3 questions on Valentine's Day

Written in response to: Start or end your story with someone standing in the rain.... view prompt


Fiction Happy Holiday

This Valentine’s Day is the fourth anniversary of the couple of Mary and Martin. They are happy throughout their time together. They helped each other with the tasks and when they had a hiking trip together, they supported each other and paid attention to each other with care. They support each other well throughout their time living together. They can consult each other when each has trouble. They listened and gave the best recommendation for each other. But Mary would like to ensure that this love would not be ended. On this Valentine’s Day, they have dinner together and then Mary would like to play a game on Valentine’s Day. It is a game of 3 questions.


Mary would like to test the sincerity or depth of Martin's love. So he asked him the question like when he had a chance to go to the room with girls in bikinis, would he come in and flirt with those girls. He answered that he would come in just to go to the toilet. He laughed. He said he wasn’t interested in those girls, just focused on his girlfriend, that is Mary. So Mary asked him another question like if Martin had $100 and she and his ex-girlfriend borrowed each of $20, how much he has left. Martin answered quickly that he would have $60 left as it was only an easy mathematical question. But it is not the case, Mary said that he paid attention to his ex-girlfriend and regarded his ex-girlfriend as equally significant as her. She felt disappointed that he didn’t say that he would not be involved with his ex-girlfriend anymore. Martin said that he was only kind-hearted to the person he knew, it is not just a relationship like boyfriend and girlfriend anymore. And right now, he married Mary. She didn’t have to worry about the other girl or his ex. 


Martin felt guilty about his answer which made his girlfriend sad. So he would like to care about how to answer her question more. The next question, Mary asked him that if a girl was standing in the rain in front of the home and she was not at home. Did he open the door for her or what would he do? Martin answered confidently to the question. Surely, he would not open the door for her. He would not be compassionate and open the door to that girl. Mary said that in the time of rainy days, why there would be other girls coming to our home to ask to come in. That girl should be Mary and how can Martin would not open the door for her. Or he is not sure that there might be other girls whom he contacted with.


Martin said if he knew it was her, he would stand out in the rain together and play with the rain. After that, there would be a beautiful rainbow that they would see and be happy together. It would be the great view of a good memory that he would be together in the special time. 

So they understand each other and have fun together. A good thing and a bad thing shall pass each day. It’s up to us to select which point of time to consider the most. Rainbow appeared for a short time as well. So we should have the time to enjoy those moments. We should not focus on the problem and trust each other to be a good couple. Martin had a gift and flower for Mary. He knew what she liked so the gift would be a surprise. It’s a necklace with the pendant of the alphabet M&M, which means Martin and Mary being together.

Martin said to Mary that she should not worry and be sad about the questions. Even though it is how to test how deep is his love. But he would like to say that he loves her all the time and he believes that Mary would love him as well. So he said that we should be concerned about how we react to each other more than just the word or answer to these questions. And today it rained, why don't we go out to stand in the rain, play, and see the rainbow in reality. No questions to test the deep of his love but it’s real that we have a good time together, and it’s enough.


This would say that there will always be sunshine after the rain. After discussing those questions, he would assure her how much he loves her. And she replied the same and she said that she knew how important that they were together and had a wonderful time. So she said that she would not let the happy time pass and would not create more problems for her couple. She would enjoy the happy moment and they still love each other ever after.


This Valentine’s Day would be meaningful, they planned a good trip together as the fourth honeymoon. They decided to go to Switzerland, there would be romantic and beautiful places there. Both Martin and Mary exchanged gifts with creative cards on them. There is a note to each other that they would remember the day of standing in the rain together that reminded them about being happy and encountering bad times together. But whatever it is the bad thing, if they can make it be a happy time together instead, it would be a pleasure. So it depends on who we get along with and how we think that makes us happy each day. We should not think negatively of each other and that would be the case that we would not have to test each other’s sincerity anymore.


If Mary would ask Martin how deep his love is, he would like to say that if he didn’t love her, which cat he would love? This means that he would love her and only her. She doesn’t have to worry about the other girl he would love. So she would not worry anymore and trust each other. And the story ended with happiness and understanding.

February 03, 2025 15:22

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