Drama Horror Mystery

One dark and spooky night, I was walking through the woods after a big fight with my parents. I just wanted to get my mind off of what my dad said and how my mom joined in like it was nothing.

I stumbled upon 2 doors each with engraved writing. But the door to the right caught my eye. It said " open me and all your problems will go away, but with a payment". I open the door afraid of what may be waiting for me on the other side.

As I walk down the dark and empty hallway I hear a voice, it's whispering somthing that I can't understand. All of a sudden I see a dark figure with red eyes looking at me with a evil glare. I blinked, but when I opened my eyes again it was gone. I looked around the dark room looking for a way out. Suddenly a light flashes on in front of me. I see the figure once again.

I ask the figure a question that just came to my mind. " who are you"?? The figure stood there looking at me. The figure said one word and that was "Virgil". Is that your name,I asked very suspiciously. He shook his head yes, in response. "Why are you here", Virgil asks me. I needed a break from my parents, so here I am. You should have chosen the other path, it's safer. Well even if it was there's no way back now.

What's your name then little girl?? My name is Sarah, Sarah Storm. Well it's nice to meet you. Thanks Virgil. No problem I guess. We were talking for hours untill we heard a loud BANG. WHAT WAS THAT?!!?! I don't know Sarah, I don't know. Does anybody else live with you in here?? No, why?? I pointed to a misty figure right infront of us. THEN WHO IS THAT?!?!? Virgil turned around to see nothing but a big pile of dust. There's nobody here Sarah. No there was just somebody right infront us. Well whatever it was it's not here now.

It's been 5 long dark months and the misty figure pops up from time to time. Virgil still thinks I'm crazy cause every time he looks where I saw the figure it wasn't there any more. I'm trying to get proof of the figure actually being there, so he doesn't think I grew delusional from this dark and empty place.

I was sleeping peacefully in a big bed at the back of the hallway until I heard Virgil screaming. I ran across the hallway to his bed to find the mysterious figure looking at him dead in the eyes.

I hear Virgil asking him questions, but the only one I caught was "how did you find me"? I rushed in the room and screamed "you know him!!???" " yes he does Sarah, just like how I know you, the shadow said with a smirk.

You know me?? I asked. Yes I do Sarah. I know you, your mom, your dad, and your brother. How do you know Virgil?? So you told Sarah your really name huh Virgil. I did.. big brother. OMG YALL ARE BROTHERS?!?! Yes we are Sarah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's fine Virg. You sure Sarah?? Yea.

Whats your name?? I look at Virgils brother while I say those three words. My name is Logan. Well it's nice to meet you Logan. I looked over at Virgil who's been awfully quite. What's wrong with you. Virgil looked up at me with a very unsettling look on his face. You seem worried little brother, what's wrong with you?? He's back, he's watching our every move, and he's not leaving. What do you mean?? Who is watching us Virgil??

Virgil fainted and his head hit the floor really hard. He had a minor concussion, and his head was slightly bleeding. Virgil woke up a couple minutes later screaming, saying that somthing was in the room with them, that he didn't know who they were, and that there going for the kill. Sarah and Logan stood there confused and worried. Who's watching us Virgil??

He won't stop till he gets want he wants. Virgil stop your scaring me. I'm so sorry Sarah I let you down, I told you you should've picked the other door. Now we're all going to die and it's all my fault. No it's not virg stop saying that. I'm so sorry brother.

A big man jumps of the celling and lands on the old and dusty floor boards. But it is his fault, and he knows it. Right Virgil?? Yes it's my fault I lead yall to your death. I'm so so so sorry. It didn't have to end like this. WHY WAS I SO SELFISH!! What do you mean Virgil. I LET IT ALL HAPPEN, I COULD'VE SAVED YALL. What do you mean?? I had one chance to help yall and I'm so sorry I didn't. I was just so lonely for years and I finally have a best friend and a brother. I just didn't want to lose you.

The big man looked at everyone in the room, and ended there life. Sarah was pronounced as dead cause nobody could find her. And for Virgil and Logan they died knowing that they finally meet each other. Sarah's parents where so upset knowing that there last conversation with there daughter was about her personality and how she wanted to change herself and the way she looked, but her parents thought that the way she wanted to look was bad. And the reason for that is because it didn't reach ther expectations.

There bodies were never found, there are tons of rumors about what happened to Sarah, Virgil, and Logan but the most popular one is that there bodies haunt the woods after 5pm, whoever goes in never comes back out.

Sarah's parents still have hope that she will show up once again. They wish they could've at least said good bye before she left the house. But she roams the woods with her 2 best friends Virgil and Logan.

May 24, 2021 03:48

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