Staying Inside

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



Its has been raining all week and Finn and Tom have been inside because they cant go outside. Finn tells Tom "Dude this sucks we have nothing to do", Tom tells him "Lets play video games", Finn says "We have already done that, can we do something more fun?". As both of the boys think of something fun to do they come up with an idea, "hey how about we make a fort" Finn says, "Mhhhmm I don't know, you know what why not we have nothing better to do" Tom says. As both of the boys gather up blankets and pillows soon it becomes a fortress. A massive build both of the boys are happy. They play with there swords and battle as two brave nights. They were playing and having fun. They really enjoyed the fort they had made. They felt like it was there own world. They pretended to be in space as astronauts. They traveled galaxy's and galaxy's. They pretended to teleport through time and saw amazing things. They went on many adventures in that fort and had many activates. They made countless story's and had so much fun in there fort and were happy they had made it. They were glad what there creation was and they had made it. They had spent all day in there, the whole week was fun for them because of the fort. The fort made an escape for them and there imaginations and had so much fun. They made props to go with there story's and made everything and even there parents had helped them. And they loved everything about the fort. And they would spent all there time in there they played in there all the time. They pretended to be cow boys through space or scuba divers exploring the deepest part of the ocean everything they thought of they put in that fort. They put all there electronics in there so they could play video games and enhance there experience and they put on virtual reality and they said it was the best thing they have ever made they loved it so much.Its has been raining all week and Finn and Tom have been inside because they cant go outside. Finn tells Tom "Dude this sucks we have nothing to do", Tom tells him "Lets play video games", Finn says "We have already done that, can we do something more fun?". As both of the boys think of something fun to do they come up with an idea, "hey how about we make a fort" Finn says, "Mhhhmm I don't know, you know what why not we have nothing better to do" Tom says. As both of the boys gather up blankets and pillows soon it becomes a fortress. A massive build both of the boys are happy. They play with there swords and battle as two brave nights. They were playing and having fun. They really enjoyed the fort they had made. They felt like it was there own world. They pretended to be in space as astronauts. They traveled galaxy's and galaxy's. They pretended to teleport through time and saw amazing things. They went on many adventures in that fort and had many activates. They made countless story's and had so much fun in there fort and were happy they had made it. They were glad what there creation was and they had made it. They had spent all day in there, the whole week was fun for them because of the fort. The fort made an escape for them and there imaginations and had so much fun. They made props to go with there story's and made everything and even there parents had helped them. And they loved everything about the fort. And they would spent all there time in there they played in there all the time. They pretended to be cow boys through space or scuba divers exploring the deepest part of the ocean everything they thought of they put in that fort. They put all there electronics in there so they could play video games and enhance there experience and they put on virtual reality and they said it was the best thing they have ever made they loved it so much. And were glad they had made it and when the rain had cleard up they cleaned up and went out side.They really enjoyed the fort they had made. They felt like it was there own world. They pretended to be in space as astronauts. They traveled galaxy's and galaxy's. They pretended to teleport through time and saw amazing things. They went on many adventures in that fort and had many activates. They made countless story's and had so much fun in there fort and were happy they had made it. They were glad what there creation was and they had made it. They had spent all day in there, the whole week was fun for them because of the fort. The fort made an escape for them and there imaginations and had so much fun. They made props to go with there story's and made everything and even there parents had helped them. And they loved everything about the fort. And they would spent all there time in there they played in there all the time. They pretended to be cow boys through space or scuba divers exploring the deepest part of the ocean everything they thought of they put in that fort. They put all there electronics in there so they could play video games and enhance there experience and they put on virtual reality and they said it was the best thing they have ever made they loved it so much. And were glad they had made it and when the rain had cleard up they cleaned up and went out side.and when the rain had cleard up they cleaned up and went out side.They really enjoyed the fort they had made. They felt like it was there own world. They pretended to be in space as astronauts. They traveled galaxy's and galaxy's. They pretended to teleport through time and saw amazing things. They went on many adventures in that fort and had many activates. They made countless story's and had so much fun in there fort and were happy they had made it. They were glad what there creation was and they had made it. They had spent all day in there, the whole week was fun for them because of the fort. The fort made an escape for them and there imaginations and had so much fun. They made props to go with there story's and made everything and even there parents had helped them. And they loved everything about the fort. And they would spent all there time in there they played in there all the time. They pretended to be cow boys through space or scuba divers exploring the deepest part of the ocean everything they thought of they put in that fort. They put all there electronics in there so they could play video games and enhance there experience and they put on virtual reality and they said it was the best thing they have ever made they loved it so much. And were glad they had made it and when the rain had cleard up they cleaned up and went out side.

March 23, 2020 18:15

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