Mystery Romance LGBTQ+

Clara and Sadie have been thick as thieves since they were kids. Both met in middle school, Sadie being the new girl and Clara already a local.

Everyone was intimidated by Sadie's expressionless face, but Clara thought the new girl was fascinating. Her golden curls, bronze skin, and caramel eyes made Sadie look like a goddess.

Unlike Clara, who believed her ash blonde hair and hazel eyes were dull and her pale ivory skin didn't have that warm imperial glow.

At first, Sadie did her best to avoid everyone. Although she was initially unsuccessful, Clara pursued her; Sadie eventually gave in and accepted Clara's extended hand of friendship.

It was their first year in college, and both girls decided to live in a dorm together. Clara could hardly contain her excitement as she and Sadie unpacked their boxes.

"Can you believe it, Sadie! Our first place together."

When Clara smiled, it warmed Sadie's heart, almost making her smile.


"Yes, it's like a permanent slumber party."

Clara smiled, her eyes squinting, making her hazel eyes sparkle.

Sadie sighed.

She thought Clara was elegant, regal, and a beauty that belonged to a princess. However, she would never say this out loud, for Sadie feared rejection.

"Say Clara, there is this new pl-"

Clara's phone rang, and the ash blonde hopped up. "Hold that thought, Sadie," she answered her phone and walked into a different room to talk.

There was no doubt that Clara's current boyfriend had called. The guy was a jerk and used the ash blonde as arm candy.

Sadie wished they would break up because that boy wasn't good for her.

Clara deserved someone who treated her right.

When Clara returned to the room, she frowned, looking down at the cell phone in her hands. Sadie stood and walked over to the ash-blond, who rubbed at her eyes, shoving her phone into the back pocket of her jeans.

"I gotta go." she sniffed.

"What? Why?" Sadie gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I just have to. I'll be back later to help unpack." Clara smiled, grabbed her keys, headed out of the dorm room, and shut the door behind her.

Something about this didn't sit right with Sadie.

She took out her phone and texted Clara, telling her to let her know and that she would come and get her if anything happened. Sadie still couldn't push that sinking feeling away, so she continued unpacking her things to distract herself.

It was getting late, and Sadie picked up her phone to call when it rang with Clara's name flashing on the front.


"S-Sadie," the ash blond's voice quivered. Help me, please." Her voice was quiet. There was a loud crash, and a male voice in the background called out to Clara.

Anger boiled within Sadie. "I'll be right there," she told her friend, ending the call and scrolling through her contacts, making a call.

"Dad...I need the family's assistance."

Sadie grabbed her keys and headed out the door to her car. Clara needed her, and she would be there to help her, even if it meant revealing who her family was. Sadie would do anything for the woman she loved.

Clara stayed hidden, knees pulled close to her chest as she listened to her boyfriend and his friends still searching. Clara knew he was terrible but didn't think the guy was trying to sell her off to some weird drug ring.

She hung her head, holding back the sob that swelled in her throat.

Sadie drove up to the location. An abandoned building on the outskirts of town that people used for shady dealings and murders.

She grabbed the baseball bat from the passenger seat and went inside, unafraid to shout for Clara.

As soon as she went inside, a few more cars pulled up. Men in dark suits also stepped out and spread out, entering the building. Clara heard her name being called, peeping her head up.

She saw that it was Sadie calling for her. They locked eyes, and Sadie rushed over and knelt beside Clara, who hugged the other close.

"Oh my god, Sadie. I'm so glad you're here," she sniffled, burying her face into the crux of the woman's neck. You were right about him. He and his friends were planning on selling me."

Sadie held Clara closer, a new expression making itself present on her face.


That scum would pay for hurting Clara, messing with her feelings, and, worst of all, lying to her. Sadie stood up, holding out a hand to Clara.

"Let me take you to the car."

"I can't leave you alone with those guys!"

Sadie shushed her, touched Clara's face, and kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry about me. I can handle myself just fine. Besides, my family is here; they're all the backup I need," she smiled.

Clara's heart swelled with happiness. Sadie had smiled at her.

She nodded and let herself be led outside to the car, where someone was standing guard.

"This her?" the man motioned to Clara, and Sadie nodded.

The man shook his head and chuckled. "I'll keep a good eye on her."

"Thank you, Father." she gave Clara's hand one last squeeze before going back inside.

Clara blinked, looking up at the man with the same golden curls as Sadie.


The man nodded, "My name is Helios." His smile was bright, just like the sun itself. "Thank you for loving someone like my daughter."

"Wait? The Sun God Helios?!" Clara explained.

He winked and pressed a finger to his lips. Looking over his shoulder, he saw that Sadie and his men had successfully captured the men trying to harm Clara. Sadie walked out with her baseball bat slung over her shoulder, a glowing light behind her.

Clara turned to look and sprinted, embracing Sadie with a warm hug. Surprised, Sadie wrapped her free arm around the ash blond, kissing the top of her head.

"You're safe, Clara. I have you and will always protect you."

"I know you will, Sadie, and I will always protect you too."

Leaning up on her tiptoes, she kissed her Goddess's lips, earning one in return. She was held in the warmest and safest hug she would always treasure.

July 25, 2024 16:17

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