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Black Crime Fiction

The light have been off now for about a week plus. Tony okolo has decided that he is not going to be the one again writing to any authority. It have become one too many on his part. "Let these maggots run their strength out" he murmured to himself when the light was finally restored and his, not among them. He knew that some touts controlling the city have found him an avenue to control the city and the psychology of the sound ones in it. But he is not going to grant them whatever motivation they are seeking for. His obligations to the sites he post his works and the clients he works for has always unplanned found a way of taking care of themselves.

Having known that their aim was to cut him off financially, he knows that they knew his business is light based and their uppercut in this one sided fight is the light. They believe once he is hit on it, it's a technical knockout for him. But crawling on knees and hands or laying on the canvas dazed staring up to high heavens is what he doesn't know how to do as a human. He has never sequeled to any living being asking for anything. Organized bodies are ones he writes to and deals with through all known protocols.

To think that he paid for light two days before they went kaput for a week, then, after restoring it with his not among those restored despite having any credit in it before his payment another 4k is annoying to say the least. 4k is enough to feed a man for three days in this country if you apply restraint. Giving it to an organization that is under the influence of touts is not his idea of wise investment. This is not even the first time they have done a shit of this nature and he had worked himself all over that first time, boiling to know how organized entities like the society he is in can allow such acts in this modern time. Even though he came out from following their act to its logical end wiser, it's still annoying. He found out that the rot root is not with the illiterates but with the educated. Touts making noise are street maggots doing the field work as directed. Some people, you may know how they will perform as a leader by giving them a post that warrants using absolute power even if for a limited known period. They will violate every decency and empathy principles on offer even challenge heaven directly and indirectly without qualms.

He has noticed that if he can make his hell heaven by any means, the cult controlling the city will soon start eating themselves out inwardly. When you show them that their acts pains you, they resort to it now and then, observing you to know how deep your pain is. When you can show them you can function with all manners of roadblocks placed on your route, they will start looking elsewhere to find another amusement or resort to confused trial and lucky tactics to know if they will hit a jackpot on your emotion.

Just like anything started anew, it always comes with the initial downside of choking one and tampering with the status quo of how you run your daily life but interference of this nature only acts to bring a wonderful and deserved change to one's routine for better. Staying in a place for a week before venturing out isn't all that okay for spirit, soul and body. Tony surmised.

He went in search of a place to charge his instruments of office. Man must 'waki' no matter the intrusions of the forces of darkness into one's life. There must be a way of introducing light back into it no matter how half current that light might be. It will still illuminate the place and checkmate the swaggering of the darkness. Light will always be a threat to darkness, this fact can't change because Tony Okolo is remembered by these agents. He smirks as he recalled about five examples similar to his in the Bible alone.

He packed his gears in a back-pack, took a glance in the room as he slammed the door that not only jag many things but himself into facing reality and forgot the walking-dead and faced the immediate problem. He found where they charge hundred Naira to charge your whatever for four hours. That sounds normal to Tony. Almost most normal electrical gadgets last three hours to go from zero to hundred bars. Extra one hour is a plus. They even put on flat TVs to attract chargers. He paid, sat down to business of waiting for hours, watching TV. It occurred to him that if he took his work to that center early before few people without light like him would start trooping in, he might gain a lot and still went home with PC and phone full of currents. He plugged his PC and Phone and once his phone clocked fifty bars, he went to work typing his work there and ended up using only twenty bars to type two thousand words. His speed seems to be increasing. He had initially in the night wanted to travel to his countryside to do the work there for there is always light there and he can balance, relax and use a stone in killing two birds there. He changed his mind at the eleventh hour and decided to pay to do the work in public and he thinks it's a smart move after all. 

He spent almost seven hours plus inside that charging cafe or what was that they call themselves; House, port or canteen? He left there towards the evening time, a satisfied man. His work of two days done, tomorrow commitment handled, fresh air gained. What else is a man seeking for at the bottom of the pot to risk the residue of peppers? 

Truly, there are advantages and disadvantages in all situations when you focus well and use your head better. 

June 01, 2024 14:15

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Mary Bendickson
16:39 Jun 02, 2024

Use you head better. Good advice.


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