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So we tried to reconcile, right? Something wasn't right in the grand scheme of things, but it went well for the most part. Well, at least, that's how we remember it.

It was one hot day with summer birds chirping about. Office workers complained about the horrible weather while carrying around ten water bottles and fifteen cans of coke, while homeless people forced on the streets didn't say a word about the relentless sun. That's one thing I'd like to clarify before I go on with my little recount: everyone looked at the same thing with different eyes, which made them see different things altogether. Back to the story! It was quite a hot day, but I was loving it, every time my skin tingled with heat or flared up in goosebumps as cold air conditioning gusts hit it. Hot days like these were never rare, but I still thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them.

That particular day though? Uh... not so much.

You see, you would be blind to these flowery sensations as well if you had anxious thoughts about your possible meeting with your corporate rival later in the afternoon weighing on your easily distracted mind. Did that sentence make sense? I'd hope it did, because what's coming next is even more jumbled than this.

I was aggressively humming the good old tune we all know and love, the ABC song, under my breath? Why? This isn't as important, please direct your focus to the actual story!

But sir, the ABC song? Isn't that a peculiar choice?

Silence! You will ignore that little slip of the tongue and focus on my story! So I was humming under my breath, waiting for my accountant to bring me my long-awaited balance sheet, when I heard a rather brash knock at my office door. Who could it be, I thought to myself, who is so exceptionally obnoxious and ill-mannered that they slam their uninvited fists on my poor door so? My thoughts had quickly moved on from my potential meeting to questions about this strange occurrence, which led me to peel myself away from my comfortable chair and pull open the door with undisguised irritation. And who do I see?

Yes, I see none other than the very person I was supposed to see later in the afternoon during the possible corporate meeting -- my dear old friend-turned-enemy, Summer Nightingale! They panted with their hands on their knees underneath the door frame. Struggled to inhale even the smallest breath, and what for was this hurry?! So this is exactly what I ask them. "What are you doing here?" I asked, and their response was ever more astonishing.

...um... sir? Are you still there?

Quiet! I will continue in a moment, my dog is barking most loudly.

Poor Rose was just hungry, I apologize for this inconvenience. Anyways, Summer Nightingale and their shocking replies. What did they say again? Why yes, they said nothing! All this suspense and dramatic buildup for nothing, not even a hum of acknowledgement! I was fuming, about ready to kick them out of my office with those fine legs of mine, but I stopped. I stopped and truly looked at them and their tattered flowery dress. Their signature hat was tattered, their favorite stockings was ripped, and you know just how much they love everything to be spotless! I asked another question. "What's going on, what's wrong with your clothes?"

"I've been... confirmed to be pregnant just this morning, sir. So the... meeting is canceled, but I came running to you to talk about something more important."

My jaw dropped, and so did the balance sheet from my hands. "G-go on," I stuttered, and they smiled before taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk. Now that I think about it, the whole situation was very peculiar, but I cannot find it in myself to question it further at the moment.

"I was at the hospital," they continued, "I barely remember any of it, all a blur. But the test was positive, the doctor said congrats on your new child, it was all a mess in my head. Adrien would be ecstatic when I tell him later tonight, but before then... I thought I'd first share the wonderful news with you. I don't know what compelled me to given our history, but... I guess I decided to forgive and move on. I'm very sorry for the rude arrival, but my hormones have been all over the place for a few weeks now, I was deluded into thinking that if I don't get here as fast as I could, I'd lose you forever!"

Now this wasn't exactly what they said, but it's a summary. Summer kept rambling on about how sorry they were and how they wished to start a new friendship with me. They knew how close our company was to bankruptcy, and how close I personally was to losing my poor Rose in last week's car accident. Remember how I escaped unscathed and she had to suffer from broken bones and a new case of fleas?! Oh, I'm getting off-topic. So back to Summer.

I personally believed them and even went so far as to make a childish pinky promise to begin a new age of friendship and put our stupid past behind us. When I informed my assistant that we would be partnering with Seasoning Inc. on our next project, his face! It was like he'd seen a ghost, but he did not question me and immediately informed all creative teams. How does it feel to be the one with all the juicy details, my friend?

A very splendid feeling indeed, sir. I'm glad you decided to move on at last, it was worrying watching you work yourself up so whenever CEO Nightingale was in the picture.

I knew you'd be on board! Well until our next meeting, dear Habib! Unfortunately I have to tend to Rose's reopened wounds yet again. She never stays still for more than a few minutes! She's even influencing Cat!

I hope to hear from you soon!

Likewise, sir. Take care!

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Good evening, Master Nightingale, Dr. Habib Mustafa with you. I hope I am not intruding at such a late time.

Oh, what's this? Good evening, Dr. Mustafa! I assure you there's no such intrusion at all! Please call me Summer.

Glad to hear this, Master Nightingale. I ought to congratulate you on your new pregnancy. I'm sure Master Adrien is very happy with the news.

I feel old when you call me Master Nightingale, Habib! Please call me Summer. :) Thank you for your kind words. My husband is indeed ecstatic, ever since I told him over dinner a few days ago he's been forcing me to lay in bed while he did all the housework! And he already does all the housework! Bless that man and let him rest...

I wish longevity and longitude of your relationship, Master Summer. I should ask... About your recent deal with Owl Corp...

Ah, I see what you're hinting at! I met with ol' Shakespeare on the same day I told my husband about our new baby. He was red-faced, with steam coming out of his ears! If not for our newfound truce, I'd have made fun of him! But alas, I didn't want to tick off Ed this time. You can say I... had a change of heart. I wanted to let him know that, well, my house is still open to any visits, bad blood or not. But I broke down halfway through my speech and began telling him how much my mother and I miss him! We think about him every day, every night! Any mockery or snide remarks erupting from my mouth are just the product of playful love!

He did accept our new arrangement, though, so I think this was fruitful. I don't have to pretend to hate him any longer! My mother came clean to me about his true standing in her heart! I can now call him Eden Nightingale again instead of CEO Ed Night! My old brother... You know of our blood ties, if I'm not mistaken?

As the go-between of the two companies, Master, I would be knowledgeable of this. Mr. Ed revealed this the night you two had that famous fight in the foyer.

Do me a favor and don't remind me of this incident, Habib dear. But it would seem that I finally managed to crack this nonsensical exterior of his. Tonight we shall plan our big feast for the upcoming project announcement, but tomorrow we all toast to the occasion at my humble abode!

Master Summer, a small reminder that I don't drink.

Oh I didn't forget, you witty man! I'll have prepared a special jug of family-friendly cocktails just for you! And myself, since my sweet Adrien refuses the very idea of me consuming alcohol. He says it's for the baby, I say it's for my pout to enamor his daily thoughts and nightly dreams!

You know Master Adrien only wants what's best for you, and he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals of caring for you and nurturing your child.

That... is correct. Ah, why do you always have to speak such justness all the time! Why not allow yourself to be wrong, or half-right! It almost convinces me that you're, dare I say, superhuman.

It is all part of my duty to ensure my complete honesty and credibility, Master. I am glad to hear that you are well. Please forward my regards to Master Adrien, and my congratulations on his fatherhood as well as yours.

I shall. Thank you for your messages, Habib dear. I would have had a crisis if it turned out that my beloved brother did not think anew after all! It was a lurking fear. Send my kisses to your cute children and your wife, my old friend!

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You closed your browser and allowed yourself a long exhale of breath. You were glad that the two siblings finally reconciled after years of feuding, but you felt a bit upset about the manner of execution.

Almost insulted that Summer didn't come to you first for a sensible approach to your boss when you knew him best.

Brushing the thought off, you decided to be happy for them and do your best as their go-between. Assuming that next time, they'll acknowledge your actual position with respect to both of them and not just imply it. You hated how they always treated you as the link between them despite being good friends with both.

But as usual, you tried to put it out of your mind and allowed a sad smile to spread on your face.

May 07, 2020 02:05

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