the book thief lives on

Written in response to: Write a story from the point of view of a non-human character.... view prompt


Contemporary Drama Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

in this world of more technology and more people into kindle reading and online everything,but old mary still hidden away inher own house ,living quiet happily on her own with her own rows of shelves of load of books she,d stolen from local mini street libraries and her cause of this was that if people todays world rather not read so many books then in her opinion she must rescue as many books could from the recycle bin .this ,in her opinion of rather not live like a normal human being but non human in like a being a paperbook herself,so some people mock her and laugh but no bother maybe she cant be human,in matter of speaking only,she may have her support team who been worried and tried to organise a care home and when hearing about this she had taken off actually in hiding on the street sleeping round near street libraries,but returned back home to fight for her right of her living on her own with her hoard of bookshelves,now as time went by her support left her be in her living on her own but sometime they worried for when she ,mary reaches old age and what her future shall if more mocking should go on,and in her nonhuman being self she,d rather die alone re reading her last book ,and nothing no one could do about her strange notion which no support could ever change her matter of opinion which comes as a story of a stubborn woman and prefers her own way of living though mary never ended having real harm done to her like physical assault .just mocked with silly harmless little words which she knew meant no harm,of course it was all true ,and would go on having her peaceful death at an old age re reading her very last book and the reading of her will ,what shall happen to all her great book collection and her will will say her books are also to be cremated some place where no big bush fire would begin,and as this is near the ending of how the great famous book thief would live on,and other more people also been having errattic behavour like an old man and woman who were into hoarding cupboards in there housing unit but the tenancy manage ment got on to them to get rid of that junk or face eviction,and they then wondered why mary was not told to get rid of so many books ,so the man ,voy and anne been tried to rid of her instead of them facing eviction. but reason never turned out for mary being evicted and get rid of her books was cause she had great support team who backed her all the way to stay where she is with no hassles.and a few years later anna became quite ill and frail with severe nerve pain and wanted voy to take her to there own country to die and so they left for good to there country of ireland, and this conclusion ends and another madness of the world today are coffee freaks hanging around cafe bars having huge amounts of coffee and some would then do silly things like chase women and young girls up the street and molest them ,some to death and more police arrest for all these coffee freak gangs,so the conclusion of this;;;no one is actually a normal human ,all seem non human ,and so on and on in this world today...'and must be another brink of a war of the twenty first century of the year 2024,when and why no one seems normal human anymore,and how the homeless still cope with more normal people prefer to pay every thing with credit cards,so he is how they survive ;they are hidden in isolated camp sites to avoid in danger to themselves and only come out at night for food scavenging lie stealing from supermakets some gotten away and some caught by police and were placed in a shelter where they would only stay for a short time and return back on streets and robbing the vulnerable for there handbags and so and on,and the moral of this whole shirt different stories of all non human kind and the normal human kind beings,,all have different opinions of life in the year 2024 where noone knows how the tough world today and dont anyone knew of the change of the world for some reason,well on and as days and months and years go by,,and as they come to a small park at the end of the estate the homeless let loose some wine and spirits for sale to make there money to buy food and did well for awhlie selling the stolen liquor and when made tons of money they fled from sydney to a country side town of dubbo nsw where they sill camped out but were more safer in the little country town and few may have died but one a few survived well for proper housing assisstance and social security benefits tp live on and so and and on in this capers of each town every in nsw,,good or bad or worse ,like a real characters of outer space or some place each person turns into somehow a non human character in our world of society today like mary the book thief and her love for reading so many books in hsr own house and vowed when dies her books must be cremated near her .and so the ending ,,what will the outcome of all these non human characters in own strange way,,.the end i hope,,,,of course in the answer to this if our traditional method were still in habit the world wold mainly more human characters of such,,but that was the old tradition long long decades ago,.so many centuries where lots of bookworms loved real reading books more of normal characters around but except with mental issues which also exsists in even the old old traditional decades of long long ago,the ending let this be a novel someday, the end .

March 25, 2024 08:36

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