
​Summer vacations in small towns are always memorable and fun. You get to spend all the time you want with friends, stay up late or run around all over. This summer was different our mood felt different, our laughter diminished it felt like we stared out to nothing. The sky looked a grayish yellow tone; it even felt hard to breathe at times from the heat with cloudy days that only add to the humidity. Days out playing turned into days inside watching for the sun to go down. All I remember is this was the summer that changed all our lives.

​We’ve been girl friends for years and the four of us are all we have known Clarissa, Jade, Josephine and myself, Reagan. We help each other out what one lacks in one thing the other strives. We decided, to meet at the center square to grab some ice cream and at least enjoy part of the day. We saw the town people out and about many with umbrellas blocking the sun, others fanning themselves. Delivery drivers wiping their sweat, but no matter what life went on.

​We decided to ride our bike to no other place but the desert we prepared with water bottles and snack, long sleeves to protect our skin. We wanted to enjoy the day Clare wanted to take pictures and Josephine wanted to look for rocks. Jade just didn’t want to stay home and I wanted to see the sky sit under some shade and enjoy the scenery. We didn’t want to be gone to long with this heat and all.  We gathered our last supplies and headed out we sent our parents a message letting them know where we would be. We drove past every store and coffee shop and all the working people in town. The air was hot in our facesand half way out of town I started to think was this even a good idea.

​Stopping along the way for water we had been riding for about an hour and a half and the lively town we so well know was now nowhere in sight. “How far should we go” I said. We stopped near a large rock that had some shade to the side and rested. The snacks came out and blankets to lie down on. It was actually a beautiful day. Clare was the most outdoorsy one and she was exploring, the rest of us were laying down relaxing. As I was lying down I felt a vibration and a specific breeze and I stood up.

​Clare came running, “girls come quick” she yelled. We all go up and ran. She was on the side of the rock almost below it. There was a long stretch as if something had been dragged, dirt was disturbed and below what we thought was a rock was actually a dome shape, there a hole the size of car. The air looked like it vibrated and a black hole of nothing. We stared at each other scared, worried shocked. Clare stared and said “doyou hear that?” “Well no Clare there is clearly nothing there”. She stared as if she was not occupied of her soul and the life in her eyes was gone in conflict of what was in front of her. Jade reached for her hand and she jumped. She breathed heavily and harshly, we pulled her away and ran. We reached the top of the rock and grabbed our things and there she stood. We stared at her and sat her down gave her water. We all looked at her and asked her “what happened?” She was silent. Minutes passed she finally spoke, “didn’t y’all hear it?”  As we continued to stare at her “No” we said.

​“She spoke to me” Clare said. Like what did my friend just say. “Who spoke to you” Josephine asked her. Still in a daze our friend rambled on about who she was. There in that black hole was a fallen Blue Star, one of the hottest stars in our universe. And my friend Clare is referring to the Star as a “she”. Clare has always been a nature kind of girl I mean please who would want to go to the desert to collect rocks. She’s soft spoken and will literally cry for a wilting flower.  The fact that she was in her element and was assessable to this is not strange to me at all. What seemed strange is the trans she seemed to be in. We patiently waited for her to answer us. 

The Blue Star fell when time crossed her and she realized life on earth was over. We have lost all humanity towards earth that feeds us and gives us liberty. Each day that passes she grows stronger, hotter. She said if we can figure out a way to get the star back to the sky, she wouldn’t explode here on earth. But in the meantime until the day comes she grows stronger and explodes extinguishing all life form. It was the reason; the weather was so hot it’s the heat that radiates from her. “How did we not feel this huge star fall to earth?” Jade screamed. We all stared at each other and all these questions would probably have to wait. 

Clare seemed exhausted and we waited for what seemed like forever, until she finally spoke. “We have to figure out a way, or she will explore and we will all die!” screamed Clare. How do we run back to town and tell them what we have just found? How do four teenage girls get a fallen star, one that can explode and extinguish earth? Yes I am hysterical right now! We gathered ourselves and started to head back to town. We needed to analyze what had just happened, and to see what 4 girls can do. Did you hear the confusion in my voice?

We decided to spend the night at my house. For some reason snacks are always involved and a must. We all sat on the floor either hugging a pillow or covered in a blanket. All night,thinking and debating, questioning and wondering. Clare spoke the most; explaining to us the possibilities of everything we thought of. She seemed so dedicated she was for sure going to find a solution. I felt hopeless; in every scenario I presented to myself there was no hope. I wanted to go home spend time with my mom and dad if these were the last days with them. I didn’t want to waste my time on an impossible situation. 

I don’t even know what time we fell asleep.  But we woke up to a scream from Clare. She says there is a lightning storm heading our way. All dazed and confused we stared at her. She said, if enough lightning bolts hit the star there could be enough energy to energize it. Again dazed and confused. Up until this moment, we didn’t understand how lightning would hit one specific spot, let alone multiple lightning. People please, we are 4 teenagers am I the only negative one? 

Clare ran up and changed and so did we. We needed to buy and get a hold of all the magnets we could possibly find. As we headed out, I noticed the clouds became darker the breeze was warmer still. There was a scent of rain in the air, and we needed to move fast Clare was on a mission and we could not slow down. We collected all the magnets we could carry from every one we knew and all the magnets we could purchase some were big some were small. But none were huge to send a Star back to the Universe. Yes, it sounded ridiculous even as I said it. We pedaled to the desert and Clare ran to the bottom. Anticipating the storm coming soon we did as Clare ordered we taped all the magnets together. Ran down and Clare was putting metal poles into the earth she placed the magnet around the poles. There once again she was lost in a trans. She describe a beautiful blue irregular circle, with a larger white circle surrounding it. Inside it seemed to glow, it radiated energy, it vibrated and it made a buzzing whistling sound. The vibration was seen and felt and the circles moved. It was beautiful to even imagine it. A promise was made to all of us, of an indescribable energy and a sense of love for the Earth.

​Impossible, is an adjective describing not able to occur, exist or be done. Impossible, is to those who don’t try those who don’t have imagination, to those who don’t believe in a cause. Because what I witnessed that day was a love for nature, and a glimpse of hope. A star that, has enough energy to hold itself up in a Universe falls into a small town ready to destroy planet Earth because it saw its own destruction, where one person can make the impossible, possible. 

We waited for the lightning storm to approach us. We ran as far as we could and we saw the lightning coming. Where could we run that was far enough, would there be an explosion, we would we survive. I felt my heart beating in my ears as we ran, I turned to look at the girls and I felt their fear. We kept looking back holding hands and then we saw it. One, two, three, four, five etc., lightning was hitting one spot. We felt a strong wind and a dome rose with the colors I had imagined and in an instant lightning was now going up instead of down. We fell to the ground and the wind stopped. 

We stared at each other, and we hugged what have we done and how was that possible. What would people say, would anyone believe us? Who do we tell? Walking back, somehow the ground felt different, the air was cooler, the sky was more beautiful than ever, the bushes and few trees swayed gentle as if to say thank you. 

​The End

August 09, 2024 22:28

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