Creative Nonfiction Happy Inspirational

It wouldn't be fair to me to blame my failure to find a life partner just because I wasn't settled in my 40s either. My failure stems from various backgrounds and traumas that are still a stumbling block. If I may quote the motivational sentence of a great cleric named Buya Hamka, "Looking for a partner does not have to be established, the important thing is that you know what his plans are for the future. And professions don't have to be this and that. Indeed love needs to eat, but there is one feeling when you want to fight together, then it feels more delicious." The motivation above gave me a drop of hope to keep pedaling in the waves of the sea of ​​slander that always hinders my intention to fight for worship through marrying even stronger. In order to carry out my mother's mandate before she died so that she could see me marry and die in peace. Even though the road was steep and thorny I had to take it to realize my mother's last wish. Thanks to Buya Hamka's motivational life motivation, I ventured to find a life partner who has strong Islamic faith and knowledge values ​​in order to be safe in this world and the hereafter.

Without Buya Hamka's life motivation that so deeply penetrates into my logic and young blood that still wants to shine like the morning sun. Buya Hamka's thoughts became a whip and sandpaper for a brighter future for planning life ahead both before and in navigating the ark of life if I was destined to have a life partner later. The mental motivation as a strong foundation for survival from Buya Hamka is that if you are poor, be happy with your heart, because you have been freed from a mental illness, a disease of pride that always afflicts the rich. Rejoice in your heart because no one will be jealous and envious of you anymore, because of your poverty. Poverty and poverty are blessings, which there is no way for others to be discouraged, and there is no door for hatred. Buya Hamka's second mental motivation is that life is built between bitter and sweet. If it is always bitter, the heart will be vulnerable; and if it is always sweet, the heart will become bored. The motivation for marriage according to Buya Hamka's version is that it is clear that a safe and peaceful household is a combination of the strength of men and the softness of women. Likewise, Buya Hamka's motivation for love is full of meaning, "Love is war, which is a great war in the human spirit. If a pure soul wins, one day will be found someone who is sincere, sincere, broad-minded, patient and light-hearted. If he loses, You will find someone who is hopelessly misguided, weak in heart, small in feelings, and sometimes even loses confidence in yourself. Don't forget that there is also a motivation for courage to take Buya Hamka's life, "Only people who are afraid can be brave, because courage is doing something that is feared. So if you feel afraid, you will have the opportunity to be brave". The super quality motivation above really motivates me to stay optimistic in finding my soul mate. Buya Hamka's quote about women is also reminded, "Women are creatures who when hurt they remember who hurt them and that is stored in their heart. But she forgets, she also often hurts other people". The essence of the quote is that women are not perfect creatures. To deal with the condition of unstable women requires strong faith. The description of the definition of faith buya hamka is that faith without knowledge is like a lantern in a baby's hand, but knowledge without faith is like a lantern in the hand of a thief.

The sign of a believer, according to Buya Hamka, is that if you want to see a Muslim, then look at Eid al-Fitr, that's a Muslim. But if you want to see a believer then come to the mosque during the morning prayer. Buya Hamka's guide on the principles of life looking for the best partner adds to the fighting spirit in hunting for my true love. In addition to a guide to finding love, Buya Hamka also warns of the risks of hunting for love in the following sentence: A person who hunts for love is like hunting a deer in the wilderness. The more he hunted, the farther he ran. Finally lost in the jungle, can not go home again. Also in the following quote: Making love is easy. To be loved is also easy. But to be loved by the people we love is what is difficult to obtain. The matter of having a match or not is not a big thing, the important thing is that I want to find a mate rather than not at all. According to Buya's motivation, "Our job is not to succeed. Our job is to try, because it is in trying that we find and learn to build opportunities to succeed". Matchmaking is a friend who has the same goal in doing good according to Buya's quote, "There is no close friend or relative who is more loyal than a friend who supports and helps encourage us to take on a good deed". When I meet my soul mate, it will be the most beautiful gift for my mother. I have to know my soul mate and myself first so that it can be carried out properly and according to Buya's motivation, "Knowing yourself is much more difficult than wanting to know someone else's personality. Therefore, get to know yourself before knowing someone else's personality". From this moment on, I always add knowledge about how to become a potential leader for myself and the following to become the leader of my ideal Islamic family.I also want to prove to my mother, I can keep my mother's will, which is to be a pious child by marrying as proof of the people of the prophet Muhammad SAW.

August 10, 2022 18:37

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