Teardrop Garden

Submitted into Contest #31 in response to: Write a short story about someone tending to their garden.... view prompt



Abagail was in so much pain, distraught, just emotionally exhausted. For so many years now, everyday began a clockwork routine. Everyday ended, like clockwork, in tears and questioning everything she’s ever learned.

physically and emotionally drained she prepared for another attempt at sleep, which she so desperately needed. Abagail would kneel beside her bed and ask God, “why God? What am I doing wrong? Lord, let me rest in peaceful slumber tonight, heal my body from the days work and my my mind from the venom words of my husband. Show me as I sleep, what do you want me to do Lord? How shall I serve you?”

The sunshine soothingly woke Abagail from her restless slumber. Feeling as though she hadn’t slept a wink, body sore from tossing and turning, she climbed out of bed and slipping on a light yellow, floral sun dress and went to the kitchen to start breakfast.

As she gathered the farm fresh eggs and other items from the refrigerator, she smiled to herself. Today will be a good day, she spoke quietly under her breathe. A fresh day, a fresh start. Abagail finished up the eggs and bacon, filling the air with the fantastic aromas sure to wake even the heaviest of sleepers. Table set, kitchen cleaned up, her three daughters lunches on the table near the front door ready for their last minute rush to school, she took a plate of breakfast to her husband in bed.

As she opened the bedroom door, it creaked loudly Which made Abagail cringe just slightly. He was awake but still lying in bed finishing his morning letting as he did every morning and Abagail knew not to disturb him. Her timing this morning was a tad off, most likely due to lack of sleep. She did her best though. loudly grumbling in anger, he rolled over and scowled at his wife. She placed his breakfast on the bedside table. A forced but gentle smile she said good morning and turned to start her days work But before she got halfway to the door, it began.

Her husband sat up in bed, reached for his plate and harshly asked, “why can’t you be like a normal person? What is wrong with you? Real wives know the right way to wake a husband up. Directing to the blanket that still covered his half mast member. Not you, your just miserable all the time, always walking around looking pathetic, quit playing the victim. If anyone’s a victim, it’s me. A victim of your not being raised properly.”

Standing firm, holding the tears back with everything she could muster, Abagail waited for him to stop speaking and begin eating. That was her cue to leave the room. There it was, he picked up his fork and began to eat. She walked as quietly and quickly as she could, try to get out of earshot before allowing the sobs to escape her tightly pursed lips. She made it outside, to her garden. Dropped to her knees and wept. Still crying, Abagail began to work her soil around her newly budding seedlings, tears pouring from her eyes onto tiny green leaves and splashing into the dirt.

Slowly, Abagail began to relax. Working in her garden was the only true peace she had anymore. From the very first day she began her gardens, six months before beginning with prepping her soil, not one morning passed that she didn’t water their beds with her tears each morning. As her spirits eased and she so lovingly tended to her plants, she found herself singing. It is a good day, she smiled to herself.

It was time for the day to come to an end. Dinner had been made, served, cleaned up and everyone retired to their bedrooms. Just as she had the night before, Abagail showered, got dressed for bed, prayed and climbed into bed. Morning came all too fast. Out of bed, kids off to school, plate in hand she headed towards her bedroom door full of dreadful anticipation of her husbands mood. she opened the door, headed to his side, he was already sitting up waiting on his breakfast. Thank you Lord! He was in a good mood.

Shee gave him his breakfast, headed to the kitchen to clean up. Before she could finish the dishes, it happened. Sighing, she thought to herself, “it was only a matter of time, I should know better”. He walks into the kitchen, smiling that smug, concerned, smirk he does when he’s being cruel but with a kind voice.

“Sure used a lot of butter on that toast”, he says. “ I know you just don’t know better but that’s just wasting money. I’m not mad, it’s not your fault. You weren’t raised.”

Abagail almost made the mistake of responding but she learned a long time ago, it’s best to just apologize, so she did. He went on his way and she went to her garden, emotions on high, wanting to cry and let it all out but when she lifted her head, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was unbelievable, amazing, beautiful, it was miraculous!

Abagails garden was in full bloom, fully grown and overflowing with beautiful, ripe vegetables fruits, berries. Aloud she spoke one word, How?

A voice answered back, “your tears. Your tears filled with your love, kindness, hope and faith”. Startled, she looked around for the source of these words but found none. Before she had a chance to question anything, including her sanity, she was surrounded by people in awe of her beautiful garden. Everyone calling out what they wanted, handing her cash in exchange and thanking her. Some were even sampling the perfectly ripped vegetables right there, oohing and ahing, doting on the intense, rich flavors.

so many people, so much money being placed into her hands she couldn’t even hold it. She turned over a large, empty flower pot and began stuffing the money into it, pushing it down as tight as she could.

That night, Abagail showered, dressed for bed, kneeled down and began praying, thanking her Heavenly Father for this unexpainable, unexpected day. She climbed into bed, rested her head, closed her eyes and just as she was about to fall asleep, the voice returned. “You are free my dear, your tears were not in vain, it were your tears. The plants felt you, through your tears. They felt your love and they returned that love. Rest tonight, be free when you awake.” She did, Abagail slept with so much peace that night, she woke up refreshed, healed and with a clear mind.

Glimmering with joy and love, she made breakfast for her daughters, then told them all she had a surprise. They loaded up into her beat up chevy and drove away. Never looking back.

March 02, 2020 03:39

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