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A day like every other, and no other. We sat in our usual spot, me as a stranger and you as friend with what felt like the earth and sky apart between us. But you say with love it's one in the same and one apart and I doubt every word but nevertheless I yearn for it.

I see you sitting here everyday, as if you meant to torment me in your silence. I command you to speak and answer as it would be like drops of wine to my heart and  music to my ears like the symphonies of Mozart for you to answer and i can rejoice that I can finally appreciate and understand you and put aside my doubt , but you do not. No. At least not in the way as I would wish. but reassure me with your gaze that these clouds will clear, you expect me to simply to endure as if in harmony with the birds and trees and the glitter of the summer sun peaking through the branches as they stride in a gentle kind breeze in solace with you.

But this solace, as if I was a lite candle, with thin walls against a roaring wind unbridled crashing into this shielded light I fall into despair as I rise up again still burning and the wind still raging in madness, deadly for some, it thus ceases soon after for now. 

Yes, It was a day like every other, that I bared witness. A common sight. They would play chess, a thin frail man and his ill friend—ill with what? One could only know, and only too well. Would often curse at his chess board or his ill luck in life which he would often deviate into. And it was often hard to tell which the ill man spoke of first. He would break into a cough soon after or other aliments troubling him. His thin frail friend with little energy to respond would often fall into a slumber.

They would often be joined by a third acquaintance, but I could not say a friend, but he is all to common. I've not seen him,  but he was said to sit in the shade where the grass is grey.

And like no other, there was a pair of two men who were very different but much the same who I would often see here each day doing the same thing. One day as friends, the next as enemies, and sometimes both in a single day but always brawling, battered and bruised you both cry, and say fighting is terrible in agreement and vow never again. only to fight again with vigour the next day.

You look upon them but never say anything, you watch and remain silent despite my protest.

But some days. Oh no that is not the case. And I wonder if it is you at all or someone else? Or just a poor reflection of me. You imitate my actions as if you understood my actions but not my words. You betray them. And you betray me. You twist the truth but there some truth in you. I am not as you, and you as me, but I acknowledged you and so your voice faded into me.

You stopped mocking me, and I took a breath. Then you told me to look and so I did. It was a old statue that I often felt perturbed with. It had decayed and cracked in some parts with age and weather, only a shadow of it's original beauty I could imagine, if it ever was beautiful. It's face towered over a reflection where I large puddle had formed. I could see it's reflection glistening in the water, it looked magnificent and the statue of pale representation. I continued to stare at the statue a few moments longer until a group of small birds landed close by. 

They were pecking up golden seeds left on the ground among themselves, with much indifference and sometimes even conflict with each other over these tiny golden seeds as if their life had depended upon it, and maybe it did but they had just as much indifference. There was a larger bird bigger than the rest gobbling up the seeds and accumulating it for himself not from necessity anymore but his will. Then there was a group of even smaller birds trying to peck the seeds out of necessity but could not seem to get any if it all, struggled on with equal indifference to the 

rest of the birds. Not a moment sooner before another thought could enter my mind, a large bird of pray swooped down and carried off into the abyss one of the birds, dispersing of the rest for now, before they would return.

I heard a chirping then I noticed a small baby bird, to old for it's nest but to young to fly hopping on it's own lost in this world and full of anxiety, dread and skies grey, continued hoping against the wind, before I lost sight as he hopped into a bush close by. I wonder if he ever found his way.

What caught my attention next from my gaze was a mother and her small child. Much to my dismay, like most days she was yelling and screaming absurdities at the small child as she laughed from her mindless cruelty and the pain she was inflicting on the innocent child crying as he was pulled along. I have no doubt there was greater evil that went on. It was a all to common sight in this place.

I watched as they slowly faded from my sight, it stuck my heart and filled it with rage and sorrow, but before I could think much longer, suddenly I heard a loud thump not to far away as I soon wondered what had happened, I witnessed a poor injured cat that must have just been struck, as it limped away into a secluded spot as tears rained down from my heart at the poor cats misfortune and suffering.

The clouds were dark grey and weeped tears colouring everything with damp dullness, and the sun shined no more. I closed my eyes. Only the birds flying still, undisturbed with resilience to greener pastures further and further away. But cast down my wings cut but spirit true not yet broken. Drip by drip onto my soul, distilled, then came wisdom and we as one. Endure with grace. I will strive for the highest good despite all with clear eyes and free emotions. with eyes to see, and a heart to feel. Nourish my heart. I am whole as I answer you.

I would stand up and help the injured cat against your cruelness. My eyes opened from it's slumber with a new resolve to right the the unrightable wrong.

Then I wept tears. As I had closed my eyes and reopened them, the two men fighting earlier had ceased fighting and the men that were playing chess had stopped they had all gathered around the injured cat. The thin frail man had given the cat his last sandwich, and the brawling men had torn off parts their bandages to wrap and tend it's wounds, as the ill man stroked the cat with all the tenderness and love of this world as he whispered delicate affection to sooth the cat, and soon held it as the cat loudly purred with happiness as the men cheerfully laughed in relief.

No doubt the men would soon return back to what they had always done.

But it would wait for now.

The clouds were clearing, and the sky was blue as the bright sun shined with hope.

I see a piece of you in my heart ,I will try and remember that light. I will try to be as you and you as me, with clear eyes and free emotions with eyes to see, and a heart to feel. Nourish my heart. I am whole. With elegance, and the bravery of a lion. I will smile and carry the light, may it dull, but never die. I will cultivate and furnish my mind with beauty And push against the tide. I will try to be as you and true to myself. 

It was a day like no other, but every other when I accepted you.

July 11, 2020 03:33

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Purvasha N
08:16 Jul 16, 2020

Hey John, you've penned down this story truly aesthetically! I loved the ending on a positive note too. There are a few errors here and there, and the ones I could spot are: 'one in the same' is not the correct phrase in English. It's 'one and the same'. It should be 'bird of PREY swooped' (spelling) 'It was AN ALL-TOO-COMMON sight in this place' (error) 'It STRUCK' my heart.' I hope you'll keep these in mind while writing your next story, which is much awaited! Take care :)


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