Midnight Assent

Submitted into Contest #224 in response to: Write a story about someone pulling an all nighter.... view prompt


Contemporary Coming of Age Friendship

This story contains themes or mentions of sexual violence.


“Make sure you stay safe and please don’t bring any boys home!” Molly begged her housemate anxiously as she glanced at her Cassio watch. She was well aware that this little lecture was eating into her study time, but Sophie was a liability at the best of times so needed telling.

“Yes mum” Sophie laughed, swishing her straight, brown hair over her shoulder and closing her black clutch bag. She bent down to fasten her high heels and asked “Are you studying again tonight? It’s Friday, you could just do this tomorrow!”

“I have some coursework to finish off, and an essay to write! I’m going to have to try and pull an all-nighter to get it all done, I might come for a drink tomorrow night if I get on top of my work.”

“Learn to have some fun girl” and glancing down at her phone, Sophie said “Right, don’t stay up for me.” She checked herself out in the hallway mirror then sauntered out of the house. Molly heard a shriek and gathered Sophie’s friend was outside the door. The sound grew quieter and Molly was left in silence. 

Molly and Sophie had met in their first year at University and clicked straight away. They both went to the gym, were on the same course and enjoyed a drink. Glancing around the room, she sighed. She’d love nothing more than to enjoy a drink too but had her work to complete first.  

She walked towards the kitchen and after switching the kettle on for a fresh cup of tea, she pulled her iPhone out of her pocket and checked her texts. One new message from a guy named Sam she had met at a uni gig read “Hey :) Hope the revision is going ok. I’d like to see u after work if ur still up, I could come and do my essay there too? Let me know if that’s ok x”

Smiling, she sent a reply saying that yes, that would be okay.


“I’ll have two medium glasses of your house white, please!” Sophie shouted to the bartender. The pub her and her friend had ended up in was busier than usual, so Sophie had said she’d go to the bar and her friend could go find a table for them.

She’d made an effort for tonight; she had new lipstick, had had her hair done and was wearing a brand new black, strapless bodycon dress. She had even had time to fake tan and do her nails. Maybe she had manifested a good night.

She pulled her iPhone out of her clutch bag, paid for the drinks and then unlocked it and quickly sent a text message to her friend.

“FINALLY GOT SERVED!!!! White wine coming right up!”

She dropped her phone back into her clutch bag, pulled her bodycon dress down slightly and grabbed the wine glasses from the bar. Squeezing past the throng of people waiting in the queue she slowly made her way into the room and looked for her friend’s vivid red hair. In the corner of her eye she saw a flash of red and grinned as she realised she’d sat with a group of boys. So this was going to be a fun night. 

“Here you go babes” she told her friend as put the wine down in front of her, “is someone going to grab me a chair?”

There were four boys and her friend sat around a small table, and it was cluttered with pint glasses and crisp packets. 

“You can sit here if you want love” said one of the lads, gesturing to his lap.

Sophie stuck her fingers up at him and went and grabbed a chair furthest away from him.


Molly rubbed her eyes as she lent back away from her laptop screen. She looked at her iPhone for the time and groaned as she realised there were hours to go until she could go to sleep. It was her own fault for letting her work pile up as she put more hours into her part time job, but it was nearing Christmas and she needed to pay for a trip back home. Getting up, she shoved her blonde hair into a messy bun and grabbed her phone as she headed downstairs for an energy drink; it was going to be a long night. She stood in the kitchen and allowed herself to have a 5 minute break, and scrolled through her social media apps. 

On Instagram, Sophie had posted a video of her and her friend cheersing their wine glasses with a load of pints. “Oh great” she thought, “she’s already met some lads.” Frustrated, she locked her phone and was just putting it away when it pinged. A new text, from Sam, said: “I think I’ll finish work about 9.30. If ur still up, I’ll get us a takeaway on the way to urs since u’ve been working hard x”.

She instantly replied saying great and he was more than welcome to get them a takeaway. This text had spurred her on to get her work done, even though Sam had his work to do too, and she ran back out of the kitchen and to her bedroom on the first floor so she could crack on with her essay. 


Time was starting to move on quickly now and Sophie and her friend were a few glasses of wine in. She hadn’t eaten much tea, she hadn’t had time but eating is cheating, right? They’d made friends with the lads at the table and had started ordering rounds for each other - or the lads had and the girls were riding on free drinks with no complaints. Sophie leaned towards her friend and asked if they could go to the toilet and they stood as one, telling the group that they’d be back shortly. The linked arms as they walked away, knowing they’d be watching after them.

They fell into the toilets, tipsy and giggling and headed straight to the mirrors so they could touch up their makeup. Sophie pulled her pink lipstick out of her clutch and leaned towards the mirror as she asked “So what do you think of them? They should defos come out with us, they’re all so fit!” 

“Sophie you’re so bad! Pick which one you want to try and pull now though because I might have to try, it’s been so long”

“Who said I want one?”

Her friend pulled back from the mirror and looked at her in disbelief. “Oh, no Sophie, no. I can’t allow that!”

“What?! It’s nearly Christmas and I want some fun!”

The other girl just shook her head and said “We better get a move on and get to the club if you’ve got a big night ahead”. They both burst into laughter and after taking some selfies, linked arms again as they headed out of the toilets. 


The doorbell rang as Molly just finished her essay. “Perfect timing” she muttered, and she jumped up and went downstairs to let Sam in. She hastily unlocked the door and pulled her jumper down self consciously, maybe she should have changed out of her comfy clothes. Sam was beaming at her as he held a bunch of flowers out in one hand, the takeaway in the other, and a tote bag over his shoulder. “I thought I’d get you these seeing as you’re working so hard.”

“They’re gorgeous! Thank you so much”

She held the door open to let him past and he paused to give her a little kiss. 

Molly blushed, locked the door, and followed him to the kitchen. He’s been before now and knew where it was but it was still early days and she was giddy for him to be here. “We can eat this upstairs if you’d like but I just need to give my coursework a once over.”

“Well I’ll grab some plates and put these in some water whilst you do that if you’d like?”

“Uh,, erm, you don’t have to!”

“No let me, I’m intruding on your night anyway” Sam replied nervously, hoping she wouldn’t agree and tell him to go home.

“Okay, well thank you, just leave the flowers down here then but bring the food up, I’m starving. Thank you” and then she almost ran out of the room so they could study together after they’d eaten.


The taxi pulled to a halt outside the club and the four guys and two girls climbed out. Sophie was more than tipsy now and feeling confident, sauntered toward the club like a model, her clutch bag tucked under her arm and her feet falling one after the other.  She glanced behind her flirtatiously to see if the two guys she had taken a fancy to were watching her and satisfied she had their attention she pulled the door of the club open and slipped inside. 

It was dark inside and the music was pounding, vibrating the door. Sophie squinted as she looked around and then made her way into the middle of the room, ready for a dance. Her friend could get these drinks, Sophie had got the first ones in the pub before all the freebies from the group of guys. She just wanted to dance and forget about her studies, and maybe have a good night with someone or other. 

The started dancing away with herself, as she waited for her friend to come over with some drinks. Her eyes closed and she was feeling the music when a hand touched the small of her back. Snapping her eyes open, she looked around and saw one one of the guys from the pub was standing there. She smiled and leaned over to speak in his ear. “Where is everyone?”

“Jack has gone to the bar but I’m not sure where the others went” he shouted back.

“Oh, okay” she smiled. They’d be in there somewhere, her friend wouldn’t leave her on her own. She started dancing again and accepted a drink from Jack when he appeared again.

The two guys looked at each other and back at Sophie as she captured the room with her dancing. 


Sam yawned and leaned back in his chair as he stretched. “Do you know what? I only have my conclusion to write now so I might stop and do it in the morning. How’s your work going?” he asked Molly.

“I think I’m too tired to do anything. I finished my essay but this coursework is just swimming in front of my eyes.”

“Shall I go make us cups of tea? I know it’s late but I think we deserve it” responded Sam, feeling a little nervous now they weren’t wrapped up in their University work.

“I’ll come too, I need to stretch!”

Molly saved her work and closed her laptop screen, before standing up and sliding her office chair back. It was a big thing but it was comfortable for when she was working so she didn’t mind.

Wondering what would happen with Sam now they’d finished their work, butterflies started building up in her stomach. She so wanted him to stay the night but was too anxious to make the first move. They headed down to the kitchen and she watched as he started filling the kettle and grabbed two mugs out of the cupboard. 

“So… I was wondering if -”

“ wanted to ask whether I-”

They both started speaking at the same time and stopped at the same time too, both in nervous laughter. Pulling her sleeves down over her hands and heading to the fridge for milk, Molly shyly said: “I was going to ask if you wanted to stay the night instead of rushing home at this time?”

She felt a bear hug envelope her as Sam took the confidence reigns. “And I was going to ask if you’d like me to stay. Great minds.”

She slowly turned in his arms and resisted temptation. They kissed slowly in the kitchen before Molly replied “Yes, yes I would like that.”


Sophie fell into the toilet, very drunk now. She should not have done those tequila shots and was now paying for it by being sick in the loo.

“Hey girl, are you okay?” someone asked. 

She coughed, “I will be” and flushed the toilet as she wiped her mouth. Oh god, she thought, what a great impression I’m making on those guys! 

She slowly opened the door and was greeted by a glittering girl, who held out a bottle of water. “Here, have this before you head back out there. Is there someone who can take you home?”

“I’m fine really, just a shot went down wrong! Thank you for this” and she gulped her water.

“Is there someone who can take you home?”

“Yes, yes, but I’m fine!”

The girl tutted and headed out of the bathroom, her work was done. Sophie looked in the mirror and saw her lipstick had smeared. “Shit.” Stumbling to the sink, she wiped her face and realised her friend had abandoned her in the club. “Fuck” she muttered. She realised she should probably head home now she knew she was on her own, but then the beat of her favourite song started drumming through the walls and she just knew she needed one more dance. Finishing the water, she took a deep breath before heading back out of the room.

The two guys were standing outside the doorway waiting for her and she smiled a big toothy grin past them as she made her way back towards the dancefloor, pulling one of them with her. 

“One more dance!”


Sam and Molly were wrapped up in her polka dot bed sheets, undressed after having sex. Molly’s laptop was at the bottom of the bed and some Netflix show was playing, Sam’s arm around her shoulders as he watched. She was thinking about how lucky she was. Sam was so lovely; yes he liked football and she despised it, but they had the same music taste, he was funny and nothing was too much trouble for him. He always asked before he did anything, like when he asked if it would be okay to come around and even during sex he had asked if she was okay. She was so nervous a couple of hours ago but now felt so at ease with him, she was definitely excited to see where things would go. 


Sophie struggled to get the key into the lock but eventually the door swung open. Putting her finger to her lips, she tripped inside the doorway and giggled as she shut the door and made her way up the stairs. She couldn’t really remember where she had met them now but it seemed like a good idea to bring them home, they were really fit and had helped her into the taxi. She hoped Molly wasn’t still awake, she’d have a heart attack if she knew she’d brought two guys home. She tip-toed past Molly’s room and turned around, again putting her finger to her lips and pointing at the door with her other hand. The guys nodded at her and Sophie led the way upstairs.


Molly woke up. She heard a noise and sleepily grabbed for her glasses so she could see the time. Groaning, she realised it was probably Sophie coming in from her night out. She’d only just gotten to sleep and she could hear a gentle snore coming from beside her. She smiled, but instantly looked at the door as she heard multiple footsteps going up the stairs to the room above her. Was that two different steps she heard? Sophie had brought someone back. Typical. 

She took her glasses back off and was just about to lay down when she heard the toilet flush and a third set of footsteps go up the stairs. Slightly panicked, she grabbed her glasses once more and urgently woke Sam next to her.

“Sophie’s brought two people home” she loudly whispered, panic rising quickly inside her. 

“I’m sure she’s okay.”

“She said she wouldn’t bring anyone home.”

A scream came from upstairs and they both shot out of bed and Sam pulled his joggers on. “Shit!” he exclaimed, “I’ll go up, you stay here.”

Before Molly could respond, he’d yanked the door open and was running up the stairs. 

Tears were streaming down Sophie’s face. She’d fully sobered up now and realised what was happening. She had two guys in her room, one with his hand on her mouth after she screamed and the other was forcing her down onto the bed. There was a sudden knock on the door and the two guys froze. Sophie bit down on the hand and screamed, and received a slap for it. But the door was forced open and the two guys, upon seeing another male standing there, jumped up and backed away from Sophie. She sat up shaking as Sam shouted at the two guys to get out and followed them downstairs to make sure they left. 


Molly didn’t know what to do, but she knew she needed to be there for her friend. She’d persuaded Sophie to leave her bedroom and they were now in Molly’s room; Sophie numb with shock and letting Molly hug her. 

They’d called the police and Sam was downstairs making cups of tea whilst he waited for them to appear.

Sophie was shaking, but she had stopped crying now. Her eyes were red raw and wet, her makeup was all over her face. 

“You do know this isn’t your fault at all don’t you” Molly asked worriedly.

Sophie just carried on shaking and Molly squeezed her tighter as she calmly told her everything will be okay.

November 17, 2023 15:39

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