The Music We Make Together .

Written in response to: Write a story that includes someone saying, “Thank you for that.”... view prompt


African American Romance High School

This morning, my life was everything I’d always wanted. For one thing, I was dating my dream guy. He was my best friend . But the world we were living in wasn’t always easy…But he was determined to help me make all my dreams come true. Most of what we did together, I told my best friend Val. To me he was just so… exciting. Talking to him I just felt so safe…  

But if I’d known everything was gonna come crashing down, would I have done things differently? I’m getting ahead of myself though. I need to take you back before my whole world falls apart…. Because if I tried to sum up what happened? You wouldn’t even believe me. My name is Ivory But my friends call me Ivy and I'm just a regular teenage girl so I thought. I have two best friends Val and Ethan. I knew them since we were in preschool. 

 Ethan and Val and I did everything together. We would always talk during class, go to the mall, hang out and have sleepovers. I always loved hanging out with them. But one day my life changed for the better. “ Hey Ivory, how's it going?” Val said. “ It’s been ok, but have you seen Ethan?” Val looked around. “ No I haven't.” I wasn't really big on telling Val that I had a crush on Ethan. I decided just to keep it to myself.  

 One day Ethan came up to me and Val and said he wanted to tell us something. I really wanted to know what it was. He decided that it was time to tell us something. Then the next thing that came out of his mouth made me speechless… “ Val, I have really liked you for a long time and I wanted to take you out.” I didn’t want to say “ NO DON'T GO WITH HIM!” I’m not that type of person. Val whispered to me and said “ should I go with him I mean Ethan is kind of cute.”   

  Just to remind you I never told Val that I liked Ethan because I wasn't ready for everyone to know. I told Val yes that she should go out with him and Ethan started jumping with Joy. I told them I had to go somewhere. “ Bye guys I’m gonna go see what someone's up to see ya .” I said, I went to go find a room. I locked myself in the music room. It's where I love to go when I'm upset. Music is my passion. I want to become a singer when I grow up. 

 “ Ivory spots a piano in the corner of the room. She goes over with a sad look on her face and plays the piano while playing the piano softly. A tear runs down her cheek then she starts to sob quietly . Ivory gets done sobbing and walks out the room to go find Val and Ethan to find them gone she looks everywhere in the school but can’t find them anywhere she asked some people have they seen Val and Ethan and they told her that they left the school Ivory thought to herself “ they weren't like this they would never leave me.” But it was true they left the school. ”    

    The next day at school Val and Ethan saw Ivory in her locker and they went over to her Val said. “ Hey Ivory, where have you been? we missed you.” Ivory said” Where have I been?? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU GUYS LEFT ME I THOUGHT WE ALWAYS LEAVED TOGETHER!!” Val and Ethan looked at each other shocked at what ivory said. Ethan said “ I went to go take Val on a date. I wanted to surprise her. I didn't want to ruin the surprise and not take her .” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing about my best friends dating each other and me sitting here yelling like a fool upset because they left me.   

  I couldn’t take the madness anymore. I had to do something so I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I heard them yelling my name telling me to come back but I didn’t stop running. I couldn’t stand that for another minute just let my anger get the best of me. I decided I was going to leave them be and focus on myself. That day I went home straight to my room. I didn’t want to cry because I wanted to be strong but I couldn’t help myself. I cried so much that I fell asleep. The next morning I got up and did my morning routine and told my mother goodbye and went off to school . 

    I couldn’t believe that this was my first morning without my two best friends waiting for me outside telling me to hurry up and get ready for school. When I got to school I saw Val and Ethan and they looked at me but I ignored them. I didn't even want to see their faces. For the first time I realized that I could be so much more or so I thought. I believed that I could make it without them and Live my life the way I wanted to. Months went by without me talking to Val and Ethan. They made a new friend as well. Her name is Sarah. I really can’t stand her. She's been trying to steal Ethan and Val away from me for a while now I guess she finally got her wish.      

  I haven’t made any friends because I want to stay by myself. I fear that making that many friends isn’t that important anymore when all they can do is backstab you. One day me and Val got into a really bad argument because she thought I stole her necklace since it was on the floor and she was looking for it and I grabbed it because I was going to give it back. “ HOW COULD YOU STEAL MY NECKLACE IVY!!” Val said angrily. “ I didn’t steal your necklace, you're overreacting. I was going to give it back to you Val!!” I said getting annoyed. “ YOU ALWAYS WANT EVERYTHING I HAVE MY LIFE, MY HOUSE, MY NECKLACE, ETHAN FOR INSTANCE!!” I was shocked at what she said. “ How did you know I wanted Ethan…” I asked her, feeling ashamed. “ OH COME ON IVY IT'S OBVIOUS YOU ALWAYS WANTED ETHAN !!” I just didn’t know what to say. I just stood there quietly. Then Ethan walked over to us.  

  Apparently he heard everything we said and he was more shocked than me. “ Y-You like me Ivy. ” Ethan said. I couldn’t deny that he already knew too much. So I decided to tell the truth. “ You know what yes I do. I like you Ethan and I can’t even believe I'm saying this. I can't even believe what you guys have put me through. Haven't you noticed it's been a year since we all have hung out and talked to each other…. Do you not REALIZE that everything has changed ever since you guys got together?…. I thank you for that because I guess I'm the one who wants this friendship back.” Val looked up at me and said, “ Look Ivory I'm very sorry about what has happened you right we haven’t talked to each other for a year now and we should have never stopped talking to each other me and Ethan are very sorry please forgive us.”  

   They were my best friends after all I had to forgive them. “ I forgive you Val and your right we shouldn’t have stopped talking.” Ethan got happy with joy and said. “ I couldn’t agree more, come here you two.” Me and Val ran over to Ethan and got in the longest bear hug ever. So as you can see we are all friends again and I'm making music and performing for my school. Val and Ethan are also part of a group I like to call Rock'n Royals. It’s a good name. I know no need to give me credit.  

  But look so It's been a few months now and we were having the best time. I was in the music room making some songs for our next performance when Ethan walked in. “ Hey Ivy, how's it going? Mind if I join you?” Ethan said. “ Sure Ethan I don’t see why not but where is Val?” Ethan told me Val had to leave early and she wasn’t feeling well. I decided to walk over to the piano and make some music while Ethan sat by me and played along.

 “ Ivory and Ethan play the piano together; they play the piano softly while singing to the melody. While the two play the piano they both look at each other staring into each other's eyes. Ethan smiles and moves a strain of hair in Ivory's face. Ivory looks at Ethan then gets up and walks out the room.”  

  “ I can’t stay in that room with him anymore. I couldn't bear to even look at him, really did life have to be so unfair.??” Ivory said while walking to Val's house. I walked over to Val's house and Val answered the door looking quite lovely. “ Val, I thought you didn’t feel better.” Ivory asked, looking a bit shocked. “ No, I'm actually fine, what are you doing here?” Val asked. “ I came here to make sure you're ok but it looks like you're completely healthy.” Ivory said with a bit of anger in her tone. “ Look Ivy I know what you're thinking and I'm sorry but I want to tell you something.”  Val said.

  “ Ok well what is it that you need to tell me Val?” Ivory asked. “ I want to break up with Ethan.” Val said, nervous. “ I have a date tonight and I want you to tell him.” I looked at Val like she was crazy. I screamed at her and told her it’s not ok just to tell someone to go and tell their boyfriend/girlfriend that they want to break up. Listen guys, I'm sorry but that's not how it works. Val told me she has it all worked out and that she's sorry but she needed me to do this so I did. I told Ethan that Val wanted to break up, surprisingly he didn’t care. I was shocked again for the one hundredth time. 

 Ethan told me he was planning on breaking up with Val from the beginning from when he heard our whole argument. Ethan told me that he loved ME?!?! And I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I went back and told Val and she said that I should do it and she would approve of the decision. I found Ethan at his favorite spot. It was a little lake where you could see the fireflies dance around you. Ethan told me that he was sorry and that he shouldn’t have asked me if he knew he was going to get rejected but all I could do was look into his big brown eyes and say. 

 "Ethan, I have loved you ever since we were little kids and when you and Val got together I fell apart. I love you and I want to be with you forever.” Ethan pulled me closer to him and kissed me. My heart felt so warm and I couldn’t believe that my dream finally came true. Ethan told me.” Well, will you be my girlfriend Ivy?” Ethan said, smiling at me. “ Of course, lover.” He kissed me again and after that day me and Ethan have been together.

 We told Val and she approved of us and we have been happy. Me, Val, and Ethan graduated and after we graduated Ethan proposed to me of course I said yes. We got married and had two kids named Emma and Hugo. Val got married to a man named Luca and had a son named Archie. Right now We are all on tour and became the best Music group ever. Oh and as for Sarah she made sure to stay as far away from us as possible. 

The end.

December 03, 2022 18:15

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