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Romance Creative Nonfiction

I never gave much thought to finding love, sitting in the heat on the beach, and seeing the most beautiful place in the world . I live in one of the coldest places in the world. There is barely any sun, all of the water is frozen, and no green, just white just snow. My name is Aaliyah and I have never been in the heat. Never seen the waves crash onto the hot sand. Never had my heart glow when I see someone. Until now, I am on my way to Jacksonville, Florida. My mother decided she wanted a change and so did I. One of my favorite dreams I had was the dreams where I was on a beach. As we landed, I looked out of the window. That is when I saw the most beautiful thing. There was green everywhere. There wasn’t a drop of snow to be seen. As we got off the plane I looked to my left and saw the ocean. The waves crashed into the sand and the smell was the best smell in the world. Everything was brighter, happier, and best of all it was finally warm not cold. When we got settled into our new house. I went straight back outside and got out my favorite book. I laid there until I saw someone tapping on my knee. I rushed up to see a boy looking back at me. “Hi, my name is Jacob! Welcome to the neighborhood!” I suddenly realized that all of the blood rushed to my face and I was blushing, “ Hi, my name is Aaliyah.”  Jacob stood up and I finally got a good look at him. Jacob was about 5.7, brown hair, blue eyes, and a smile that made you smile back. “ Do you want to go to the beach with me?” He asked me, “ Sure! Just let me go change.” As I rushed up I ran inside and changed into a bathing suit. I have never worn a bathing suit so I thought I looked funny. I brushed through my brown hair and brushed my teeth as I hurried back outside.  Jacob and I started walking on the beach. When we got to the beach, we inhaled and got the fresh smell of the salt water. Then I walked onto the sand. The sand was burning hot but it didn’t bother me the sand was so soft it felt like I just put my feet into heaven. Jacob chulcked, I looked back at him, “ Shut up!” i said while laughing back at him. “ You see I am from New Hampshire” There is barely any sun and I have never been to a beach before.” Jacob looked at me and reached out his hand, “ Wow, that is crazy, want to go for a swim?” He started to run to the beach and hold onto my hand pushing me forward with him. As we went into the ocean I started laughing with happiness. Hours went by which felt like minutes. Jacob looked back at me and said, “ You ready to go back?” I looked back at the water and the sand, “ Can we come back tomorrow?” Jacob's face lit up, “ Next time would you like to get some ice-cream?” I have never had ice-cream. It was always too cold for that so I was excited to get to try it with Jacob, “ Sure.” I said back smiling. As we walked back home, the stars shine above us and everything felt just right. I walked into my new home with my parents eying me, “ How was your day?” I set down at the table and grabbed an apple, “ Mom, It was the best day of my life!” I paused, “ I met this guy named Jacob. He lives across the street. Jacob and I went to the beach and it was the best smell and the sand was the best filling ever.” My parents were smiling at each other. “ So, I was wondering if it was okay if I could go to the beach tomorrow again?” My parents quickly agreed. I ran back to my room and layed on my bed. I was exhausted but I was so happy that I couldn’t stop smiling and thinking about Jacob. The next day, I woke up nice and early to get ready. I hopped out of bed and made it. Which is something that I rarely do. Then I took a shower, and after I got out I put on a bathing suit and a change of clothes on top of it. I went outside to read again and to wait on Jacob. About an hour later I saw Jacob walk out of his house and stood up. I asked him If we could go and eat first and he said that he was starving so we went to a coffee shop. This I had a lot, coffee was one of my favorite things in the cold. Me and Jacob started talking and we didn’t stop until we realized that we had been in the shop for an hour. We got up and headed to the beach. Today was just like yesterday, Everytime I smelled the salt my heart fluttered and felt like it expanded in size. The next few days were like this and every time my feelings for Jacob also expanded in size. It was Monday and Jacob and I planned to go to the carnival today instead of the beach. I had never been a carnival. Jacob started to show me things I had never done, seen, or even tasted. He showed me ice cream, volleyball, star/gazing, and plenty of other things. Jacob couldn’t hang out with me until 3:30 so I slept in and then got ready when I woke up. Jacob knocked on my door and I rushed over to it quickly. As I opened the door a smile spread across Jacob and my face. We headed to the carnival and when we got there we did a few things. I was always happy when I was with him. We went over to grab something to eat when Jacob looked down at me and I looked up at him and we both leaned in. The kiss was like nothing I had ever imagined. This was my first kiss and I was 17 years old. I looked back up at Jacob and smiled while slightly turning my head to the left. He reached out to my hand and we walked towards the beach with sand below us I knew that I was home. 

September 19, 2020 02:27

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1 comment

22:26 Sep 24, 2020

This was an amazing story! I loved it! Couple suggestions: 1. There are a couple grammer issues 2. You could have used some more descriptive words to stretch out the story 3. You could have entered in a new line for each time a new character speaks. But for your first story, well done! 10/10!


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