Mystery Romance

Harry step out of the glass encased shower in his apartment to dry off his body after having a steamy hot shower to get ready for his blind date with Julia. He started to hum a song that he just couldn’t get out of his head. The lyrics seemed to be firmly planted in the depths of his mind and short of a bomb going off in his head, he wasn't sure how to get the song out of his mind. He stood in front of his mirror looking at himself wondering what he had got himself into with this blind date.

From the tips of his reddish hair, he had to admit that his hair was soft to touch and women like to finger it, to play with a strand or two while they were listening to him talk on and on about nothing. Smiling, Harry had to admit that when he was nervous his pale pink lips engaged and didn’t have any common sense when to shut up. Blue eyes that had a problem when another beautiful lady walked by his table and they seemed to have a mind of their own to follow the beautiful lady walking by.  This action always made his date for the night mad at him and some of the women wouldn’t speak with him for several hours. Other women would slap him before walking out on him saying, “You might have a better chance with her than with me.”

A straight slender nose sat in the middle of his face and his nose was his remind of the night that he and his friends got totally wasted. Some of them had their nose pierced, ear pierce, tongue pierced, or even a tattoo or two on their bodies.  He chose to have his ear pierced and a tattoo of Bugs Bunny on his arm.  It was better than what Nelson chose to get tattoo on his butt, the word “mother” in a pink heart.  The boss at his workplace stood in front of Harry and the four men laughing at them.  Their boss was the son of the owner who owned the company that they worked for. The boss had finally settled down saying, “If you want to see if the nurse can take out those piercing, you can go see her” which is when he looked directly at Harry at this point. To spite his boss and probably make him mad, he left his piercing in while some of the other men went to see if theirs could be taking out.

Shaking himself, he knew it was time to get busy getting dressed and out the door for his big blind date. As he slipped on a pair of gray dress pants and a white shirt, he wondered about the lady that he would be meeting tonight on his blind date. The only thing that he knew about her from his friends was that her first name was Julia. What she look like was a total mystery? What would she think of him was another question that would be answered tonight? How would she act, say, or think about certain things was another thing he would have to wait to find out? Why was he over thinking and stressing out about this date tonight? He chuckled as he thought he wanted to kill his friends for setting this up.

Julia sat on her bed looking into the mirror at the last and final outfit that she had pulled out of her closet to try on for this outing, this blind date. Why was she going crazy over one blind date when she had been on blind dates and first dates many times before? None of them had ended in the positive way because she always found something wrong with the guy that sat opposite her. She had heard rumors that Harry was a ladies man to Harry was a jobless bum who lived off one lonely woman to the next lonely woman. She was not going to be his next lonely woman he lived with. The first question she would ask is where he worked? She knew one thing for sure and that was, she would have to go on this blind date for herself to form her own opinion of Harry. Maybe he was shy and quiet which would make his friend say he was outgoing and crazy, just to help him get some extra help in getting a date.  She hoped that Harry would just be himself tonight on the date.

As she near the restaurant that they both agreed to meet for their date, she was getting more nervous and kept asking herself if she could go through with this date. What was Harry going to be like? What would he think of her as his date? Would he do something crazy and nuts to drive her off? She thought back to other blind dates that she had which made her cringe with utter dismayed when she tried to convince herself that she had enjoyed them. She had wanted to kill the guy and bury him under her rose bushes. There had been one guy that she thought was going to make high marks until his wife showed up and started to yell at both of them. Maybe they could tell horror stories about past blind dates or horror stories about first dates they had with someone else.

She saw Harry first, standing there by doorway to the entryway into the restaurant watching for her and she waved to get his attention. He smiled and waved back which Julia thought to herself that was a good sign to start their date off on the right foot. As she approached him, she held out her hand and said, “My name is Julia and I am your blind date for tonight.” Harry smiled once more trying to force his nervousness downward and said, “My name is Harry. Let’s go inside to get our table and get to know each other.” He held up a white rose which was her favorite flower to her and she softly said “Thank you Harry.” Julia knew this was going to work out, Harry had shot to the top of the ranking with the white rose.

August 28, 2020 20:34

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