Teens & Young Adult Drama Fiction

I was at the corner of Main Street and Acorn Ave when a screech echoed in the hot summer air as a red fiesta flipped over three times and finally stopped at my feet. My parents lay still as blood dripped onto the black ceiling of the car. Glass glinted it the morning sun as it stuck out of my father's forehead. Tears welled up in my eyes for I felt as if I was three years old again. Red and blue lights flickered around me as the sirens rang in my head. I tried to call out for my parents, but couldn't speak. The firefighter looked over at me and down at them. A wave of sadness washed over me as his face fell with failure. A policeman pulled me to the side of the road and started talking to me. My ears stopped listening as I heard that they did not make it.

Thunder boomed through the sky as lightning lit up the room as I bolted up. My face was wet with an icy sweat. My heart was beating out of my ample chest as I realized it was a dream. Thank god it was a dream, but was it really? Something felt so real about it. Trying to control my breathing, I looked at the clock. Three o' clock blinked back at me. Slowly, but surely I soon feel asleep again.

A sharp buzzing woke me up as my mother was calling for me. Looking at the clock, my heart stopped for it was already seven thirty. I was already late for school. Rushing I put on a red plaid rockabilly dress. Nearly falling, I pulled on my black riding boots. My brush protested as it got stuck on a large snarl. Grunting, I finally brushed my long brown hair. Upon swinging my red messenger bag on my slender shoulders, I ran downstairs.

"Hey honey." My mom greeted me with a soft smile. "Do you want a ride? We are going to take the red fiesta today because our black one is in the shop." My heart fell into my stomach as my brown eyes filled with horror. She gave me an odd look.

"You shouldn't go anywhere today." I blurted out with urgency. "An accident is going to happen in that car. Please don't go!" She chuckled softly to herself as she patted to my head. Her yellow dress felt deceptively comforting. Her brown eyes glittered with happiness. Her fingers daintily played with the end of her messy side braid.

"Little rabbit, I have to go to work." She stated with a warm laugh. "How do you think we would pay for our home?" Shifting angrily as I clenched my fists. Tears welled up in my eyes as I searched for my dad. He was sitting in their bedroom on the black sheets. His navy suit looked crisp in the morning sun.

"What is going on kitten?" He asked with childish grin. "You look frightened." He chuckled to himself as he tied the black shoelaces on his shining black dress shoes. Clearing my throat, I sat down next to him.

"Please don't go to work today. There is something wrong with the car." I begged hungrily. "Please listen to me." He shook his head playfully and stood up.

"I have to." He remarked as he tied his dark blue tie. "We have bills today. Besides I have a big meeting today." My heart ached as he walked downstairs to the yellow kitchen. Panicking, I booked it to the kitchen. Anxiously, I ran around the corner only to see that they were gone. My lungs burned as I sprinted towards the garage. The white door was rising as they were pulling out of the garage. The engine had a slight whining sound along with a small bang. I tried to stop them, but they pulled out onto the street. I couldn't go to school now. It was my responsibility to keep them alive. Somehow my feet managed to get me closer to them via a few shortcuts.

My eyes filled with terror as I saw where I stood. Main Street taunted me as a loud screech echoed throughout the still summer air. My eyes welled up as I saw my parents' car flipping towards me. My heart shattered into little pieces as it stopped just at my feet. A loud scream escaped my mouth as I started to beg for something to save them. Shaking, I took out my cellphone and felt dismayed when I saw that it was dead. It was the very same image that woke me up this morning. My dad had glass sticking out of his forehead and my mom had gashes all over her. Her yellow dress was stuck on a jagged piece of glass. Sirens screamed around me lights flashed all round me. They cut them down and were pulling them out as a policeman tried to pull me away from the scene. The fireman had on the same look as my dream. Tears started to fall down my face as I ran towards my parents. Little beads of glass embedded my knees as I fell by my parents. Their lifeless bodies were bloody. Their eyes were filled with terror. The fireman tried to pull me away as I kicked and screamed. The EMT guided me to the ambulance as an officer walked over to me.

"They didn't make it." He stated solemnly. "I am so very sorry." My whole body shook with sadness and anger.

"Why can't you save them?" I called out between sobs. "Save them now. I have nowhere else to go? Why couldn't they listen to me?" The officer looked away and then looked into my eyes.

"They were dead upon impact." He explained quietly. "The accident snapped both of their necks. I am afraid we can't fix that." He embraced me awkwardly as I sobbed into his shoulders.

Eventually, I found myself waiting in the hospital when the officer showed up in a pair of blue jeans and a grey t-shirt. He cleared his throat as he walked over to me. I must have looked like hell for my face was puffy from all of the heavy tears.

"Since you don't have any family, do you want to stay with my family?" He offered with a sad look in his eyes. "I looked for other family members, but they are all dead. I am so sorry." The sun blinded me as my head pounded angrily.

"I told you that I have no one." I squeaked out as I bit my nails. "Why would you want an orphan sixteen year old, anyways?" His face twisted with pain and agony.

"I lost my daughter the same way ten years ago." He commented as he looked out the hospital window. "I know how you feel right now. Also, I can avoid you going into the system. The judge already approved all of it." Tears started to fall down his face as he sat down next to me.

"Sarah was your daughter?" I inquired with a small frown. "I am so sorry." He sighed as he took my hand in his rough hand.

"Well, what do you say?" He asked with a depressing smile. "Can we be a family together?" I simply nodded my head yes as we held each other and cried.

June 15, 2021 18:56

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