I have about 165 seconds to change before returning to the lobby area. The person who has red hair with a tattoo going up their left cheek should be walking in through the double doors located on the east side of the building. A group of men should be walking in from the north guarding the leader of the Bang Wa Group. 85 seconds now.
The dim light in this low-down casino could use some TLC. They rack in about a quarter of a million on a good day and can't pay to change a light bulb above the 5th stall of a 20-stall bathroom over their marble floors. Just ridiculous. 40 seconds left.
"Agent Snipper. The redhead is walking to the double doors now", agent smart ass couldn't see that I was already walking out the men's bathroom with 5 seconds to spare. This tailored suit may only appear to be apparel, but the bullet proof stitching carries more weight than average.
Redhead looks as confident as ever walking past the blackjack table, heading to the Bang Wa who are now passing through the slot machines leading to the employee-only entrance. I wonder if they, wait where did they go. I lost sight of red head. They were just right...
"Come on now dear, you can't lose focus of the mission trying to keep me safe. I prefer you when you're dangerous anyway" My cunning wife had snuck up behind me to whisper that into my ear before heading into the kitchen dressed in a waiter's attire.
Her name as an agent was Spider and it suits her well the way she is able to maneuver in plain sight without ever being seen. Her flexible skills and light-weight physique earned her another name that only men call her in spite but I rather enjoy because her long tongue that reaches lengths that many wish they could. Snake.
"You there. The boss needs all of his men on the 5th floor. Did you not hear him?" one of his minions confused me for such due to the matching tailored suits with a golden seal of a dragon stitched in but can only seen when reflected by florescent lights. Gotta give the agents tailor their props on this handy work.
I nodded and followed the man past the slot machines, through employees' quatres to an elevator guarded by 2 men who could be mistaken for Hulk's cousins. These suckers were huge. The guy who led me there spoke in their language a code that translated to Golden Dragon. One of the mini hulks stretched out its meaty arms to press the small elevator button that disappeared behind his finger. We entered silently as the gates closed and lifted us to the fifth floor. I thought about cracking a joke or 2 to break the silence but I had a feeling that this guy didn't have a sense of humor.
"The boss is waiting," the man's accent was thick as he tried to use English as his prominent language. I responded in his own to be sarcastic but his menacing grin put me on my guard as the gates closed leaving me to walk a long hallway with gold dragon statues leading the way on the marble floor that appeared gold due to the ceiling reflecting it. Someone had a serious obsession.
At the end of the hall were tall golden doors, go figure, with dragons as handles. Before I could reach for them, they swung open simultaneously and I walked through them. There were minions all over the office-like space that looked over the casino floor through a window that I was sure to be one-sided. In the center of it all was the boss's desk and in a gigantic golden chair, that surprisingly spun like an office chair, sat the boss himself.
"Did you really think I wouldn't notice that you weren't one of my men," he said coldly as 2 of his goons shut the door behind me bringing everyone's attention to me.
"I was hoping that you had more intellect than the last man that I dethroned from his anarchy" my response was cocky, but I was confident that I would leave here alive.
There were 5 agents amongst the gang of about 16 men who were highly skilled in combat spread evenly, so when a few came to surround me, I had no fear. I am skilled in combat and martial arts.
"Bring her in," the boss called to someone on the far right of the room.
"Get your hands off of me!" the familiar voice almost made me lose character, but I didn't budge. We trained for these scenarios.
"Don't pretend like you don't know who your wife is or would I need to up the stakes," he said moments before cutting her arm missing a major artery to mock me. I stood still as my heart raced to her.
"What do you want anyway?" I asked from pure curiosity.
He was the richest man in his sanction and had a large territory range that could arguably cover 80% of the continent. He must have political influence as he also has control over the police force, so why? Why reach into our agency and kill five of our best men with a single strike to our capital building? Agent Grenade, Boom, Dash, Black, and our leader, Agent Alpha. I was the only one who did not attend that meeting for personal reasons.
"You are the only one left of the special force that commands the shadows, so you were made commander by default of their men," he stood over my bleeding wife and wrapped her arm, " It wasn't supposed to be you."
He pulled out a weapon and aimed it at me causing an immediate reaction that set my undercover men ablaze. Agent Bear jumped up to tackle two men at my left and Agent Lion went for the two at my right. My wife went for the boss knocking him off balance and I flowed pursuit to knock the weapon from his grasp.
Agent Willow, Rover and White carried out the attack over the remaining men, but were out numbered as more flooded into the room from the back. I had to obtain the boss quickly to control the situation, but he was strong and my my wife was still losing blood.
"Stay down! I'll take over!" I yelled to her after being tossed on her back for the third time. She didn't move.
I had no choice. I had to call for backup from headquarters and send in my higher-stationed men who only moved under my command with two code words. Once I speak to them, everyone in this room must die. I looked to my wife who still lay lifeless on the floor and hoped that she could forgive me for this in after life. I reached out to call Agent Intel, aka smart ass, to initiate.
"Code Midnight March! I repeat! Code Midnight March!"
"Roger that boss!" he responded. Within 60 seconds I will be...
(Shot fired)
"Your neck is not bulletproof," said my wife who stood in front of me with a gun pointed at me.
I grabbed my neck to stop the bleeding and tore off a piece of the curtain behind the boss's desk. Everyone stood still. All five of my agents stopped fighting and all of the boss's men did so as well. Everyone had their eyes locked on me. The only one who had my gaze was my wife who stood over me.
"Why?" was all I could bring myself to say as I watched her shoot each man in the head one by one.
She too knew of the code and the severe consequences of allowing anyone who lived that know it. The army it commanded was an elite force that lived in the shadows and only served when called. It only consisted of 5 men but only one would've been enough to clear this room and walk out unscathed.
"I know why you didn't make it to the meeting you bastard," my heart dropped at her words and what they meant for my life.
"Tell that bitch Stephanie I said hello in hell!"
(Shot fired)
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