the supplies they needed. She can faintly hear snowplows clearing the road, along with the digging and scraping going on outside the windows and door. She thinks ‘it’s about time’ yet she knows that avalanches and blizzards cause massive slowdowns, even in the best-prepared situations. Making a list in her head in case they can at least bring supplies to her, she feels giddy at the thought of rescue. Maybe there’s hope for us yet, and again, feels guilty for even thinking about another man so soon. It’s just that she has had no adult conversation in a month, one can’t imagine how lonely she’s been. Still, Anthony was her soulmate, she should not be having the thoughts currently swirling around her pretty blonde head right now.

By now, Ethan is ravenous, so she tells him to stay put while she goes to grab him a pop tart. He eats healthy for the most part, so she feels like a treat now and then is ok. She is lucky she had stockpiled eggs, almond and coconut oil and flour, cans of coconut milk, and vegetables. Geez, she is feeling hunger pangs herself, but she is reluctant to leave the window for too long, in case they need her to open it from her side. She snags an egg for herself and hustles back to the window. Luckily, she had peeled them previously and stuck them in an empty carton labeled “boiled” so she could grab them and go. If it weren’t for her drinking, Amanda would probably be ten pounds lighter than she was, given the way she ate. Lots of eggs, salads, meat, fruit, no bread, or pasta ever crossed her lips. ‘Oh, my goodness, how could I be thinking about the way I look right now’, she chastised herself.

Ethan is excitedly bouncing up and down on the window seat, seeing the men have reached the windowsill. The man taps on the window and asks her if she can open it yet. Amanda reaches up and unlocks the latches and tries to budge the window, it takes a few minutes and then like opening a new bottle of pickles, the seal breaks and the window is open, cold air rushing in from the outside. “Good morning eh, what was your name Senorita?” “It is Senora Amanda sir,” but added as soon as she saw his crestfallen look, “But I’m a widow now. That’s why my boy and I are here alone.” He replied, “My name is Julian. Are you ok?” “We’ve been better,” Amanda replied and then said, “It’s so nice of you and your team to dig us out! You guys must be freezing! Let’s get you all in here and warmed up, hot chocolate anyone?”

Julian and his men carefully enter the house through the window and close it back again. In moments, they are gathered around the fire, sipping coffee and hot cocoa, listening to Amanda tell them of the avalanche and how the last month has gone. She explains that she’s been working remotely yet money in the bank does them no good if they can’t get to it.  After helping her inventory her provisions, Julian sends the men back out to start working on getting the front door open, so they can get them to a store for more supplies. “You really are a godsend, Julian, thanks again, I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.” Julian looks at them both, smiles and says, “Just keep in touch, maybe we can go have coffee soon, I’d love to tell you about my little one. Ethan, you would love her, she’s almost the same age as you!” Amanda thinks to herself that sounds like a nice plan, excuses herself to go get ready to leave the cabin. Grabbing Ethan’s hand, she says to Julian, “Be right back.” Julian smiles and nods, sitting back down by the fire. “I’ll be right here.”

Chapter 5                         Coffee

Amanda returns ten minutes later, excited to leave the cabin with her son for the first time in a month. Julian’s team has worked furiously, and the front door is open. She grabs the shopping list and cautiously follows Julian out the door and to the truck. Ethan asks for McDonalds and Julian winks at Amanda and says, “Maybe we can have that coffee sooner than later!” They arrive an hour later, roads cleared but still treacherous, and pile into the fast-food joint for more coffee and food. Ethan runs to the play area while the grownups talk, it’s amazing how at ease they are with each other already. Amanda listens to Julian as he speaks of his foster daughter who is four and a half, struggling with a disability, thinking the man is an angel for taking on such a huge responsibility and then going out to help others on the side as well. He tells her that she came to him following the death of her parents in Matamoros. Amanda is rapt, food is forgotten on the plate as she listens to the story and tells him he has a huge heart. He tells her it is nothing and picks at his food while staring at Amanda’s green eyes. “You have very beautiful eyes,” he tells Amanda who blushes and says thanks to him. “I am so grateful to you and your guys; I’ll have to bake for you someday.” Julian looks at her and winks saying, “Oh, and she cooks too!” He has an accent, yet she thinks he has a wonderful grasp on the English language, must be from all his work there in Colorado. “Where are you from originally?” she prompts him. “New Mexico, but I moved back to Mexico a few years ago to help my mother out, she would never leave Matamoros.” She asked him if his mother helped with his foster daughter. “Yes, she does, in fact, she is watching her right now.” “So, have you never been married then?” Julien looked up at her with his dark brown eyes, cracked the smallest of smiles and said, “No, but there’s a first time for everything.” Now it was Amanda’s turn to blush.

Ethan returned from playing and dug into his pancakes and chocolate milk simultaneously asking Julian if his daughter can play like other kids. Julian tells him, yes, but her ASD makes her special and it would take a patient playmate to work with her. He promises they will meet one day, so Ethan goes back to eating his pancakes, nodding his understanding. Meanwhile, Amanda has secretly been wishing she could give this man a medal. She settles for a hug and stands up to deliver one saying, “You are an amazing man Julian and I would love to hear more but we must get going so you can get back to helping others.” He blushes and says, “Let’s go then, not that I’m in a huge hurry,” and they all head back to the truck. They go to Sam’s and Walmart, grabbing groceries, paper goods, and more wine.  Amanda feels so grateful she had made enough money for this trip and thanked Julian profusely for seeing them safely there. “It’s nothing that I wouldn’t do for anyone else in your situation, in fact, it’s my job.” “Well,” Amanda replied, “I appreciate you more than you know.” Julian just winked and ushered them back to the vehicle for the slow, careful ride back to her cabin. “Maybe in return for payment, you’ll let me make you dinner,” Amanda tells him on the ride back. “I’d like that very much,” he replied adding, “I’ll even bring some wine.” That got a smile from her. 

January 05, 2020 03:36

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