Submitted into Contest #263 in response to: Write the origin story of a notorious villain.... view prompt



The story of The Black Rose begins in the town of Aurora. A small town of 3,000 people. There lived a family of six. Father, Declan. Mother, Ava. Daughter, Gracie. Sons, Connor and Nolan and the youngest daughter, Bryanna. The family of six are the greatest superheroes in the world. They are called The Unity Six.

Together they fight the forces of darkness, protecting Aurora and the world from evil. By day they are the O'Brien family living a normal life. At night the O'Brien family transforms into The Unity Six taking to the skies fighting evil.

The powers of The Unity Six range from flying, to superhuman strength to X-ray vision to sonic scream to phasing to the ability to control nature and night vision. The Unity Six use their powers with great care and control.

Mastering their powers took the O'Brien family many years to learn. It took a toll out of them especially the youngest, Bryanna. Mastering her power to control nature took the longest and was the most trying.

Everyday Bryanna watched her siblings mastering their powers, having fun flying, lifting objects or whatever else they do with their powers and she would sit there sad and almost in tears that she couldn't master her own powers.

On top of everything Bryanna was facing with her powers not working, Bryanna's siblings were no help constantly making fun of her, calling her names, showing off their powers. The constant teasing made Bryanna cry.

Bryanna's parents encouraged her. Telling her to practice, practice, practice and in time she would master her powers. The more she practice the more Bryanna suffered. Nothing she did work. Her siblings grew more cruel. Bryanna's parents did nothing to stop them.

The teasing and cruel jokes continued with each passing day. Bryanna grew resentful towards her family. Her parents preached unity. Bryanna didn't see it that way. She was the odd one out and one day her resentment towards her family grew ten-fold.

It happened on a day when Unity Six was called to stop their archenemy Morana, a powerful goddess of winter and death. To defeat Morana, the entire Unity Six needed to go. There was a problem. Bryanna's powers weren't working. She was left behind.

To say Bryanna was heartbroken is an understatement. She was furious. She argued with her parents that she can still help. Her parents told her no. She would get them all killed.

Bryanna's family left without her. Her rage grew. They were supposed to be called The Unity Six, a team, a family. Bryanna was worth more with her powers than without her powers.

Bryanna listened on their communicator to see how her family was doing. They weren't doing good. "Serves them right." Bryanna whispered to herself. Morana was beating her family. Bryanna smiled.

Bryanna's family came home after a resounding defeat. She heard them arguing. Gracie and Nolan blamed Bryanna for their loss. Her mother didn't come to her defense. Neither did her father or Connor.

Bryanna went to her safe place. Her alcove and began to rage against her family. She cursed, yelled, threw things than all of a sudden Bryanna's eyes began to glow green. Her powers awoke. Bryanna finally awoke. She began to plan.

Bryanna didn't let her family know that she mastered her powers. In Bryanna's eyes her family was dead to her. She began to formulate a plan of revenge against her family. She wanted them to hurt like she is hurting. Bryanna watched her family and practice for days. For weeks.

Little by little every single day Bryanna grew powerful. Her powers were one of the most powerful but she didn't know that yet. Each day Bryanna watched her family go about their daily lives.

She watched her siblings Gracie, Nolan and Connor smile, laugh and joke with their friends. Bryanna watched Gracie flirt with the boys. It made her sick. She watched Gracie bat her eyes and flash her pearly white teeth at the boys, She watched Nolan and Connor sweet talk the girls. He siblings made her want to destroy them.

Bryanna watched and listened as her parents bragged to their friends about their children. How they were all getting along. How much they love each other. All lies.

Bryanna went to the woods raging at her family. The more she raged the more powerful she became. Her powers were growing at a rapid pace. Morana, the dark goddess of winter and death felt Bryanna's rage. She made contact with Bryanna.

Bryanna felt death around her. She felt the air getting colder and colder. She felt a prickling sensation throughout her body. At first Bryanna didn't know what to make of it. Then she heard a voice.

"Bryanna, Bryanna, Bryanna, I've been waiting for you. Come to me. You know the way."

Bryanna didn't know what to make of the voice in her head. Deep within her soul Bryanna knew who the voice belonged too. It was Morana. Bryanna hated her family with a deep burning passion. So it was easy for her to go and find Morana.

Bryanna took a deep breath in and out. She closed her eyes and immediately felt Morana. Bryanna walked east towards the outer parts of Aurora. Toward the dark caves where no one ventures too.

Bryanna stopped at the entrance to the dark caves. She felt a rush of cold air and death. "Enter." Came a voice from within the cave.

Bryanna walks into the cave very slowly. She follows the voice to the deepest part of the cave. Standing before her is the dark goddess.

Bryanna feels a strange pull to Morana. It's a feeling she hasn't felt before. Her family doesn't make her feel calm or centered. Not the way Morana makes her feel.

Morana changed into her human form and what Bryanna sees made her jump. Bryanna sees herself. She doesn't understand what's going on. Morna explains to Bryanna the truth.

"Bryanna, I am your identical twin sister. My real name is Branna. My powers as well as your powers were foretold to be the most powerful in the world. I have control over the fear seasons and death. As you can tell my favorite season is winter. You, my sister control nature and life. Together we are called destruction and creation.

You create life, Bryanna. I destroy life. Our parents separated us at birth because they are afraid of us. They didn't want us to be together. I've been trying for so long to make contact with you. Our parents kept on blocking me. Once you went against our parents, agains The Unity it was easy for me to make contact with you.

Our parents hate me but not you. They need you for your powers. They needed your powers to work so they can destroy me by using you. They don't care about you as you can already tell. Your powers don't work because of me. Our powers work together. Your powers work now because of me. Our connection as sisters, as twins is what makes our powers work. I'm strong because I felt you. You are strong because you felt me.

Bryanna, you and me together can get what we always dreamed of, revenge. Revenge against our family. Revenge against our parents. I'm not lying to you. Bryanna, look into my eyes and see the truth. Our parents lied to you every single day. They kept me away from you. They kept us away from each other.

This is our chance to be what we were always meant to be. The truth is standing right in front of you. I see you, Bryanna. The hurt in your eyes is real. The pain is real. Take my hand. Close your eyes and see the truth."

Bryanna takes her sisters hand. She closes her eyes and sees the truth in her sisters eyes. The truth of their parents lies of their betrayal. She sees the reason why she couldn't master her powers. From that day on Morana now known by her real name Branna and Bryanna became one.

They learned how to control their powers as one. They learned how powerful they are and they learned how truly evil they are. Together Bryanna and Branna are known as The Black Rose.

As The Black Rose they vow to end The Unity once and for all. They vow to reign down hell on the town of Aurora. The Black Rose is here.

August 15, 2024 00:06

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