Fiction Mystery Suspense

"MMM, I can not wait for this fat blunt I plan to roll. A good mango margarita with sugar and whipped cream, while mama takes a nice, hot bubble bath." Lillith is a mother of 3 monsters, or children, as other people call them. They are truly lovely children, for any other person not their own mother, or so it would seem to her most days. They run about maniacally, listening to about 30% of what is said to them, and needs to eat continuously. The girl eats more than the boys even! 

They are all in different sports or extracurriculars as well. Which is just a whole fun shit show in and of itself. But Lillith puts on her Going-to-be-Around-Other-Parents face, tokes off her lovely dab pen, and heads on out to welcome the crap-fest that is yet another sports game event, or scholastic bowl, or some dumb ceremony or other. Because that is what you do for your children. You are 100% there for them, you make life seem like it is just the bee's knees. While inside? You cling to whatever other life you have made for yourself, when the children go to sleep or are away for the day at school. You swim in the memory of the night before and what you had accomplished so professionally, and cleanly. As an adult, that is basically a sex dream. Those are what help Lillith, anyways, through her days of insanity.

Not tonight though! Oh no! This mama gets 8 wonderful, long hours all to herself this evening without needing to clean or plan or run around with her head cut off. Nope, tonight is all for herself, a night she has been planning for two weeks now. One set of grandparents asked for the boys, they want to take them to a new movie that has come out of late. And the other set requested Miss Thing, Lillith's daughter, to go to the museum and see the planetarium. That girl is going to Harvard, if Lillith has anything to say about it. The things her middle child is interested in blows her mind for the most part. Of course, Lillith agreed to it all. The last time she had had a night to herself, alone in her own home? Had to have been before her daughter had been born that she could recall. Even her husband was going out with his fantasy football league for some drinks! 

She had packed the boys up with her husband's parents, wrestling with the younger one to put some damned pants on already. 8 year's old and still prefers to run around naked. The older brother, of course, continuously antagonizes as Lillith struggles with his younger doppelganger. Oh the migraines Lillith has had to contend with through out the years. She loves her children, as stated before. But every mother who tells you she never wishes to part from them, are liars. They need alone time more than once in a blue moon. But, then again, a good mother sacrifices it all. In this day and age, the children are in desperate need of that kind of up-bringing. Seeing their parents, together, and fighting tooth and nail for them to get the future they deserve. Not because they were silver spoon fed everything, but because they worked their asses off for it.

After getting Little Miss in with Lillith's parents, she waved them off and headed back to her nice and empty house. Hubby was not even coming home after work, just heading out. Lillith proceeded to her television, popped on YouTube for some good 90's music, blared it for all the neighborhood to hear, and hit the stairs to her bathroom. When the doorbell rang, persistently. 

With thoughts of torture for any child who screwed up tonight, Lillith turned back to the door. She could pretend she had not heard the bell, as the music was quite loud. Unfortunately, she is a good person in her core. Shaking her head, Lillith opens the door with a smile on her face. Which quickly wiped away as she looked at her younger, estranged brother on her door step.

"Lillith, thank God you're home. I need your help now, no questions!" He said this all in one breath, while hanging on to the door frame for dear life. 

Lillith turned her head towards her stairs, her empty home, her alone time, and nearly wept. She knew that her night was about to take a turn for the worse, as is the case with this particular family member. And yet, she would always help him, as she always had. He is family and family is what is truly worth sacrifice. "Also, it never hurts to make a little extra cash for that trip to Italy come the fall." she thought to herself as she turned back to her brother, took a deep breath, and asked quietly, "Which of my services do you require?"

Her brother stumbles through the doorway and leans forwards to catch his breath. Lillith closes the door and goes to turn the music down. She studies her brother, waiting for him to fill her in on the newest chapter of his sad life. She does not push him, does not question him. She has found that, in doing so with this particular fellow, it makes the "visit" much longer than is ever necessary. She goes to the mini bar and proceeds to fix herself up a mango margarita, "No way I am not getting one of these at least." She thinks. Keeping her back to the still wheezing Matthew, Lillith sugars the rim of her glass, pours her drink, tops it with some whipped cream, and takes a nice long swig. "Ah, now that is a fanfuckingtastic margarita. If I do say so myself!" 

Smacking her lips, Lillith turns back to Matthew, and waits. He is finally standing up-right and breathing at a much more even pace. He is a small man, 8 years younger than my own 32 years. and only stands to my shoulders. Palid complexion, pale washed out brown hair that is currently close cropped. He has some kind of goatee thing going on and an earring hanging in his right ear. There is a nasty cut across his right eyebrow and a shiner to his left jawline. Setting all that aside, however, his clothes were impeccable. Pressed and definitely expensive, something she might buy for her own husband. "Interesting clothes there bubs." Lillith breaks the silence with, swirling her drink and ice around her glass.

Matthew glares at her, but wipes it away quickly. He knows she is not the one to be coy or smart with. He learned that very early on. "I have had a, change of employment, that comes with some nice upgrades." he says haltingly. He brushes his hands through his already combed through hair, and finally looks at me straight. "I have some problems that need, made gone." Now his hands were wringing themselves so hard, they were getting even paler, if that was even possible. 

Lillith nodded her head, keeping her bland smile plastered on. "That would seem a bit obvious there, bucko." She agreed, knowing he detested those little kid names she threw at him. "I do handle a bit of this and that, as I have for you in the past." She took another long drink and pursed her lips. "So, what will it be this time? Making money appear, disappear? Making another person disappear? Let me have the deets." Taking a seat, Lillith produced a pen and paper from her side table and waited. Matthew sat on the couch opposite her and began his tale. 

"The company that I work for, they are not exactly 100% legal, as is usual with these types of big companies." He swallows hard. "And unfortunately, I....let's say, goofed, on something a bit, well, let's say big?" Lillith frowns at Matthew, who swallows again and clears his throat. "Right, specifics. I know that. Silly me." He wipes his brow, this little weasel is nervous as hell. "You mind if I make a drink?" Lillith gestures at the mini bar and continues sipping her own drink. She is becoming increasingly impatient.

After fixing himself a double shot of whiskey, her good stuff too she noted down, he sat back down and threw the whole thing back. Grimacing, he set the glass down and, sounding much more clear headed, continued his story. "Well anyways, I was supposed to drop off this, product we will call it. It was in the trunk already, I was not to open the trunk, I was not to do anything with it what so ever. Just take the car to the drop off, and be on my merry. Which I had every intention of doing, only," He trails off here, goes for another double, throws it back and sits back down. "Only you opened the trunk because there were noises coming from it? Or just because curiosity always kills you?" Lillith continues for him before he has the chance to. He nods, pathetically, and covers his face with his hands.

"Well, what was in the trunk, Kid?" Lillith prods. "Was it a human being? A young girl you fell in love with the second your eyes met?" She was beginning to feel that margarita pretty damned well. She flicked open her cigarettes and lit one as she waited for him, again, to continue the tail.

"You, no, sorry. It was not a girl. I have not been swept off my feet. I had stopped to grab gas, of all things, and there was a noise from the back. I tried to ignore it but it grew more insistent. And so, yes, my curiosity got the better of me." He paused here and looked around, worried. "Are Parker and the kids home?! I didn't even think-" "They are all out tonight actually, thankfully. My children do not know anything about their estranged uncle, and I am not in the mood for a million questions." Lillith cuts in. "Now, show me what was in the trunk, buck." She finishes with a hand gesture to the front door.

"Can I pull my car in to your garage actually? We do not want people seeing this." Matthew quickly requests. Lillith nods and goes to the wall to pop the garage door open. She wait for her brother to pull his car in and closes the door again. There is something in the back seat, but Lillith is weary to go too close to the car itself, even if it seems like Matthew sees no danger in whatever it is. He pops out of the driver's seat and comes around to the passenger side. "What the hell do you make of this, sis?" He asks, and opens the door. 

Lillith freezes in place as a small version of herself stares back at her. Not exactly a child, more of a miniature clone. She looks at her brother, rage in vision and demands, "What the hell is this, Matthew?"

                                                                          The End

July 29, 2021 00:25

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01:56 Aug 05, 2021

Oh gash cliffhanger. I didn't expect that it would be darkish hahaha and tho I am not a mom, I appreciate the mom's viewpoint, this is relatable especially when I see my mom having ultimate headaches because of us.


Samantha Stein
00:05 Aug 06, 2021

Thank you so much! That was such an awesome first comment on anything I have ever submitted! Big cheesy smile today. :)


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