Adventure Crime Sad


Today’s assignment, the hook, the bait. So many words, I hope I don’t,


History matters.

Memories fade. Looks fade. Ink fades.Shades fade.Capabilities fade. Abilities fade.

Remember kids. “There are HEROES. There are LEGENDS. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart kids and you’ll never go wrong.”

Never argue with someone who believes their own lies. The best way to handle this trap, this maneuver, this “spit ball”. Is convince the opponent you believe what he said. And then. Aim. Spit. Fire it in. Really fast. Over the plate. Before opponent knows what hit him. No. Do not hit him. That is the pitch used by Cheaters and Cowards.

Which team would you “like” to play on? Which “name” would you display on YOUR back as you “play for the team”, “take one for the team”. Once you put the team jersey on, it is

Game on.

The Cheaters versus The Cowards.

Choosing sides. Choosing teams.

The Cheaters versus The Cowards.

What does today’s title assignment even mean? Who looks at a child, a youth and thinks this young person: “knows they are probably going to fail at something”, “but does it anyway”. What kind of coach steps up to this challenge?

An Exceptional coach.

BTW. Who is making the team? The kid or adult? To make the team, make the roster. Which team best “suits” your “playing style”? The team(s) of the superstar,supermodel,megastar-idol-everyone-gets-a-trophy-swag-bag roster league. The true talent? The true freshman? The kids who “just want to play”. Let’s go!

True talent? True freshman?

Team “A”, “B”, “C”? (The alternates?)

O.K. Team Cheater players over here: “Knows they are probably going to fail at something”.

O.K. Team Cowards over here: “but does it anyway.”

O.K. Team “Alternates” over here: “Just want to play”.

True talent? True freshman? (Age cut off: 29 years 11 month?….Hmm) Does the player have their “papers”—their GED, College Prep, Degree, PHD, AA, BS, BA, Instructional, Diploma. Can they read? Are they “literate”? There are signs in this very important World Series of Cheaters and Cowards League that need to be read correctly. Do not want to attract or promote unnecessary health attention. High travel expense cost to the player owners of the team. How does a “player” buy in to this league?

This kind of team building separates the good coaches from the bad coaches. And there are exceptional coaches. Ones who “get it” One silver lining there. Otherwise our league is dead upon arrival.

Pictures. Pointless. Professional. Pointless. Parental Involvement guarantees a spot on the “C” team. Amateur Players: Future Uncertain.

How much to charge the fans to participate and witness these games of superstar talent?

Are cameras allowed on the field—before, during—after the game?

Selfies? Autographs? Mascots? Support signs/posters allowed?

Where are the umpires?

Where are the bases?

Where are the bats?

Where are the balls?

Who draws the line?

Yes. Exactly. Who does draw the line?

An exceptional coach. The rest is anybody’s guess.

History matters. The youth are ready to play, watching and waiting. With practice and cues, signals from the coaches-The TRUE adults. The coaches who decide: Let’s give a fair shot. Despite and in spite of the temptations. Learn competition as it is being played in real time. Everyone “gets it”. Or nobody “gets it”. Work hard. Hard work.

Void of and not validated by: Ableism.

Team Building Criteria. Pros and Cons:

(Cons-a Con Job) Desire to move far away from this mindset. Albeit it is firmly implanted in the current Cheaters versus Cowards league game(s)

Wanted/Wish List:

Leaders. Followers.

Void of the tired, outdated language of: Strengths. Weaknesses. Below, Meets, Exceeds expectations. (Based on what or whom?). A rejection of this tired, outdated stepping stone. Promotes inequality. Lessens the playing field. Worthless devaluing with and while unhealthy padding occurs. Kids are smart. Youth know when they are being had. Helpless to stop it. Worse. Resort to enduring it.

No fits and starts via parent’s experiences. Within the confines (friendly?) of bonafide rules and regulations our Cheaters versus Coward league has a chance, a prayer of shifting. Or. The alternative is place the alternates in a padded room for “protection”. Of who or whom? From who or whom?

Without the vital changes in the Cheaters versus Cowards league, the playing season is a watered down competition of maybes, has nots or have nots. What is wrong with true competition? How did it become confused with true freshman? Why pull strings for some players? ESSA. NCLB. Yes. But doesn’t every youth have equal right and need/the opportunity to show their chops. Right? Or Wrong? Who says?

Team Building includes: Separation of church and state. Or is/has Sports become a religion? We need to update our binder of Team Building Wants and Needs. There are kids waiting and wanting to participate. They are not even concerned about a trophy.

Otherwise our league is dead upon arrival. And not everyone will get a trophy. Not everybody wins. Not everyone will have a picture of their favorite, beloved star on a trading card or 7 Eleven “Slurpee”cup. ( A re-usable Collector’s Item for sure )

How many innings played in these Cheaters versus Cowards game? Are there extra innings? Rain delays? Cold weather cancellation? Hot weather cancellation? I am afraid. We will start losing our spectators. They will begin to head for the exits. We need not a player borne of ableism, but a folk hero that will play his heart out.

Tryouts: For players. Wanted: A shift. Closed try-outs: For a person ready, willing and able to play his heart out. Exceptional Coach Pledge/Guarantee: Take care of this player. The future is never written in stone. Based on: We reserve the right to choose player for/on our team/for our league. An individual who exemplifies true and fair competition.

Unwritten rule:

“He stands at the heart of the game he played, the promise of a warm summer night, a bag of peanuts, and a beer. And just maybe, the longest ball hit out of the park. A folk tale of American success. IF sport has become the national religion, George is the Patron Saint.”

Heroes get remembered. Legends never die.

March 04, 2022 22:34

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