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Happy Sad Romance

The Color of Light:

Struggling to get out of bed, the boy becomes more and more entrapped in his phone. The endless passage of time continues for hours at a time. Video after video, he is forced further into darkness, even though he might not want to. Fighting is pointless, for not even he could bring it to an end. At last, the dreadful doom of his responsibilities catch up to him. He drags his aching body out of bed, and does his morning routine, cleaning his face, brushing his teeth, showering, all these simple, yet challenging tasks.

When he walks out the door, he attempts to ignore the glare of the sun in his eyes, but he just hides in the shadows of the car. The brisk morning air stings his eyes and nostrils. 

House after house goes flying by, as he waited for the short, yet uncomfortable ride with his mother’s judging gaze to be over, along with the warm atmosphere of the car. Eventually after all the houses pass by, he’s in a classroom at school.

The class goes flying by, in one ear out the next, every word that is being uttered from the monotonous mouth of the adults seems to become more and more distorted with every second that passes. Although to him, everything is monotone in a way.

He distracts himself with little things to silence the voice in his head, along with the boredom crawling inside of him, like going to the bathroom, or playing trivial video games. Anything to get out of the boredom, until he lands in his last and favorite class of the day. There is a cool and sharp aura about the teacher, the peers, and the class, it’s not similar to the rest of the classes. In this class, people who aspire to learn and create discussions throw around ideas with other people with the same mindset, filled with the same ideas.

But this class ends shortly as well, along with the rest of the effortless classes. After the endurance of everlasting pain from multiple sources, he is sent home, picked up by his mother who still hasn’t changed, and taken home. After countless hours of procrastination, he barely scrapes by on his work, struggling to do the bare minimum, when the bare minimum is all he can accomplish. All the goals and ambitions thrive inside his thoughts, but they seem to be imprisoned and chained to bars by all the negative aspects of life. The impending test at the end of the month circulates through his mind, but it just keeps circulating, and nothing seems to get done.

The next day is all but similar to the previous one behind it, and this voracious, ravenous cycle continues time and time again, day after day. All until the girl shines into his life, like a ray of sunshine straight from the gods themselves. He talks and talks with her, for hours on end, but this never ending cycle is one he wishes will not end.

This type of endless time is not fueled by boredom, but rather happiness and joy, the part of life we strive for, or for him, it’s the pursuit of happiness. Just her presence, the thoughts of her, stimulates his mind, and arouses his heart, this feeling is like none other, it pushes out every negative emotion conceivable. He likes to walk with her after school, and go anywhere in the world, as long as it’s with her. They laugh, share memories, and they express their physical attraction to one another, mimicking movements left and right, almost like a dance.

It's almost like a high, in the moment he can feel all the boredom, the dread of responsibilities, and the trivial problems no child should have to deal with being pushed away.

The aches and pains of his body and head seem to float away, without a second thought, even as they part ways, the thoughts and amalgamation of emotions still coincide within his body. This is what all his pain and suffering has been for, this high of emotions within him is what life is for. Out of the darkness and into the light, it's like God shined a crystal prism on the child and let him step off of the darkness.

He is at last free from everything, and on his walk home through the warm and kind sun he notices the bright blue skies mixed with the blurs of clouds. He notices the inviting green of the grass, and the bright colored leaves falling from the mighty oaks along the streets, as well as the song birds chirping away. He admires the brilliant architecture along the way, and the life given by the sun, by the light.

The negative aspects of life are all but forgotten, locked up in their own personal prison, with no key to be found, the blinds were finally drawn, letting the light in and scaring away the shadows. 

When he comes back to his inviting home, he enjoys talking to his warm mother, along with spreading love and kindness to his dog, and admiring every single plant and its beauty.

He pushed the negative aspects of life away, and now enjoys his video games. He enjoys being able to learn and talk to his friends, instead of pushing it all away, and the soft sound of music soothes his soul.

The days continue to repeat, but this time in a positive manner. He gets to see her now and then, and that pushes him to move on, it forces him to keep trudging forward, not looking back at the shadows, and focusing on the light. They keep talking for days upon days, week on week, and the boredom and tiredness of life seems to disappear. In this new situation, he thrives in the same site he has been in this whole time, because now he can see the colors of nature, and the colors of light.

May 06, 2021 18:29

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Breezy Tides
03:28 May 11, 2021



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