Boat Journey

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Set your story on (or in) a winding river.... view prompt


Fiction Sad


Dear Diary,

I am very excited to go to Thailand via boat! It’s going to be tricky and risky but I think it will be ok and amazing! Me, my mum, my big brother, my dad & my baby sister will all be going on this fantastic journey. Mum says that it will take 8 days to go to Thailand as we are living in Bali. She said that we will rent a bigger boat so that we can be comfortable during the 8 day time period. 

Sorry Diary, I have to go and pack a huge suitcase for the 8 day long monotonous journey but I still think we’re going to have heaps of fun when we reach Thailand!


Dear Diary,

I’ve got some really bad news. We have to go to Thailand in a small boat now as the rented boat was damaged yesterday. It’s really squishy in here. Well, I am in the boat so please don’t mind it if my handwriting is messy.  I hate sitting here! It has seaweed, mud & is very dirty. I feel like fleeing from this boat & going wherever I want to but I know that’s not possible. It's like the worst day ever, the wind is howling stronger than possibly a dinosaur & our little boat is rocking from side to side ferociously. I don't know what to do.

It’s hard to write, 5 people in a very tiny boat. I don’t know how we are going to sleep! We started from Bali just an hour ago but it seems as if we have been here for a whole year! I hate it! 

Bye! I’m having some snacks & going for a nap. Will talk soon!



Dear Darling Diary,

It seems as if trouble always follows our family! This is the worst one so far. It was so windy & stormy overnight that our little tiny boat turned upside down and…. Sorry diary. This is the most depressing part. I can’t write it down! I am literally crying now. I can’t believe it happened. I just can’t... Fine, I will tell you. Please note that this is a bit too depressing. Ok, here it comes. When the boat flipped, suddenly, my mum couldn’t hold my little baby sister anymore as we were underwater & then… she by accident let her go! We all started crying thinking about what would happen to my darling little sister. Can you believe it? I bet you can’t. Will talk soon. 

To be honest, you are actually like a sister to me so really we had 6 people in our family, including you but now, we have only 5.

CYA Diary,



Dear Diary,

So sorry I forgot to write in you! There were so many ups & downs in our journey that I had no time to write. We have finally arrived in Thailand & we are staying in my Uncle’s house now. When we came in, the first question he asked us was “ Where’s Olivia the little one?”. I couldn’t resist so I started crying. Aunty then took me to a room & left me. My dad explained everything. As I heard him say the depressing words, I cried even more. I mean, I am only 10 and something this sorrowful will definitely make anybody cry. My mum weeped as well. Of course she did, It was her new, 3 month old baby & she had lost her in just a few months. 

Bye diary! Got to go to dinner. Will talk with you tomorrow.



Oh My God, Diary!

 I have the best news in the world! Today, I went to the beach next to my uncle's house, still downhearted about what happened a few days ago when a miracle occurred! A man came up to me and said “ Hello darling. Do you know who Olivia is?”. I repeated his words carefully in my head again and then jumped up, excitedly. “ Yes! I do! Can you please show me who she is?” I asked immediately. “ Oh good! Just follow me” he said as he led me towards a boat. “ It’s this little baby. I think she’s around 4 months old. We know her name as it’s on her chain” said the man as he looked at the baby & showed me the chain. “ Oh My God! My word! That’s my baby sister! Where did you find her?” I asked as I jumped up & down with joy, in my heart. “ Well, a few days ago, I found this baby slowly drowning in the water. So I jumped in & saved her. I then started searching every island to ask if they knew her. I finally came to Thailand and asked you.” he replied immediately feeling happy that he had found who Olivia had belonged to. “ Oh I see! By the way, that’s my sister! Can I please take her?” I asked as tears started rolling down my cheeks with joy. “ Yes of course. Here you go.” replied the man as he handed Olivia over to me. “ Thank you so much for saving my sister.” I said as I started running back home.

Will tell more Diary. I have to now go and feed Olivia. Bye!


Dear Diary,

I am done feeding her so I can write in you now. After I came back home with Olivia in my hands, my mum was astonished.  She gasped. “ Huh?! Where did you get Olivia from?” asked my mum in tears after holding my little sister & hugging her. I told her the whole story & she was very pleased that I didn’t ignore the man even though he was a complete stranger. After that, we showed Olivia to everyone & obviously, everybody was very jocund.

 Will talk to you later diary! I have to have dinner & then sleep as well. Tomorrow, we’re going to the nearby market for some shopping. It’s going to be fantastic.


PS: We were once 6 & we became 5. Then a miracle occurred and now we are 6 again! This all seems like a fairy tale!


June 13, 2021 07:51

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Abbey Long
10:15 Jun 24, 2021

Very nice story, I really like the idea of using a diary! Only thing I would say, is sometimes the adjectives you used are a little forced or not used in the right context. Also, sometimes when I'm reading, it sounds a little bit like a story, and it doesn't fit in with the feel of a diary, but amazing job regardless!


Aditi Kulkarni
21:54 Jun 24, 2021

Thanks a lot for your feedback! I'll surely consider those when writing my next story!


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