Fiction Friendship Happy

The air felt strange and I couldn’t figure out why. I looked around. Where was Todd? I hopped off the bed and then ran down the hall and into the bathroom. Todd would go in there every morning. But there was no Todd. I ran into the office where Todd likes to yell at his computer screen, but he wasn’t there either. Was he lost? Was he hurt somewhere? I ran back into the bedroom, because maybe I didn’t look hard enough the first time. Sometimes Todd hid behind the door just to scare me if I walked past. I slowly peaked behind the bedroom door, but the space was empty. Where was Todd?

Oh yeah, sometimes Todd is gone. I never know where he goes or how long he’s going to be. It’s random the way he comes and goes, and sometimes I forget that he’s gone so just to make sure he isn’t lost somewhere I’ll check again later.

Back through the hall I went and ran into the kitchen. I could smell something delicious. It was here somewhere. Maybe it was in the same spot that it was in yesterday. And There it was! Todd must have made my food again! The meals he prepared were always delicious. I gobbled it down in a matter of seconds like I always do. Even though he often left unexpected, he always made sure to make me a big meal before he was gone. It was probably the only positive side to his sudden disappearances.

I wonder where Todd went today. He doesn’t communicate very well. Sometimes he says things that I don’t understand but I never let that bother me. Todd is pretty patient with me, but sometimes if I say something too much, or if I say something too loud he gets upset with me. All I want is to tell him I love him and how happy I am that he isn’t gone, but sometimes he yells things that I just don’t understand very well. 

But I still tell him I love him.

Wait, is Todd really gone? What if he’s actually here and I didn’t see him? I know I checked every room but maybe I should check again just to make sure I didn’t miss him. I ran back to the bedroom. I definitely checked behind the bedroom door, but what if in the time it took me to get here he hid himself behind it? Very slowly, I peaked around the door.

No Todd. 

I ran back to the bathroom. Sometimes Todd was in there taking a bath. I peaked behind the shower curtain, excited to see Todd. But there was no Todd. Was I positive he wasn’t in the office? I walked back towards the office, I was out of breath and couldn’t run anymore. I walked all the way inside and checked his chair, but it was empty. Sometimes Todd would hide behind this door too, but there was no Todd waiting to scare me. 

I guess he was really gone. He leaves a lot and never tells me when he’s coming back. I wonder how long its been since he’s been gone? I make my way back to the bedroom and sat myself down back in the wam sun spot on the carpet. What should I do while I wait for Todd? Sometimes when he’s gone I’ll take an extra long nap, but just in case he comes back soon maybe I should stay up.

Maybe I’ll take a bath. I know Todd thinks I stink sometimes, but it confuses me because he still hugs and kisses me, even on the days where I didn’t give myself a bath. I don’t think I stink. I don’t think Todd stinks either. I really like the way Todd smells. To me, Todd never stinks. 

But then I heard something. Was it Todd? It couldn’t be Todd. I looked everywhere that Todd could be. Then I heard a familiar commotion outside. I always heard this sound every time I was about to see Todd again. I got up from the warm spot in the bedroom and ran to the living room and looked around, but I didn’t see Todd. Was he in the kitchen? 

Just as I was about to head back into the kitchen I heard a loud cracking sound come from around the corner. It was Todd! He took off his coat and kicked off his feet. 

“Todd! Todd, it’s you! Where did you go? I was so scared that you were lost or hurt!” 

But Todd just looked at me and smiled. 

“Jelly bean!” 

“Yes Todd! That is my name! And you are Todd! I am Jelly bean!” I

danced around, I was so happy Todd was finally back. I followed him into the kitchen. I stayed right behind him but then I remembered to stepped back a little because Todd was very big, and every time he stepped on me it would really hurt. 

But I still loved Todd. And I was so happy he was home.

“…Jelly…..Jelly!” Todd sung my name in a high pitch voice and I got even more excited. He seemed happy. I was so happy that Todd was happy.

“Where were you Todd? I looked for you in the bathroom. I even checked behind the door where you always jump out and scare me but you weren’t there.” But Todd never told me where he went. Sometimes I think he would try to tell me, but it was hard to understand him sometimes. He wasn’t good with words.

“Bean…..Jelly Bean!” 

“Yes yes yes, Todd! That’s my name! I’m so happy you’re back!” Then I heard another familiar sound and could smell the sweet aroma of the food Todd always made for me, and I just couldn’t contain my excitement anymore. I shook my butt and wagged my tail even harder. I followed Todd over to where I found my food earlier, and there was food there again! Todd always made me the most delicious food.

“Jelly Bean….Bean Jelly Bean.” He kept saying as he patted my head and scratched behind my ears but it would have to wait. I was suddenly starving and couldn’t remember the last time I ate! So I gobbled it down in a matter of seconds like I always do.

December 27, 2023 02:24

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