A Wedding Feast Like No Other

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: Center your story around two people who meet at a wedding.... view prompt


Romance Inspirational Contemporary

Prompt: Center your story around two people who meet at a wedding.

A Wedding Feast Like No Other

I entered the lobby of my apartment building noting that one of the mailboxes was stuffed full of paper. Whoa! It happened to be mine! I thought I had emptied it the other day. Apparently, in my absent mindedness I had ignored the obvious signs of the postman to “please empty your box.” I struggled with my key to retrieve the contents. As I rummaged through the various ads, bills, and political flyers one textured envelope caught my attention. My address was written in perfect cursive letters as was the return address which I quickly recognized. It was from my cousin Victor.

It was more than just a mere invitation to his wedding. I could hardly believe my eyes when it said I would be one of the groomsmen for Victor’s nuptials. I had not seen Victor for at least five years since the passing of his father, my uncle. At one time we were close but drifted apart when I began getting international assignments. I wasted no time looking up his number. I texted an acknowledgement that I had received his wedding invitation adding the comment, “I accept, so what do I do now, cous?”  He immediately responded “Good dude. You need to get fitted.”  I replied “Fitted for what?” His reply, adorned with lots of crazy emojis was “LOL, tux, dude. What did you think, new underwear?” And if a text could profane sarcasm he added “Although that might be a good thing too.” In a final text he gave the date, place and time for the fitting which was a little less than two weeks away. I was so jacked and ready for Victor’s special day.  Reenergized, I took on my daily commitments and activities with new vigor and focus. It was the dopamine tonic I needed to get this dreary sack of bones out of auto pilot and moving in a positive direction again. After a hiatus, I decided to play the piano again at my church. The pastor and the musical director were elated to have me back. I felt inspired to write some new contemplative piano songs and instrumentals.  I never felt happier and full of zest.  It had been quite a while since I even considered God’s Hand in all of this. 

Two weeks seemed like an eternity for me. Thankfully, no new work assignments came in for me to travel overseas. I felt like this was a respite from all of the weariness of travel. A few days after I played at the church; however, I noticed that my euphoria for the wedding was subsiding. My energy levels were sinking low, but my state of mind was still positive. I seemed tired; I was having night sweats. Occasionally, I had a fever and my arms and legs ached. No copious amounts of energy drink would shake off this discomfort and lethargy.  I decided to see my doctor about my concerns.  The doctor did not observe any outward concerns, but he ordered a battery of blood tests and a PET scan which might take a week or so for the results. In the meantime, I continued to write more piano scores and lyrics to help distract me from the prolonged wait.

The fitting day was upon me before I had realized how quickly the time had passed. I met up with Victor at the tuxedo rental store with two other men in his groomsmen party. Victor greeted me warmly. His words were genuine but laced with concern as he said “I am so glad to see you again, my cousin. Have you been ill? You look tired. Are you burning the candle at both ends?” I jokingly said, “Yea, I am a bright spark always lighting up the room wherever I am. I never flame out.” The others laughed and I knew I had gotten past the initial awkwardness of not seeing Victor in five years.

From the tuxedo store, Victor decided this would be a prime time to have a spontaneous bachelor party. The four of us ventured over to a pub within walking distance of the tux store.  The pub was relatively empty given the time of day, 10:30 am. One old codger sat at the bar drinking coffee reading his newspaper.  Victor, in his excitement ordered jelly (Jell-O) shots for everyone including the old man.  The bartender quizzically looked at Victor and said the best he could do was to use chocolate pudding for the jelly. I thought in no time the five of us would be decked out on the pub floor before noon. The shots kept coming and honestly, I did not feel a thing. The other groomsmen threw in the towel after a few rounds leaving for their respective homes by taxi; the codger passed out at the end of the bar.  Victor and I feeling the euphoric effects of the alcohol grabbed a few additional pudding shots to catch up on old times. We moved to a booth table for more privacy as patrons started coming in for the afternoon happy hour.

Victor filled me in on his life events since the passing of his father. He shared how he met his special woman on an online dating app.  After many months of texting and phone calls, they finally agreed to meet at a neutral place, a café in midtown.  He recognized her immediately from her online picture; Truth be told Victor said she was even more beautiful than any photograph.  They spent hours at the café sharing stories and their hopes for the future.  Victor had tears in his eyes when he said to me, “I knew at that moment I had to marry her.  She was everything I had ever hoped to have as a wife, as my life partner.” It was only six months after that initial encounter that he proposed to her at the same café. “Really Victor,” I said. “Stuff like that only happens in fairy tales. Come on now.”  I gave him another pudding shot.  I gulped down one myself thinking that love at first sight just does not happen and is never lasting.

Our heads were fuzzy. Then Victor changed his mood. In a serious tone he asked me, “Who will you be bringing as your date to my wedding? The invitation did say a plus one.” I had not expected him to ask me this. I stammered saying, “Oh, I missed the plus one reference.  I am not sure. Maybe I will just wing it.” He wryly smiled at me, saying, “Dude, you have lost your touch! When I knew you, ladies draped themselves all over you. Well, not to worry. There will be an abundance of single women, plenty of eye-candy for you to relish. But, because of your groomsman status you automatically have a date with a bridesmaid. My fiancée paired you up with a special friend of hers. Her name is Emily.”  I nodded and then my head thumped on the table as I passed out.

The next day I awoke with a throbbing headache and an unquenchable thirst.  Victor texted me earlier that morning asking if I was okay. I decided just to call him instead of trying to focus on lengthy texting. In our conversation, he said he helped me up to my apartment guiding me into my bed. He said that I may have been a ladies’ man but I could never hold my liquor.  In response I thanked him and told him I would see him at the rehearsal and wedding in a few days visibly sober.

My recovery from that impromptu party took two days with copious amounts of fluid and bicarbonate of soda.  I still felt wretched, lethargic, and nauseous.  Those feelings persisted after I received a call from my doctor with the lab results.  The doctor wanted to discuss my situation as an office visit, but I implored him to give me the news directly without any bedside mannerisms laced around it. The bottom line diagnosis from all the tests was I had advance stage myeloma of the bone marrow. The doctor urged me to begin chemotherapy within the week. The news was devastating. I refused to cry. I knew the treatments would be debilitating, but I just did not want to give up and die. I was reconnecting with my music and writing.  I had Victor’s wedding to attend. No, I would not just give up! 

Well despite my determination I still missed the rehearsal, but Victor said it was low key and I would likely have been bored to tears. The day had finally come for the wedding. Surprisingly, I was full of energy and excitement. I dare not share my beleaguered situation with Victor because it was his day and I did not want to cast a cloud over it.  I fumbled getting dressed in the tuxedo. I managed to arrive on time just as the wedding party was assembling in back of the church.

Victor ordered the groomsmen to line up with their respective counterparts.  But I had yet to meet Emily. It did not matter because apparently she knew who I was since I was not paired with anyone.  While I was still fumbling with my tie, Emily took hold of my arm. I looked at her with an apologetic smile as she deftly finished tying my tie. We locked eyes and her gaze pierced deep into my soul. An aura about her took my breath away. I could only stammer a feeble, “You look nice.” She sweetly smiled. Then the processional music began and the wedding entourage made its way to the sanctuary. I held onto Emily’s arm. As we approached the altar, I was hesitant on letting go. Emily sensed my hesitancy and then kissed me gently on the cheek in reassurance.  

Whoa! My head was reeling from her kiss.  All I could do during the vows was stare at Emily.  And she looked at me. I saw her mouth the words of the bride as she said “I promise to love and cherish you all the days of my life. To have and to hold from this day forth; in sickness and unto death.” I felt certain Emily was actually saying these words to me! “Oh Emily, you must be my soulmate. The one whom I have been searching for a lifetime. Emily, I know you and you know me,” I thought to myself.  I wanted desperately “to speak with her but wedding protocol had separated us until after the photos, the dinner, the cake cutting and all the rest.

At long last, when the dancing began, I took Emily aside. We both agreed we needed a respite from the ceremony finding a private alcove to talk. I had to tell her about my deepest feeling. I began by saying “Emily, this is so incredible but I have felt I have known you all my life.  I feel we are meant to be together though we just saw each other today.” Emily’s eyes were wide open as she gasped. Then she unashamedly said, “When I met you, my heart exploded inside me. I too, feel like we are to be together. Our bodies and souls to be united as one.” Emily added, “You are my soulmate; the man I desire to love and be loved by you into eternity.”

We fell into each other’s arms like a fairy tale story. That remaining evening, we shared countless stories and dreams. She shared she was a woman with a strong faith. I told her about my involvement at the church in song and music. As the night waned, I shared with her my ominous diagnosis for melanoma cancer.  And in the haunting irony of life, Emily shared with me her ongoing battle with lymphoma. We both embraced each other tightly as we shed tears. Emily lifted her head from my shoulder saying “No matter the hardships, pain, and disappointments we are strengthened by the love we have for each other and by the hope we have into eternity. And in that eternity, there will be a wedding feast like no other.”

My Emily died two weeks later. I tenaciously cling to her memory in my heart and soul. The joy we had for that short time I captured in these lyrics:

Journey in Timeless Love *

When did we yield our searching hearts to become joined as one. Beginning with spontaneous moments like the light of the rising sun.

Impetuous and spirited our devotion began;

Neither of us knew how long our time would span.

How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are doves.1 

And in a loving voice there was a reply,

My beloved is mine and I am his; he browses among the lilies.2

Our journey began strong, faithful, tenaciously holding onto each other in wonder.

Unrelenting, we would not let the rigors of the day cause our love to asunder.

His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely.

This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem.3

Emphatically, in response…

You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.4

The Spirit blesses our passion in love as we hope to journey through the years.

Our hearts feel great joy and excitement despite the aching tears.

Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened,

    and if the pomegranates are in bloom—there I will give you, my love.5

We trod down the winding path of our journey in life. 

We remain undaunted by our personal suffering and unrelenting strife.

Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm;

for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave.

It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.

 Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away.

If one were to give all the wealth of one’s house for love,

 it would be utterly scorned.6

The mountainous pathway covered in verdant abundance is perilous to climb. Yet we know the source of our Assurance through the passing time. 

Our love for each other has a single source that never will wane.

The shadow from a tree reminds us of the One inflicted with horrid pain.

Upon a cross our love is made fully complete through His grace.

The blemishes of our sins have been cleansed without a single trace.

Our earthly tenure now is brief, heavy laden, and overshadowed by our demise.

 But we have the hope into eternity of no more pain, no more tearful cries.

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, 

the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross,

scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God7

We live our lives as a testimony to the One who gave us His.

Then I heard the sound of massed choirs, the sound of mighty rapids, the sound of strong thunder: Hallelujah! The Master reigns, our God, the Sovereign Strong! Let us celebrate, let us rejoice, let us give him the glory! The Marriage of the Lamb has come; his Wife has made herself ready. She was given a bridal gown of bright and shining linen. The linen is the righteousness of the saints. (Revelation 19:7-9, Message)

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:4, NIV)

*Journey in Timeless Love written by P. Gautchier

References (NIV, New International Version)

1 Song of Songs 1:15

2 Song of Songs 2:15

3 Song of Songs 5:16

4 Song of Songs 4:7

5 Song of Songs 7:12

6 Song of Songs 8:6-7

7 Hebrews 1b-2

Prompt Acknowledgement: Reedsy.com

Author: Pete Gautchier

August 24, 2024 00:03

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