Fiction Crime

Reaping What's Sown'

Black or White?

Two barriers stand in front of me from this awfully vivid dream. All it needs is one twist to its door knob and I could enter, a sort of another dimension. So here I am, deciding which path to take. Black resembles darkness, danger, or in short evil. While White resembles brightness, safety, and good. Though, that's how I've understood it growing up. The door's material doesn't resemble any kind of clue or damage, just the gold door knob and their colors.

I step closer, pressuring myself to pick one. I want thrills. My hands shake as I slowly turn the door knob. *Creak* Darkness. The dimly lit room I was in vanished. I walked in this seemingly never ending abyss, hoping to find something that could change this pace. My own footsteps and breathing echoed in my ears. My own senses felt so empty that it was hungry for something to soothe their uselessness. Well this is terrifying. Then came.. a light, there at the end of this darkness, beckoning me. I ran. My adrenaline quickly kicks in as I take big long steps while using up the little stamina I have. The world begins to blur as I get closer. As my hand touched the light, everything spun, blurred. I felt dizzy - weird as I'm inside my own consciousness - then everything stopped.


I woke up - no - I'm just in another place. I found my home, my childhood one. The overgrown grass (mowed when my mom finally has the strength to do it), the paint with its color unrecognizable due to the weather, that shed with its wood missing from different parts of its place, it's all there. It's not a haunted house of any sort, just an old home passed down from my great grandfather.

I walked in and found my mom crying while my dad was shouting, beating her. I stepped closer to stop him but my hand only passed through. A memory. I ignored it - as best as I could - and went upstairs to find myself, sulking in the corner. I've forgotten how much pain I had as a child. I could only look at the drawings I've made, happy ones, hoping it'd come true. I took one up, the one with me and my parents all happy, me laughing, my dad carrying me, my mom bringing in the cake she baked for me, a wish I hope would happen. "Would."

I watched as I stopped crying in a blink. His eyes changed into something manic. He looked outside the window to find my mom crying in the front yard. He smiled. He walked downstairs and went to greet my dad.

"What do you need you little s**t?"


He stood there at the counter making himself some coffee. I grabbed a knife. He walked over to my dad.

"I have something for you."

He lifted his hand, and moved it towards my dad's stomach. Then everything went dark again.


I was in high school. I watched over the familiar crowd, my friends, talking about.. the fireworks. It was Halloween and they were planning on using fireworks the school had prohibited. Then there I was, bringing in the bag of fireworks. They started walking over to the back of the stage for the.. upcoming event.

There's the principal giving the speech. I could only watch, I can't do anything. My heart beat faster as the time ticked closer to midnight. 2 minutes. They're taking the fireworks out. 45 seconds. They're positioning it. 15 seconds. They're lighting a match. 5 seconds. They light it. Midnight. The burning match fell from my hand, onto the grass. It burned quickly. As the fireworks mesmerized the students, the fire grew, bigger, and bigger, then there was the gas tank. The flames approached it closer and closer. My self was already making his way to the exit, telling the guard "I have to get home. My mom needs me." I lied. My mom got arrested before and he's just living with a friend now. As he ran outside, then came the light show. He looked back to it in horror, but ignored it and made his way to my friends house.

"You're early."

"I got bored. But bro. As I walked back here, there was a big explosion. I was lucky to be making my way home."

"What the f**k? Stop joking around." He looked outside the window - his house was near our school - then saw the fire. He gasped, while I made my way to the room, panicking. Then, everything was spinning again.


I was at home now, with my family. My daughter, my wife, is there at the kitchen counter baking a cake for my daughter's birthday.

Then there I was, outside, looking for jobs... I felt anxious as I scrolled to any job I could take with enough money to keep them standing. Then, a message came. It's those I had debt's with. I read in horror as they said the words out; "We're coming over."

Our heart stopped. What did he mean by that? I replied

"I'll pay a portion of it next month."

"It's fine, forget it. We're just coming over to celebrate your daughter's birthday." Those words didn't feel right. I stared as he thought hard of what to do.

Then, I watched as I found myself, walking inside to.. go out. I waved goodbye to my family, telling them "I'll give you the best birthday gift ever." I came home that day, agape at the scene, for my house was burned down to ashes, the policeman coming over to me. "We found a letter." In it read 'I hope your daughter likes our present.'

"Do you have any idea for who the person might be."


Like earlier, everything disappeared.


I was back at the abyss. I stood there, broken, for the sins I have done. Then there, at a distance, was light yet again, only, it was orange and red, almost like flames. Then I remembered. I looked at my stomach to find dried crimson liquid. I laughed out loud.

"What was I thinking, I'm not dreaming. I'm in hell."

May 22, 2021 03:39

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