Romance Friendship Teens & Young Adult

Reedsy Short Story Contest #260: “No, Not Surprised”

by Odiseo Quintin

Vaughn was enjoying the freedom from previous parental supervision. During this first summer on his own, he would hide from the sun in the shade of his upstairs apartment balcony. From this perch, he noticed a girl (who rented just across the street) walk over to his complex to visit her girlfriend from time to time. Vaughn and Monique would exchange smiles, nothing more. One day she introduced herself and asked him to help her move some furniture using his cargo van. He was glad to lend a helping hand. Monique’s apartment friend Amber (a blonde) also tagged along. Everyone seemed to enjoy the afternoon and shared more than a few laughs together. Monique was black, short in stature, but not really what one would define as petite. Vaughn thought she was attractive, especially when she smiled at him. He was over six foot tall, fair-skinned with green eyes.

Eventually Vaughn was flooded with frequent, random ideas where he was imagining Monique and himself dating. He considered beginning with some innocent activity, just anything that would help them get to know each other a little better. Furthermore, It would be a novelty to date someone with different racial roots. But a yellow pick-up truck parked out front of Monique’s apartment discouraged Vaughn from seriously acting upon such an impulse (he was sure the vehicle belonged to a steady boyfriend). He resigned himself to reminisce on the couple of hours they had spent together moving some stuff from her mother’s residence. Besides, Vaughn was still trying his best to get over the depression he bore after having broken up with a girl he still loved very much.

Summer was hotter than usual. On display were bigger fish to fry: plenty of beautiful, shapely, dressed-to-kill, sexy women whom Vaughn could pursue at his leisure. So he did his best to dismiss the idea of ever approaching Monique again. He had touched base already with Sheryl, the photographer for a local rock band who embodied the figure of a super model. She worked at a major drug store chain and home cooked a spaghetti dinner at their second meeting. Vaughn’s little sister had introduced him to Barbara, with whom he danced the night away that same evening. Barbara was now on his A-list, too. Then there were the two very young ladies who asked for a ride on his Harley Davidson motorcycle last weekend. Vaughn still had to chose between the two of them. One had the diminutive figure he preferred, but the other had pretty, penetrating blue eyes.

With Monique now out of the picture, Vaughn concentrated on girls of his own persuasion, if you know what I mean. Vaughn’s supposed roommate, Barry, was never home. A strange character from the very beginning who paid a month’s rent in advance, refused a key, contracted to have a telephone installed, forwarded his mail to another address, and failed to even move in!

Anyhow, one night Vaughn was sound asleep at one or two in the morning when he thought he heard knocking. Not expecting company, at first he thought he was dreaming or that the noise was coming from an adjacent apartment. When the knocking persisted, he determined that someone was indeed at his front door. Yawning a couple of times, Vaughn stumbled down the hallway and peeked out the kitchen window. He found a girl waiting outside who was holding a bathrobe closed across her chest.

Who could that be at this hour of the night? Oh my, it was Monique! Vaughn gingerly opened the door to see what she needed. She asked if he was alone and followed that up by asking him if she was disturbing him? After Vaughn explained to Monique that he was not entertaining any other company, he offered assurance that she was no bother at all. Then he invited her inside and pushed the door shut.

Vaughn still dazed, had been completely taken off guard, and was without a clue as to what was going to occur next. When he turned on the living room overhead light, Monique reached over and flicked off the switch! As one could imagine, this behavior began to blow Vaughn’s innocent little mind. He nervously asked her the first thing that came to mind: “You don’t want anyone to know you are here?”. If Monique answered the question, Vaughn did not make note of it because too many wheels were already spinning inside his head. So much was happening so fast, that his memory cells were being overwhelmed past their capacity.

Monique leaned against the wall near the front door. Vaughn’s eyes adjusted slowly to the now darkened room. He stared at Monique to find some clue as to the reason for this very late intrusion. He even began to wonder if she was perhaps completely naked underneath her cover-up. This scenario was quickly destroying the fantasy he had entertained of Monique becoming friends with him during his usual and customary “step-by-step” dating routine. Vaughn was a romantic who enjoyed the excitement of the chase and the slow buildup of trust in a relationship. He was flabbergasted and speechless, while waiting for Monique to make her intentions known. He was filled with contradictory feelings; he felt groggy, uncomfortable, flattered, and titillated, all at the same time.

Almost shyly, Monique confessed: “I was just lying in bed alone ... thinking”. This was happening way too fast for Vaughn! He continued to stare at Monique in disbelief while processing the ramifications of her intrepid statement. Monique must have sensed his shock as she quickly backpedalled, expressing a sudden change of heart: “Oh, I feel so ashamed ... I better go.” Vaughn’s heart dropped because he did not want her to leave as abruptly as she had arrived. Almost against his will, he said good night and opened the door. Monique slipped away into the darkness outside.

Vaughn had never dreamed that he and Monique had secretly been thinking about one another. Did the fact that he was patient, kind, and acted like a gentleman in her company somehow create a kind of fantasy land in her mind with the arrival of Prince Charming? Or was her stake just motivated by the flesh? After this latest nocturnal and carnal display of interest in him, Vaughn thought that he and Monique would become closer friends. But nothing ever happened. Monique never made an attempt to spring her trap a second time; she probably felt too mortified. We can only guess what passions drove her to make such a bold move in the first place.

Monique means “advisor”; did she live up to her namesake? Unless inhibited in some way, a female can only follow her own mysterious obsessions. Rather than judge such behavior as simply animalistic or immoral, we should remember that our weaknesses and instincts can overcome logic and common sense. Men must have some higher purpose that women wish to call upon in order to make themselves feel more complete. What exactly is the perfect explanation for this “drive” that forces women to seek out men in the night? Not surprisingly, nobody knows.

July 22, 2024 16:50

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