Creative Nonfiction Urban Fantasy

"Something big is gonna happen; I know it. I saw myself waving and smiling and I heard a lot of screams like fans but this was in the future; like a couple years I think because I saw a vision before the “fame”." I sip the now cold coffee, my coworkers staring at me like how we all do at the crackhead around the corner. "Somny, it is way too early for your bull. Didn't you also say you were going to win the lotto?" Kel lets a chuckle out as she tilts her head. I sit my coffee on my fraction of the table; taking a breath. "No Kel... I guessed the numbers of the lotto and said I was going to put that in but stupid me forgot about it." She started to laugh as well as the others around her. The only thing stopping me from walking out was the meeting where we all had to be present at this cold clammy table. "You know what you sound like? Chicken Little; like come on Som." He bellowed loudly. Whoever this man was I couldn't care. "Well, first of all, Chicken Little was actually right, and the dumb people around him that wouldn't just hear him out were the ones that doubted him. Also, don't call me Som. My name is Somny; people close to me get to call me Som." You could tell their joking mood had seemed to change. It wasn't my fault. I know what I know. I can't really put together what is going to happen but I know it involves me. I am in this huge city and I see this lady saying how I am lucky and then boom some girl walks in but it isn't normal; there are people all around and I see flashing lights or something? Ughhh. What does it all mean? The day had gone by so fast I couldn't even keep up. Everyone has already left and then there is me...the last one out...well besides our boss. I gather my stuff as I shut off my monitor and get up to leave. "Mr. Somny." A voice boomed; it was the one and only Mr. Cal. He was like a father to me and whatnot. "If it isn't Mr. Cal the big boss," I walk up to him as I give him a hug. "How come I barely saw you today?" I asked. "I was too busy to see your psychic self." He chuckled. "Whateverrr'' I laughed. "So what's up?" I shifted my body to the side, I am always relaxed when I am with him. "Well, Som, I was wondering if you want to go to New York City and close a deal for me? Everything is paid for you except for the actual room; I'll pay for it but you have to book it there. What do you say?" I tilted my head, New York City..like the big city. What if, no it can't be. "Of course I'll seal it for you. Thank you for this opportunity ." I had this big grin. Looks like everything may just be going according to plan. “You know what that means, get packed and get some rest. You’re leaving Friday.” He stated. IN TWO DAYS. He interrupted my thoughts with his loud laugh. “I know that face; what in two days! Ahaha yes, don’t worry about coming in okay? Pack and get everything together for the meeting.” He raised his eyebrows which is his way of nonverbally saying okay. “Got it.” I smiled. “Oh and these people you are meeting with are very..upper class so wear a nice suit.” I nodded my head “Jeez I’ll be so far away. Cali to NYC” I mumbled; this will be exciting. “Let me know if you need anything.” There he goes with the eyebrow raise. I chuckle, “Sure will. Later, old man.” “Later Som” He laughed as I heard his business shoes clack the opposite way as me. I walked out of the building. I am going to New York..New York City. I beamed as I bopped down the street. So, The meeting is on Sunday and I’ll be there on Saturday ish. My luck is looking awesome! But then, my phone suddenly rings. Did I..did I just jinx myself? “Hello,” I didn't even check who called. “Somtheplaneisactuallyleavingtommorowinstead.” The man breathed out through the phone. My brows furrowed trying to understand who this was and what the heck he was saying. Then, it clicked. “Woah Woah Woah, Cal, sloooowww down. Take a breath..now, say it slowly.” He took a big sigh. “Som, I am so sorry but the plane is actually taking off tomorrow . I thought it was this Friday but it was actually Thursday. Som-” no no no no no no!! “Cal, it’s okay. I can um I can go pack now it’ll be okay.” I start speeding up my pace of walking trying to get home now to pack. I don’t even know how long I am staying there. “Som, I am so sorry, please forgive me. I’m going to let you go now so you can pack.” I gave a little smile while walking. “It’ll be fine Cal; I’ll call you tomorrow.” We greeted ourselves goodbye and I finally got home. Twisting my key in the lock and then out. Entering my apartment, I lock the door back and start manhandling my suitcase onto my bed. “Okay okay, I will need the minimum of two uh three suits and then some regular outfits...yeah that sounds good.” I start gently grabbing my best three suits. Well, I only had four so it wasn't that hard of a decision. I picked out three nice outfits. I mean shoot, I might as well try to pick up a modeling job. Ahaha.” I pack everything I need; all the bags and I am ready to go tomorrow. I even got my hard drives and files for this deal. It’s time for me to rest….my….eyes.

“Hi sir, what can I do for you??” “Yes, I would like a…..”

“Oh man, aren’t you extremely lucky”

“Queen or King?”


“SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT” How did I manage to be 30 minutes behind schedule? “Okay Okay Somny, Get yourself cleaned and dressed” Rushing out the bathroom, I put my bathroom necessities in its on the pouch and onto my suitcase. Then, I got a call; Cally Cal. I can’t talk, I will call you in a minute; I had to let my phone ring. I grab on some nice sweatpants and a sweatshirt as I grab all my bags. Luckily, I didn't even have a lot of bags. Rushing to the airport, I finally arrived and decided I’ll snooze until I hear the announcement WHICH, I did not miss. When I get on the plane, that’s when I realize, what if my room isn’t available? I have to book it ONCE I get there. UUGHHAAAH Under so much stress, I sleep my way to New York City; arriving like a hot mess there. I got an uber to take me to yup, you guessed it, Manhattan. I finally arrived. It's some Hilton thingy who knows. I just need a room here. I walk well, almost fall into the building, my suitcase deciding to attempt to assassinate me. I finally get to the receptionist. She had blondish hair with gold-like highlights. She had a nice smile and was very pretty. “Uhm hello Miss,” I struggle to read her name “Miss Stepheena. Very Unique” “Thank you, sir!” “I would like a nice room here for uh..a week.” “No problem sir.. “ She started clicking away. “I just want to let you know we are really booked for rooms so my search may take a minute.” She said never to break contact from her laptop. “No problem at all,” I said. YES, THAT'S A PROBLEM. “Queen or King?” Queen or King, I have heard that - YES It’s happening. So in my dream, she was talking about the hotel. Ooh. “Uhh...It doesn’t matter to me, but if you got a King I’ll take it in a heartbeat.” She let out a little laugh as she did some final clicking. “Well, aren’t you so lucky! We have a King Deluxe Room with even a City View! And the price is immaculate; What such luck!” I grinned. “Well, I will definitely -” The door slammed open. I turn my head swiftly to see a figure walking in front of a bunch of flashing cameras. Like I said, everything goes according to plan.

June 18, 2021 03:25

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