
“Life is so uncertain, nobody knows what it will bring next. My life before this pandemic was so different, I was not the person as I am today”. While walking on a footpath, she was constantly thinking about how things have changed in a very shorter period of time. Suddenly, her neighbor called her and brought her back from her thoughts. It was first time both were meeting after three months lockdown due to corona virus pandemic.

Ting Yi: hey! Bai Chao

Bai chao: Hi

Ting Yi: How are you Bai Chao and why are you so lost?

Bai Chao: I am good Ting Yi but …. (She suddenly stopped and lost herself again in deep thoughts)

 Ting Yi: but what..?

Bai Chao: I, I, (She was unable to utter any word and her eyes were filled with tears)

Ting Yi comforted her and asked her to share her story. Ting Yi was worried to see Ba chao like this as she has never seen her so despondent and vulnerable. Bai Chao was a confident girl, she has always remained a brightest student of the class. She used to remain motivated and energetic all the time. However, this time when she rejoined the classes after lockdown her performance was not up to the standards. It seemed like she has lost her motivation and something terrible has happened to her. The very question that raised in the minds of her friends were “what was the reason behind her sadness and why she was so lost?” The same question was bothering Ting Yi although she used to study in a different school and they just had a little conversation, but when she saw her sad, she insisted her to share the reason. 

Ting Yi: Dear, why are you so upset? Is there anything you want to share?

Bai Chao: Ting Yi, I have lost the most precious treasure of my life. (She became silent for a while and continued her story) 

As you knew Ting Yi, parents are the most important blessings of God. They help us grow, learn and develop. They are the one who keep us happy and take care of our needs. They are the reason behind our smiles. When I was five years old I lost my father, this tragedy has changed our lives. There was not any single day when we never missed dad. I used to visit his grave with mum on every weekend. With the passage of time, we somehow made ourselves strong. Although, we missed dad but me and mum struggled a lot to keep ourselves happy. The only person I ever loved in my life after dad’s death was mum. She was my best friend, my secret keeper and my favorite motivational speaker. I never needed anyone to encourage me for my career or for any other dream of mine as mum was enough for me. She never left me alone, we were the happiest family as I had mum. I do not know how many people have lost their lives and how much economic loss this pandemic has caused but the very thing that made me sad is this pandemic has cost me my mum. My mother was a doctor, she was a dedicated lady and a person who never give up so easily. I can still remember, it was my birthday night when she received a call from hospital that patients of COVID-19 are increasing at a very faster rate and the available medical staff was not sufficient so, they needed her there. I was not knowing that the hug she gave me while leaving will prove to be the last hug from my mum. She packed her stuff in a bag along with our family picture and while leaving she wished me again and her words were: “Happy Birthday, Bai Chao! May your all dreams come true my child.” And then she said, “Good bye”

Bai Chao started crying while saying this. She was unable to control her feelings. For a while she felt as if her whole world has collapsed and she was left so alone in this world.

Ting Yi: Bai Chao, please do not cry. I know you are going through a very tough time but I know you are a strong girl. 

Bai Chao: Thank you for being with me Ting Yi, you have always remained so nice to me.

Ting Yi: Bai Chao, I cannot understand how your mum had died as she was quite young and strong?

Bai Chao: (taking a deep sigh) Ting Yi, Yes, you are right mum was young. However, when she was on duty she was deprived of rest. She struggled a lot to save her patients, she used to wear safety kits and covid-19 masks all the day and she even did not get time to eat enough. She burned the midnight oil to treat her patients well and left no stone unturned to fight this pandemic. I remember, she sent me her photo and captioned it as “hey! Bai chao look at my new makeup” I know she was trying to make me smile as she knew that after seeing her wounded face I will become sad. I was at my home and my mum’s friend was with me, we were having dinner and we received a call from mum. She said, “Little Bai, I am going to tell you a thing but I also don’t want you to worry. Bai Chao! My report of Covid-19 is positive! I am quarantined in hospital, dear child I will be back at home soon, don’t worry and take care of yourselves. Mum loves you Bai Chao! B-bye. I started crying very loudly, it was the moment when I felt as if I am dead. All bad thoughts overshadowed me and I was dying with the fear of losing mum with each passing minute. For me, it became really very hard to concentrate on my online classes as all my attention was diverted toward mum.

                 You know Ting Yi, the toughest job for a person is to remain hopeful in those situations where everything seems against you. I felt so terribly broken when my mum was tested positive for Covid-19. Afterwards, I somehow consoled myself and tried to remain strong. I used to talk with mum every day. We had good chat and her first report showed that her condition was progressing. However, one night things turned against us we received a call from a doctor, he was mum’s colleague, and doctor uncle informed us that mum’s condition is very critical. There was a heart wrenching silence as Bai Chao was crying.

The very air of Wuhan city was filled with sadness and sorrow. Although, there were many people in the street but their faces were not as happy as they were before. Ting Yi was lucky enough as her family was safe from any such terrible tragedy but it was unbearable for her to see Bai Chao crying. She tried to console her, little Bai Chao gathered herself and continued her story. After taking a deep breathe she said: “Ting Yi, these three months have ruined me and it made me go through the most painful days of my life. I was having restless nights full of fear and frustration.”

Ting Yi: Bai Chao, do not cry please!

Bai Chao: Ting Yi, you know what happened next? My mum’s condition become so serious. Doctor said she was unable to breath and therefore, she was kept on ventilator. Every day, I had to face a new worst situation. I used to pray for my mum every night but my prayers were unheard. Skies were not ready to listen and answer my prayers. In spite of being so despondent, I continued praying for my mum as she was my only family.

Ting Yi: Bai Chao, you can consider me as your friend and share with me your feelings. Please don’t say you are alone!

Bai Chao: (with a deep sigh) it was Tuesday morning when I received a video call from mum. She was lying down on a bed, her eyes were red, her face was blackened and she was staring at me. It was me who started to talk first.

Bai Chao: Mum, how are you?

It took mum five complete minutes to answer me!

Mum: Little Bai Chao, as long as you are fine I will be fine too.

Bai Chao: Mum, I miss you and I want you to come back please (her eyes filled with tears)

Mum: Don’t cry Bai Chao, I want you to hear me today. I want you to promise mom something

Bai Chao: Yes mum, I am hearing and I will forever do whatever you want me to do

Mum: You know Bai Chao, it was my dream to pursue my career in Medical sciences, I faced many difficulties and at some point in my life I was about to quit, but I decided not to do so. I become a doctor in spite of facing financial troubles. Today, I am on this bed and I am sick but all my patients are recovered, and they are with their families.

Bai Chao: Mum, I know you are a great doctor and I am proud of you.

Mum: Little child, this thing might hurt you but this is something I want you to know. Bai Chao, your dad and I were childless, I was unable to become a mother. The day I get to know about this was the most terrible day of my life. When I read those reports, instead of being hopeless I believed that there is someone in this world for whom God has chosen me to be her mother. It was you Bai Chao! When I hold you in my hands I realized, if I had given up so early I would never have you. You are my child and I love you Bai Chao.

Bai Chao: It does not matter who gave me birth, you are my mum and you will remain my mum forever.

Mum: Bai Chao, my love no matter what will happen next I want you to fight for your dreams. I want you to struggle for things you love and for your dreams as your mum did. Bai Chao, if anything happen to me, you do not have to cry but you have to live as beautifully as I have dreamed for you. Bai Chao, I want you to be a strong girl as you are a child of a woman who never gave up in her life. I won’t die if death kills me but I will die if you stopped yourself from achieving your dreams. I do not like people who are ungrateful and remain sad in spite of having many blessings in their lives and I also do not like people who gave up so early. Promise me you won’t do it?

Bai Chao: I promise you mum, I will achieve my dreams and will keep myself happy.

Mum: (after severe coughing) your mum and dad will help you from heavens Bai Chao! Whenever you feel sad you just have to look at the sky, you will find us there forever. Whenever, you will feel yourself surrounded by dark shadows of sorrow and grief, you will find us there in the very sparkling stars, forever praying for you. We will be there with you Bai Chao, when the winds of spring blow and when the flowers of happiness bloom. We love you our little Bai Chao. Now, don’t you say good bye to your mum.

Bai Chao: (sobering and crying continuously) Mum, I do not want you to leave me please!

Mum: Please, Bai Chao say it with smile

Bai Chao: Mum but,

Mum: Please love,

Bai Chao: (smile with tears in her eyes) Good bye mum!

Mum: Mum loves you Bai Chao, good bye love!

And then mum closed her eyes Ting Yi, and she never opened them again. She died so peacefully, I was unable to ask her to stay Ting Yi, she was so tired of struggles that she had kept for the rest of her life. Today is Tuesday, I lost my family this day.

Ting Yi: Bai Chao, I am very sorry about your mother but there is one thing I am very sure about. You are not alone, your parents will always remain with you as they have promised and don’t worry I will never let you live alone. You are will be my best friend and you can consider me your family.

Bai Chao; Thank you, Ting Yi for your kind words

Ting Yi: Bai Chao, with whom do you live now?

Bai Chao: I live with my neighbor Aunt (Laila) but she will leave for Australia in few days then I will join a boarding school. 

Ting Yi: (in a sad tone) let’s go home Bai Chao! I will drop you first. 

Bai Chao: Ok!

Ting Yi after leaving Bai Chao at her home went to her mother’s room and told her the whole story. Ting Yi is the only child of her parents and when they heard about her newly best friend’s story they too became sad. Ting Yi was trying to sleep but she was unable to do so as she was continuously thinking about her friend. Her mum knocked the door of her room and talked her:

Ting Yi’s Mum: Child, why are you so worried?

Ting Yi: Mum, I am worried about Bai Chao. She has remained very nice to me and to everyone. Now, she is going to live in a boarding school without her parents this made me even sadder.

Ting Yi’s Mum: Ting Yi, we are very sorry about what has happened with little Bai Chao and we cannot do anything about it. We can’t bring her mum back but still we can give her a family.

Ting Yi: (with eyes full of surprise) can we really do this mum?

Ting Yi’s Mum: Yes, off course

Ting Yi: How Mum?

Ting Yi’s Mum: We will let you know if you sleep sound right now.

Ting Yi: I promise mum, I just cannot wait for tomorrow

In the next morning when Ting Yi, opened her eyes and went to the kitchen she was surprised and happy to see her friend Bai Chao on dining table. There was a peaceful smile on Bai Chao’s face. Ting Yi looked at her mum and asked “are we going to live together?” ”Will Bai Chao live with us?” Her Mum looked at her with excited eyes and said yes, you both are our kids. Ting Yi’s parents have already made their mind on the spur of the moment that they were going to adopt Bai Chao when Ting Yi told them about her. Bai Chao and Ting Yi were in a same school now, they had their breakfast and went to school.

Ting Yi: Bai Chao, are you happy?

Bai Chao: Yes, I have got a friend and family in you, and I am so happy about it.

Ting Yi: wow! I am happy too!

                               Bai Chao regained her strength, she used to keep her Mum’s picture with her and she used to tell her mum everything before going to sleep.

Bai Chao: (while holding her mum’s photo in hands) I know mum, you might have made a special request to God to give me a family, and therefore I am here with my new best friend Ting Yi. I have found a friend and family in her. Mum, you are so close to me mum, I have felt your presence when winds of spring blew and when I was alone in dark nights.

Wuhan has recovered its charm again. Few months ago, the streets that were silent and were presenting the view of any haunted movie, were now full of people and lights again. Laughter of people, crowds on markets and people on restaurants were showing that society when struggle together can fight any difficult battle and yes, great struggles do require great sacrifices as was made by Bai Chao and her family. It was the story of Bai Chao who lost the most valuable person of her life, there might be many Bai Chaos who have lost their loved ones, there might be many people waiting for someone to help them. People like Ting Yi’s parents make the real difference in society and are needed. To fight this pandemic let us show little more kindness and little more love to those who are suffering and to those who have suffered.     



May 07, 2020 16:28

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