A day to remember

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a summer afternoon spent in a treehouse.... view prompt



Monday July 12, 2018

Dear Diary, I can't believe today is the day I get to see my tree house!!!. I've been dreaming of a tree house ever since I was 5. I would watch this tv show called " Treehouse masters", they would make the BEST tree houses ever! I'm talking high ceilings, nice, clean polished wood floors. The interior design was as pretty as a picture. I don't want to think about that show too much because then If I do I will begin to get my hopes up. My dad has been working on this tree house since last year in September and it is now July. He kept trying to get me to come and see the work he'd accomplished at the end of every month but I didn't want to. I want to be surprised. I don't want to keep my mind on it again because then my hopes will be up again and I will be very disappointed. I know the tree house won't be like the ones on " Treehouse masters" because my dad isn't a civil engineer but I just wanna try to be grateful since my family constantly reminds me that I am not.

Ugh I can just see myself now sitting down reading books in my bean bag chair, painting my nails, feeding any bird that decides to fly up there, and most of all BLASTING my music. My mom always complains about how the music is too loud. It can Literally be on 2/100 and she is going to text my phone asking me can I turn the music down, Like ma'am are you serious? OUUUUUUU y'all should see my face omggg I can't stop smiling. Like my very own treehouse, I'm gonna be the coolest girl in my class, scratch that my whole middle school okayyyy.. or not but I won't care whoever thinks that I'm not the coolest just won't be able to come in my tre- OMGGGGG DIARY MY DAD JUST CAME INSIDEEEE, when I get back I'm gonna tell y'all about it.

Thursday July15, 2018

Hey Diary, It's me... I'm back. So let me tell you what happened. When I went down stairs I was trying to keep my calm. My dad came to me and said "Now I've tried my very best, I know it may not be what you wanted but Princess just know I wanted to give you what you wanted and every piece of wood was laid down with love. I-'' He had stopped talking because he saw the face I was making. My face went from Smiling so hard that my teeth could break because of the amount of pressure that was applied for that big ole smile to a frown. He was giving me this big speech as if the tree house was looking like who did what, when, why, and where. I begin to not even wanna see it y'all. But then he said "Well I'll let you determine if you think it's good or not. When I went outside I saw the most beautiful tree house ever. I ran up those steps sooooo fast not even hearing my father say '' Be careful going up I have to get new screws for the steps I wasn't worried about nun of that. Why when I went inside the wood floor was nice clean and polished y'alllllllll. I don't know if this man got some help building this tree house or what but it didn't matter. From the clear Christmas lights that were hanging up all around the walls, the scriptures that hung in a patter ( one up, the other down, ), the book shelf, to the freakin bean bag chair y'all. I could have cried. I think I did. I rushed out and started going down the steps. There are about 25 steps. As I ran down the steps I heard a crack on one step and before I could even make it to the next step I fell 10 ft from the tree step to the ground. I tried to get up but since I fell on my right side my right leg wasn't allowing me to move it. My dad rushed over quickly as he tried to help me get up. I could barely hold my head up straight, my head was too heavy for my weak neck and It just fell back. As my head fell back my eyes were looking up and I saw the step that caused me to fall hanging on by a thread...I knew that within 2 seconds it would fall. My dad was still trying to pick me up since my body was so limp. Before I knew it the step was coming to my face faster than a cheetah running after it's dinner. Guess what happened next.. That's right.... It hit me. All I heard was my dad's voice saying my name but it sounded as if he was miles away and next thing you know my vision went black. Next thing you know I'm in a hospital bed. I woke up with a blurry vision. My doctors said I was in a coma for 2 days and that I was very lucky to come out of it so quickly because many stay in them for weeks or even months. I had a severe head injury, a broken leg, my ankle is twisted and I have a knot on the top of my forehead. Next time Ima just walk up the stairs, or maybe just hug and give him all of my love before I take off, or just be more careful. Guys I can't.. how did all this happen so fast. I'll write back to you later when my doctor is coming to give me my results. I thought this would be a day to remember because I was getting my tree house after 8 years of waiting but now I really won't forget, how could I forget the best and worst day of my life.

July 15, 2020 04:10

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Mya Main
04:31 Jul 19, 2020

WOW!!!!!!!!!!I can't believe you wrote that yourself.


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Mya Main
04:16 Jul 15, 2020

Guys I'm not gonna lie, this story may not be the best I was just typing whatever came to my mind. Leave comment that can help me improve my writing. Thanks. God bless xoxo!!!


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Mya Main
04:14 Jul 15, 2020

Amazing story !!!!


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