
"No!" I scream, fighting against the ropes binding me as I lay in the basement. "You can't leave me down here!" My boss smiles as he walks up the stairs. "Yes I can," he says coldly. "You know the consequences of your actions. And you must live with them." I sob and stare at him as he closes the door on any source of light. And that's all I can do. Sob.

That was 4 years ago, when my 12 year old self decided it would be a good idea to sneak out of the house to see my friend without my foster dad's permission. Yet I did it all the time. Because it was worth it. I could escape my abuse for a couple hours of bliss. I didn't mind spending all that time in the basement. The memories I made with my friend made it all worth it. No one could ask for a better friend than her. No way.

I watch my foster dad, Jason, as he slowly falls asleep in front of the fireplace. It's just the two of us in this mansion so I have no one else to worry about when I sneak out. Tip toeing to the door, I quietly open it and slip out into the sunshine.

"Beatrice!" My bestie, Carol, shouts from where she waits on the path outside my house. I run up and hug her with all my might. "Carol!" I say, pulling my hands out from her long wavy blonde hair. "It's so good to see you again!" She reaches up and ruffles my black pixie hair. "Good to see you too, B." Arm in arm we walk down the path towards the park and our treehouse.

Our treehouse towers above us in a massive oak tree. "What you waiting for?" Carol laughed. "I have a surprise for you! So get your butt up there!" She gives me a little push as I start up the rope ladder. My leg bangs against one of the planks and I wince. But I hide it from Carol and climb all the way up into our spacious treehouse. And guess what's waiting for me? My favourite cake, with my favourite vanilla icing on top. Carol pops her head in a laughs at my happy face. "I told you I had a surprise," she said as she climbed in. "I can't believe you remembered!" I gasp as she cuts a huge wedge for me and an equally huge piece for her. "What? You think I'd forget that I promised you mud cake with vanilla icing next time we hung out?" She stares at me in mock offense. "I've kept all my promises." I smile and take a huge bite if the cake. "You're amazing Carol." I cross my legs and instantly cry out in pain. Carol jumps. "B! What's wrong?"

I stretch out my legs and pull up my skirt to my knees. Carol gasps and covers her mouth with her hands as she stares at the black and red bruise on my shin. And the one in my knee and the one on my other leg. And the one on my right foot as well. Carol looks at me. "Show me the other bruises B." I sigh and lift up my white tank top. Purple bruises are scattered all over my stomach. I turn around and she see the green bruises covering my back and shoulders. "B, you need a hospital," Carol says sadly. "I wouldn't be surprised if you have fractures in your legs and shoulders." I look at her concerned face and break down into sobs, so violent they hurt my stomach and back. But I can't stop. Carol sits next to me and gently wraps her arm around my shoulders as I shake.

"You have to get out there," Carol whispers, and I nod. "You can't stay there one day longer." "You have to help me, Carol," I whisper shakily, burying my face in her hair. "He'll hunt me down if I don't go back. I don't want to go back. But I have to. I have no choice." Carol grabs my face with her hands and turns it to face her. "You have a choice. In fact, I'm going to make the choice for you. There is no way I am letting you go back there." "But you can't help," I reply weakly. "There's nothing you can do." I look at her determined face. "You have a plan don't you Carol?" She smiles. "You asked for my help. I'm gonna give it to you. And I have a plan. A very simple plan, in fact. One that is going to be done right now." I look at her with a mix of fear and excitement on my face. "But..." "No buts!" She shouts as she stands up.

Next thing I know, Carol has the police in tow and we're walking up the path to my house. "Carol!" I whisper in her ear. "What the heck are we doing?" Carol smirks at me. "I've watched you go back inside that house too many times to not know anything about what he says to you. He's kind of predicable you know." "He'll hurt you," I say urgently. "He will hurt you and I can't allow that." Carol laughs. "Why do you think we have the police?" She pounds on the front door of my house, while I hide behind her, waiting for the inevitable.

An angry voice roars. "How dare you go out again girl! It's a beating and a day in the basement for you!" Jason shouts as he wrenches the door open and falls short at the sight of Carol and the police. A male officer steps up to him and cuffs Jason. "You are under arrest for repeated child abuse. Anything you say can and will be used against you." Jason screams at me as he is forced down the path to the waiting police car. "You wretch! I will have your head for this! You can't get rid of me forever!" I stand frozen on the porch, just staring at the car as it pulls away and takes all my pain with it.

Carol beams at me. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" I grin and hug her tighter than I ever have before. "Thank you," I whisper into her ear. She grins, and returns my hug. "Well now, I believe we have a whole mansion to ourselves?" I laugh. "You're gonna get lost in this maze!" For the first time in 6 years I run into the mansion without any fear.

May 05, 2020 03:48

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