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Fiction Sad Teens & Young Adult

  "Wait for me, I'll be back. I promise." 

Our little fingers crossed to the promise made. His brown eyes looking back at mine as they sparkle in sadness for saying goodbye. 

Back in WWII when boys are getting recruited for training, to battle not with swords and shields but with guns and bombs, he, too was dissevered from my arms.

"Aboard! Aboard!" shouted the man in the train as its charcoal ablazing to keep it moving. His hand waving and then showing me the sweetest smile I know I'll always miss. 

       "I'll miss you!", she cried, waving and never blinked a second, only to see me in a bit most precious time left.

I'll miss you too. I'll always will.

The train moves fast as her figure getting smaller and smaller and unclear to him, the train enters the tunnel and then ended in sight.

What a dream!

To turn back in time and see him again? It was he, wasn't it? In my dream.

The setting was smokey and murky, it's in black and white like an 1800s film playing in my head to bring me back in time and him to mine. It's him, we've met again.

        And it was her! I know it's her.

Her black wavy hair, her brown sparkly eyes, and the shape of her rosy lips when she smile, it's her. I promised to find her.

She wonder where he is, or if this dream even mean something. To wait for someone to come out from their dream, that's surreal...

A seven-year-old farm boy with a bucket in his hand, he wore a farmer's hat, muddy boots, checkered clothes, and his brown eyes looking back at mine. He puts down his bucket, smiled, he grabbed my hand and crossed a pinky promise. 

"Let's meet again, promise."


We made a promise, again before I left and then I woke up. 

        This time it was nostalgic, maybe somewhere 1900s now. She's around six years old or seven? We were kids? This time, she was the one that left. I was a farm boy, and she was a guest? she wore a dress, she was cute as always, her curly hair, you always have this curly or wavy hair. You have curly hair and brown eyes, like me! Where in the world to find you?

These dreams are so weird, it's bothering me for a week now, consecutive nights really. What does this even mean? I don't even know him.

      She must be my soulmate. I'm having these dreams for a week now, this just doesn't mean nothing, right? She must be it, but I have no other clue aside from her having wavy or curly hair and brown eyes, no way to find her that easy, there's just thousands of girls who have that. 

as these dreams weirded them both, she tries to brush it off, it's crazy! As of for him, he tries to find answer, 'cause it's crazy...

I wear all black, I was some sort of a ninja I guess? A ninja at the shore? what a dream, that was funny. 

She was, this time, a tourist, asking me for directions and as I was pointing at the direction, she just stared at me with those beautiful eyes again, I'm lost, they were ocean deep. And then, she just nodded and went to different direction. What a girl, she didn't seem to listen. An awkward dream with her then.

       Sunset at the seashore,there, he was standing like a man of my dreams. He pointed at a direction that don't seem to matter because his eyes, his eyes were beautiful and they were looking back at mine, I was lost, that's all I know. With the rays of sun setting at his back, he was like an angel sent from above. It was a romantic dream I guess. 

She believe that it wasn't just some sort of a weird dream now...

They continue to dream and dream until they come to realize to try and communicate through it.

"Meet me by the waters..." , that's all he was able to say and then he smiled genuinely with wrinkles in his eyes, his beautiful and sparkly brown eyes, I saw him clearly, and his sweetest smile was paste on my mind. He grabbed my hand and promised again, he tried to reach my pinky as my train starts moving, he chased me. "By the waters!", he followed up but wasn't able to get me.

By the waters? What do you mean by the waters? A river? The Ocean? I wonder which waters. 

She's been waiting for another dream, and he was too. But it seems like the heavens was taking a break. Nights came to never dream of him, and he was to her ever again.

For how long do I have to wait for another dream? For how long do I have to wait for him to come? 

By the waters? By the waters? That was unfinished. By the waters?

Nights turned cold and weary. As she was sleeping, she finally dream of him, yet just looking through the windows, waiting. The sparkles of his eyes was nowhere to be seen, he just stood there and staring at her direction, they seem to be paralyzed. No smiles on their faces, but a worried countenance. 

The dream ended. 

Is that it? What about the promise? Or maybe I've gone crazy? But why would that dream exist for consecutive nights, what for? When I finally believe, it was only then it decided to stop. Why'd it be like that?

How do I dream with her again? Why can't I make it? What happen to her? Will I find her by the waters? That was all I was able to say. Maybe then, when the time is right, for I don't know where is "by the waters" and she too, will we be able to meet by the waters?

Years have passed by, until one day...

On the same shore they sat, at the same time, on the same day.

He look at the sun as it was setting, thinking about her.

Beside him, was her, thinking of him too.

By the waters, they finally sitting together, but only then, they were on different realm, unable to see each other.

Maybe, just maybe, someday, at the same world, at the same place and time, they'll meet by the waters.


August 04, 2021 06:15

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1 comment

Uta L.
15:39 Aug 16, 2021

This is beautiful! Also a bit confusing to distinguish between the two of them. Maybe leave a bigger space between the two voices? Or is it intended that you cannot really distinguish them that well?


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