Inspirational Romance Sad

The concept of love has often been a subject of debate, with one individual's definition often differing from another's. One such individual holds the firm belief that love is nothing more than a useless throbbing of our beating organ. This definition has been rooted in her psyche ever since she bore witness to the heart-wrenching sight of her weakling of a mother vanishing near a narrow alley outside "Bob's Bakers." Despite the passage of time, the perception of love remains unchanged. "Same old me, same old you," she muses, "nothing has changed since you've gone."

She was too weak to stand up for her own kid, for her only daughter whom she brought in this crazy world.

Ever since that unfateful day, she has been living on the streets more precisely on that very street where it all began.

Sometimes all you ever want is solace. That was what her seventeen year old mind came up to keep her going through the harshness of life. When life gets harsh, turn your back towards it. In this way you won't face the cruelties at the forefront. These are not some intellectual's inspirational quotes,-but Melanie's thoughts.

The one thing that sustained her during the overwhelming hardship of homelessness was Mrs. Darcy's heavenly apple pies. Bob's wife was a remarkable woman who provided her with an abode, offering her the safety and security she craved. With her gentle, wrinkled hands, she tucked her in under a warm blanket, and with her caring eyes, she made her feel alive once again. Her apple pies were simply irresistible. Mrs. Darcy would always keep a box filled with her delectable pies at the backdoor of the bakery, making it incredibly convenient for her to fetch them. No one should ever be made to feel worthless in their own eyes.

Those were the most trying and difficult days one could ever imagine. Instead of succumbing to the numbness and despair that threatened to engulf her, she chose to focus on the simple pleasures of life - like the warm, comforting aroma of freshly baked apple pies. In a way, these pies were a blessing in disguise, a reminder that there was still goodness and beauty in the world that was worth holding onto. They made her believe in a higher power, in a force that was greater than the pain and suffering she was going through.

Time marched on relentlessly, until that one fateful day arrived. Everything has a beginning and an end - the browning of leaves, the wrinkling of skin, the blurring of vision - all signalling the end of a beautiful life. And that's exactly what happened to sweet Mrs. Darcy. Despite her struggles and hardships, she was remembered by all who knew her for her unwavering optimism, her kindness, and her courage in the face of adversity.

It was a warm summer evening, Melanie sat near the backdoor of the bakery. Her silent tears were telling the story behind those green eyes that were once alive but had gone blank again. A void so wide, a pain hardly bearable.

As the door creaked open, she didn't expect what was about to happen. Suddenly, a mysterious box was placed on her lap, and as she looked up, her eyes widened with amazement. The person before her was none other than a dashing and refined gentleman, with golden locks and piercing blue eyes that seemed to stare right through her. He exuded an air of elegance and sophistication, fit for the upper echelons of society. From the striking green in his eyes to the intensity of his gaze, every detail about him was simply captivating. It was like a scene straight out of a romantic novel, and she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat in excitement.

As she stood there, Abraham's presence gave her a glimpse of what the future might hold. His gentle smile and reassuring touch made her believe that better days were coming her way. He was here to help her redefine her understanding of love and guide her towards a brighter tomorrow.

The journey ahead was long and uncertain, but she was determined to keep moving forward. The fog in her mind began to lift, and she realized that she needed to listen to her heart and take a chance on herself.

She knew that only the brave and resilient ones could face the challenges that life throws their way. With Abraham by her side, she was ready to face whatever the future held and make the most of every moment.

Only the special ones get another chance at life, so make the most of it

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." ~ Rumi

The silence of the night was here, the smell of manure in the air with a great storm ravaging in her heart. The thumping footsteps made her stiffen awaiting his impending arrival.

"The silence of the night is exhilarating, isn't it? It's like a reminder that you're alive," he spoke, his voice as delicate as a snowflake that had found its resting place on the earth.

"Why does one need to be reminded of their sanity?" She asked, feeling a rush of excitement.

He gave a velvety chuckle, making her heart race as he sat down beside her on the steps, leaving a tantalizing distance between them. The earthy fragrance of sandalwood enveloped her, causing her to lean in closer towards him. He knew he had her under his spell, and he relished in the power he held over her.

"Only the ones wanting to be seen would say something like this. You must give yourself for once to spell out your frsutration, look out for yourself and be there for whenever your heart calls out to you" his warm, gentle barritone decreased to certain octaves making her squirm in her place. His words caused a stir in her heart.

Her tears of sadness falling like a shower as she sobbed just like a sprinkle of rain on a barren land awaiting its impending doom. He made sure to be there for her. Made her feel wanted.

All good times must meet their end. His time with her ended but it imprinted a positive hope of living in her mind. He made his appearance useful for Melanie's insecurities. Just as she ran a hand over her face to wipe out these tracherous tears, a far away vouce caught her attention.

A shocked gasp left her lips at the sight of the small television inside the bakery that repeated the same news over and over again. Those words kept ringing in her mind as she placed a hand on her mouth to stop herself from screaming like a maniac.

Her hands went towards that box of pie, that he brought for her but there was nothing. He wasn't nowhere, he was actually never here.

"A young man, reportedly son of a famous baker Bob Morrison died in a car crash last night. The cause of the accident is reportedly known as a hit and run case....."

He wasn't nowhere, He was never here.

But that shadow has been serving you!

What hurts you, blesses you.

Darkness is your candle.

Your boundaries are your quest.

You must have shadow and light source both.

Listen, and lay your head under the tree of awe. ~Rumi

May 20, 2023 11:00

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