Something Ends, Something Begins

Submitted into Contest #253 in response to: Start your story with a character canceling their plans.... view prompt

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“I don't want your ring, and I definitely don't want you, you stupid cheater!  The wedding is off!”  I shouted angrily at my now ex-fiancé before turning on my heels and rushing away from him as fast as my feet would carry me. 

It was a cold December day, and Christmas was drawing ever so near.   It was rather late at night as I had just eaten dinner with the man I had once planned to spend the rest of my life with for what was probably the final time. I Hurriedly walked past an alley, well I was going to that is until I noticed her.  A little black and white kitten all by herself, rummaging through the trash, looking for any sort of scrap of food she can find to fill her belly.  She looked to be cold as she was shivering, and my goodness the poor thing was just so skinny too.  

“Maybe…  Maybe I can take her home with me?  I have always wanted a cat.  And she definitely looks like she could use someone to take care of her.  And besides, she has got to be better company than a man…”  I thought to myself as I slowly and cautiously approached the little kitten, making sure to be extra careful not to frighten her.  I slowly crouched down so I could be more at her level and carefully held my hand out in her direction as a little invitation for her to come to me.  

“Here kitty kitty, come here.”  I cooed at the tiny kitten. 

She looked at me apprehensively at first, her hair beginning to rise up. 

“No shh shh shh, it's okay.  I'm not going to hurt you, I promise.  I just want to help you.  So what do you say, do you wanna come home with me?”  I softly asked the little animal.  

The kitten still looked unsure about me but her curiosity quickly got the better of her as she slowly crept out of her hiding space and behind sniffing my hand.  The sniffing soon turned into her rubbing her little face on my hands which soon turned into her allowing me to pick her up and take her home.  

I carried the adorable little animal back to my apartment.  She actually ended up falling asleep in my arms about halfway there.  

Once we arrived back at my apartment I laid her down on the sofa and got a can of tuna out of the cabinet and put it in a small dish for her.  She must have smelled the tuna fish after I opened the can though, because she quickly hopped off of the sofa and ran right to the dish and began scarfing down the food hungrily.

“Okay, I need to make a vet appointment.  Which means I need to find a good vet.  Oh, I also need to go to the pet store and get some kitten supplies.  Okay now lets see, is there anything else I should do?  Maybe do some research on kitten care?  Hmm, I guess it wouldn't hurt.”  I said to myself, shrugging my shoulders a bit at the last part as I headed over to my computer.  

The next morning I woke up to see my curtains shredded, along with my sofa and parts of my carpet…  

“Add cat scratchers to the shopping list…”  I said into my smartphone.  

I looked at the kitten for a moment deep in thought.  “Well I can't leave you here by yourself.  You certainly proved that last night.  So I guess you should come with me to get your supplies, little lady.”  I told her as I went to pick her up, but before I could even bend down I got a phone call.  I looked at the caller ID.  It was my best and oldest friend, Jackie.  

“Hey!  Girl, what the heck happened?  You called off your engagement?  Why?”  She questioned, sounding shocked.

“Yeah, he cheated on me Jackie.  But on top of that I am just tired of all of his bull.  He is always just putting in the bare minimum.  I deserve better.”  I explained to my friend over the phone

“Girl, I have been trying to tell you that for years!  I am glad you finally see the light!  …do I hear meowing?  Girl, don't tell me you are already going to be a crazy cat lady.”  Jackie asked me, sounding slightly worried for me over the phone.

I laughed.  “I’m not going to turn into a crazy cat lady Jackie.  I found a stray kitten after I broke off the engagement last night and I think I am going to keep her.  She's super stinking cute and really sweet.  Do you want to come meet her?”  I explained to my friend and then asked.

“Ooh yeah girl i would love too!  But maybe another time, I have work today.  Which reminds me I have to go get ready for work, I will catch you later girly!”  Jackie exclaimed before making a smooching noise into the phone and hanging up.

I laughed to myself at my friends silly antics before looking once again to the kitten who was now in my care.  

“All right little kitty, let's go get you all your things at the pet store.  And while we are at it, I should probably give you a name too.”  I exclaimed as I stood up, the kitten following my actions and looking at me excitedly.

“What name do you like huh little girl?  How about Angel?  No…  Buddy?  Maybe…  Ooh!  What about hmm no…”  I mused out loud, putting a hand to my chin, deep in thought.  

I then took a close look at the little kitten, and I then remembered the night that I found her.  She was outside an Italian restaurant.  Maybe some kind of Italian food?  “Oh!  I’ve got it!  Olive!  That's the perfect name for you!”  I exclaimed, picking her up and holding her up high and proud.

June 05, 2024 21:47

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1 comment

Krislyn Lyon
21:03 Jun 11, 2024

The first sentence made me want to keep reading. Finding the cat was funny. I was like wow that happened fast lol. Great work!


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