Horror Suspense

I see you… I see you. Why are you so oblivious? Useless is what you were and useless is what you are. I do not even have every sense, yet I can find you easily. I can kill you easily. I only have four senses; why is it so easy to find you? Come out from the hollow log full of maggots, centipedes… cockroaches. Come out from behind that tree. Your jacket gives you away. Heh. I do appreciate good sport, but this is pathetic. Crying is not going to help your cause. Sigh. Could you attempt to survive a little better? Please. Show me why humans are at the top of the food chain.

               Oh, are you trying to call out to me? Are you shouting for my mercy? How silly is that! You know that I am deaf, do you not? You did this to me after all. But I am happy with my body. It makes my job easier; I think. No screams to hear, no pleading to ignore. Nothing. Silence. The noisy world has been blocked from my mind indefinitely… and I am so pleased.

               Why are you crying? It will all be over soon! You have no idea how closely I have crept up behind you. With my axe… with my urge to kill. You are going to die. One way or another, you brought this upon yourself. Fleeing into the dark woods was foolish. It was the decision that sealed your fate. You ran blindly into darkness. You did not call for help even! Foolish. Foolish!

               There truly are so many ways to kill a person. Yet right now, I only have one life to end. But it is my choice! How wonderful… Your life is in my hands. If there is a god, he cannot save you now. If there is a god, he knows what you did. I know what you did. You know what you did. But we can keep it our little secret. A secret that I will protect after it dies with you.

I have a confession to make. You caused me to do a lot of silly things in my life. Most recently, you made me rush... and now I have no time to fix my mistake: I forgot to sharpen my axe. Hmm… That is quite all right. The only difference is that it might take two swings instead of one. It will be rough and agonizing. It does not matter to me, but you are going to wish the blade was not dull.

Is this insanity? Is this just my passion for a bloody hobby? Tell me! I know which one you would say. He is crazy! He is crazy! At least I am not about to die. At least I did not turn my back on my friend when he needed me most. At least… never mind my ranting.

               But how does it feel, now? You are no longer the hunter. You are the hunted. And you only did one good thing with your useless life. Can you guess what it was? It was freeing me from such a loud existence into a world of tranquil silence. I do not think of it as the loss of a sense. I think of it as being released from a curse. I no longer have to listen to politicians whine and bitch. I no longer have to hear the impatient swine of the world polluting my ears with their nonsense. I thank you for this clarity. I thank you for freeing me. But I know what your intentions were.

               Push it deeper! Push it deeper! Yeah… twist it, too! Hahaha!

               Why are some people… why are you so… senseless? I find it mildly disturbing. But I know that you find me awfully disturbing, too! I am mad killer on the loose. Maybe. Or… or a demented psycho who needs to be locked up! I think I am just doing a job. Returning a favor if you will. And if I could tell you one thing before you die, I would tell you that I am perfectly sane. I am choosing… with my own free will… to end your life. If I do not kill you, something else will. Old age. Organ failure? Or maybe another psycho. Really, I am just smothering your dwindling flame. How bad does it really sound when I put it that way? All fires must be extinguished. Only some burn out sooner than others.

               Oh, what is this? I feel so much pity for you. You must have gotten cut on a branch while you ran from me. That does look painful. Does it burn? I think… I think you might need to get that amputated! Now just hold still, this is only going to sting for a moment. And if you are really lucky, you will not be awake for the other three operations.


               I love this so much! We really should do this more often. But I cannot even hear a peep coming from you. Are you not… Oh. What is this? It did not come off fully. Let me finish the job.


Well, it might not be the cleanest cut, but your arm is definitely not attached anymore. I told you it might take two swings! Haha. But maybe now you will think about what you did? Why you did it. Why did you do it? Why did you try to ruin me like this? Were we not friends? WERE WE NOT FRIENDS? Of course we were. Are we not still? I think this has been a lot of fun. I feel that we have really bonded through this experience.

               But now that it is over I do not want to leave you here all alone. You do not want to come with me. Believe me, I know. But I will not be calling anyone to help you. I did not want to do this to you, but you left me no choice. You made me do this. You have gotten yourself killed. You put the knife in my ear, not the other way around.


March 11, 2024 14:41

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