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Fiction LGBTQ+ Romance

This was supposed to be the happiest day od their lives, the day Mark and Nick were supposed to Hawaii and get married. Everything was planned, it was going to be just the two of them. Mark decided to surprise Nick and booked a hotel suite for the night. He asked the hotel to fill it out with balloons and candles. He wanted Nick to remember this night day forever.

Couple of hours before the flight, they almost finished packing.

"Did you take a swimsuit?", asked Nick.

"Of course my love, it's Hawaii", Mark smiled.

"You know Mark, I can't believe we are doing this. I mean, so much has happened in the past few weeks. I told my parents I was gay, and then I told them about you, and then I kind of shocked them with the news of our upcoming wedding. Wow, I just feel so stressed out, I really want to just go there, marry you and start a new life", he desperately tried to hide his tears.

"Nick, my love, don't you worry. We knew your parents won't accept us, we knew that".

"Yeah, but I kind of hoped my mom would be more understanding, cause she is you know, different", said Nick.

"Yes, but she is married to your dad and in your house he is the boss. Don't try to change that, it is a waste of time you know. Just accept it and let it go. We are building our life now", said Mark and gave Nick a strong hug.

Suddenly, a phone rang. Both Mark and Nick turned around, because they had the same ringtone. It was Nick's phone.

"Hello", he answered.

"Nick, it's aunt Marry", a female voice said.

"Oh, hello. How are you auntie?"

"Well, not so good. You know, I hate to brake it to you over the phone, but your mom is in the hospital. Yeah, she had a fight with your dad. Listen, I know about your situation, your mom told me couple of days ago. We are sisters you know, we tell each other things like that. She told me you were gay, but she told she didn't mind. She was trying to find a way to make you life easier. So, she was trying to convince your father to accept you, but he got so angry and start hitting her. Apparently, he overdid it this time", explained aunt Marry.

"What? This time? What do you mean, I don't understand this", Nick started crying. "How is she?"

"He was hitting her head against the floor. She is not so good darling. Listen, I know that you are supposed to go to Hawaii today. You go and do your thing. I am going to take care of her and when you come back, we will think of something".

"Aunt Marry, she is my mother. I am coming now, which hospital?"

"Oh, downtown hospital".

"See you soon", Nick hanged up.

"What happened?", asked Mark.

"My mom, she is in the hospital. They had a fight with my dad, she was trying to convince him to accept me and he got so angry, he hit her head against the floor. Mark, what is happening? Why is our love so cursed? Look what I've done!

Nick took his car and drove himself to the hospital. When he arrived, he saw his aunt Marry and hugged her. They both sat and waited for some news, and suddenly the doctor came out and told them his mom is out of danger by now.

Meanwhile, Mark stayed home and waited for Nick. By the time Nick called and told Mark the good news, they missed their flight. They missed their wedding and the hotel suite stayed empty.

After couple of days, Nick got back home. His mom was still in the hospital, but stable.

"Mark, are you home?", Nick shouted when entering.

"Yes, I am at home", Mark answered.

"My mom is better, she is stable", Nick tried to hug Mark.

"I am happy for you", Mark turned around.

"What's wrong?", Nick asked.

"Why didn't you let me come to the hospital? Are you suddenly ashamed of me? It was one thing to miss your own wedding and to forget about our plans, but it is a completely other thing to hide your partner in the dark!", screamed Mark.

"Mark, common, you know the situation, she was in the hospital, my dad came there as well, it was already too much".

"Do you hear yourself? Your dad, the man who put your mom in the hospital in the first place is allowed to be there, and I have no rights to be present because I am gay? Do you know how this makes me feel?"

"Mark, I know, but it is not my fault. Look, things will get better, I promise you. We just need some time".

"No Nick, unless you accept yourself, no one will accept you. Unless you accept the pain, you will never recover from it. I know you think we need some time, but time is the enemy. We don't need time, we need a life. We are ready, we are ready to love each other, why do we need time? Who do we need to impress now Who?", Mark was shaking.

"Mark, it is not that simple. It really isn't".

"Oh but it is. It is very simple. You will realize it one day and I know you will regret it, you will regret when you it that a person's responsibility is to live, that's the best any of us can do".

Mark and Nick split up after that fight, Mark moved out and couldn't bear the pain. Nick continued worrying about his mom and trying to make his dad accept him. His dad continued thinking being gay is a sin and his mom never decided to leave him because she was too afraid. His aunt continued watching Sunday television and baking apple pies. Everything stayed exactly the same, but nothing was the same anymore.

Nick realized after a while, that nobody has the power to change people and to make them accept things. He understood that he missed his chance for a real life, trying to create a life for someone who didn't want it in the first place. He regretted his actions and he felt more alone than ever, but by then it was too late.

November 20, 2020 19:47

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1 comment

Sailor Gascoigne
15:27 Nov 30, 2020

This story is very interesting, I did not see the hospital part comming. When I read through your story I did see a couple grammar errors, nothing that can't be fixed. The telling of the story was overall pretty good.


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