in an old housing complex in a sydney suburb ,which not such a quiet little suburb like once a few years back ,for changed over years gone by with more loud cars driving through day in and day out,as a book reader of a woman of the housing block didnt seem to be be bothered by the heavy sounding of the traffic,ratchel a middle aged woman just read books day in and day out of her own collection she had stolen over years from local street libraries,now down below ratchel second floor unit lived an old sixty year old scraggly haired woman with high level of anxiety who seemed to come down with a bit of a rage jeollousy over ratchel s book collection as yvonne,the jealous scraggly haired woman down below on thew ground floor tried to threatened some action on the book reader ,ratchel by the tenancy board but though no action could be had satisified yvonne of having ratchel evicted ,as the bookreader had a lot of good strong support team who stood by to the tenancy team and won the battle,much to the angry scraggly haired yvonne ,now she when ever yvonne would some how hear ratcel waking up through nigh and though she always had got up quietly to mutter and rummage through her book collection of on her rows of shelving and crates and that scraggly haired woman still full of envy could still hear word by word of the book reader up on the second floor above and off yvonne would start racing out of her unit and be running around the parking lot of the housing complex screaming and waking neighbours up. and though the one neighbour never appreciated the screaming through night calling help of the neighbourhood so yvonne stareted to having her front door kicked and a pile of coachroaches had been thrown in her unit when she was outside through day screaming nonsense of the notoriorous book reader not having eviction causebof her powerful support team and police occasionally been called to pay visit to yvonne but nothing had been done, until weeks sometime she emerging from a neghbours unit with blood on her hands and a knife and more blood oozing on her leg and she disappeared into her unit arpatment and few weeks later a mutilated body found ,not the book reading lady but another resident had been murdeed in cold blood and yvonne upon being seen racing off with blood on her hands on the day of the killing .she had been found recovered of her wounded bloody hand by police ,found maybe falsely accussed of the killing of another old female neighbour and scraggly haired lady had been also detected
with a high anxiety simptom and high blood of high alcohol consumption ,,who right then and there had been arrested and taken and sentenced to a state mental hospital on the royal north shore and never to be released,but the royal north shore mental hospital could not keep patient s until executed so she had been shipped to the us mental asylum and had been put to her execution with a lethal injection as yvonne had been put to her death. back in the sydney nsw suburb back at the housing complex could now be at peace at night except a fijian preacher man gone also hay wire so he had his car tyres flattened and he ended having an accident on the road taken to a nearby hospital and had ended wheel chair bound of damaged nerves .from his acciudent on the road ;and as like yvonne and her envy to ratchel and so the preacher male had car tyres flattened by revenge of him refusuing to help with a supply of coffee and milk to a poor dishevelled woman of the complex so now preacher mans wheel chair bound had been later sent to a care facillity by force but he could done nothing but leave quietly to the care facillity as later days the preacher man had been discoverd in his ward hanging by the neck with rope hanging on his door jam of his ward with a written note pinned to his body reading what all suicidal s hd written which reads ]such is life ;, and now the ending of the story of about hatred people full of spite for putting revenge on those innocent person and the book lady ratchel can live on peace in the housing block as most other bad neighbours had either moved out or been also in custody of a prison sentence .and so on.the lives of the very view neighbours left aklong with the bookreading lady a huge collection of books but with the scraggly haired yvonne who really hadin for ratchel but had got her punishment once for all in the shipment to a us mental asylum and where she had been put to her death sentence ...,may the neighbourhood live now in peace with the other bad ones also gone . and as the llittle suburb grew more violent and more gang shooting but the book reading ratchel refused to leave for a support leaving home to be more safer as stiil being able to maintain her own home to live on her own till the day of her old agedanddie in her own home unit in her own bed reading her last book,and left in her wheel on her dying old age her books must be cremated also . and well such is life for also ratchel ,, and so the story of hatred and envy of most people now ends ,.not yet one more thing new neighbours came and ratchel stuck to her own unit there and never even let the anew abuse to expect her to leave .her support could do nothing as of her threatened to run off on the streets to sleep around suburb with more street libraries . the end .such a way of luvesof most people who also having some suspicion minds ,,.well as the saying ;such is life ,
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1 comment
I can appreciate that you're experimenting with punctuation and capitalization. It was a lot of work for me to comprehend this, wading through very long run-on sentences.