Stronghold of Faith from Attacks of Satanism

Written in response to: Write a story about a character who is experiencing glitches in their reality.... view prompt


Coming of Age Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

Stronghold of Faith from Attacks of Satanism

Wherever I live, emotional disturbances always delay almost all of my dreams. Since the death of my mother almost 100 days ago, I have been trying to knit my dreams with strong sentences of remembrance or the names of Allah SWT and reciting several letters from the Qur'an in my heart when something heats up my emotions. Besides carrying out the pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith as a guide for the straight path of life to protect my mother's good name, I also always try to perform circumcision in the hope of achieving my dream of meeting my mother in eternal heaven later. Circumcision worship is also a stronghold of emotional disturbances such as fasting, giving alms and listening to Islamic lectures that lead to a calmer soul. I just want to live in peace by doing the five daily prayers and circumcision more solemnly so that my way of life can make my mother more peaceful in the barza realm. The more I try to live quietly, the devil's whispers also get louder and mess up my good intentions. The more rice contains, the stronger the wind blows.

Satan's whispers are a major distraction in every step of my life. As long as I'm breathing, I should be remembering the names of God every second so that I can always be controlled from Satan's plan to plunge me into unexpected disaster. Satan's trap in the form of bullying and praise is very effective in diverting the focus of my dreams that have not yet been achieved. Satan's powerful weapon tempts me from all over to destroy my happiness with my mother. I became less focused on taking good care of my mother which resulted in a mild stroke and death which I considered unnatural. Emotional imbalance became the cause of my mother's loss and led to a lifetime of regret. Regret is Satan's way of inciting emotions to not focus anymore. The temptation to relax and procrastinate is a very subtle satanic terror. The habit of living in the comfort zone of Satan's way prevented me from doing better to my mother. The comfort zone of single life is Satan's way of delaying my circumcision practice through a holy marriage for the peace of mind my mother should live longer. Satan had succeeded in shattering my peace of mind to insist on getting married before my mother's final ultimatum.

Besides peace of mind, Satan also succeeded in slowing me down from making a definite decision to be responsible for accepting my mother's orders regarding circumcision which is obligatory as a follower of the Prophet Muhammad when married. Through disobedience to parents becomes a satanic shortcut to frustrate a child's good intentions towards his parents. If I continue to focus on regrets and failures as a child, Satan will also succeed in carrying out his task of accompanying me to the gates of hell. Thousands of cunning tactics are used by Satan to hinder the good intentions of God's servants through emotional instability. Weakness of emotion or faith has always been the key to success from Satan's neglect of duty to my soulmate's mother. My devotion was in vain for failing to realize my mother's dream of seeing me have a wife.

Weakness of emotion or faith often occurs due to uncertainty over the definite promise of God Almighty. Not believing in the guarantee of life after marriage is also one of the devil's doors to divert my obligations as a perfect child and ummah of the prophet Muhammad. The belief in the certainty of life guarantee from the creator of the universe does not only affect me, but also affects generations that have been affected by the materialism or hedonism virus that breathes demons. The virus of satanism through the luxurious standard of living in a marriage is ingrained in today's digital era. The satanic hedonism virus destroys the foundation of my faith in the nature of God who is the giver of the blessings of Islamic faith. With the fantasy of hedonism, Satan has inserted his anti-teaching virus as the people of the prophet Muhammad into the hearts of single people including me who are still postponing marriage. The satanic mode of doubt in my heart about a glamorous lifestyle and tending to be free without teachings that are in accordance with the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad is very effective in anesthetizing my mindset in this age of social media. Satan's temptation through life without marriage ties was very successful in poisoning my mind which ended in fantasy beyond the limits without remembering the eternal life in the afterlife.

The attack from the mindset of a satan-free lifestyle was almost able to undermine my faith before the angel took my soul's breath. But I can still rise from the grave fantasy of hedonism and free lifestyle. If I fall into Satan's secular way of thinking, I definitely won't be able to think more clearly about how to give peace and send good deeds to my mother in her spirit. Secular schools of a kind, hedonism and liberalism, always mislead my faith so that I often get emotional with the temptation of hedonism and liberalism that smells of satan. The disturbance of the anti-Islam mindset really made me lulled into my past and forgot that the afterlife must be real rather than the life of this mortal world. With unanimous determination I must fight against the disturbance of the mindset of Satan who is more adept at tempting my lust and tends to forget my obligations as a servant of the all-wise God. The obligation as a servant of Allah SWT is to hold fast to His promise that eternal heaven must be exist and be real after passing through the two trumpets and the day of reckoning of good deeds in a world full of satanic temptations. Only with strong faith can I achieve the dream of meeting my mother in heaven as promised in the authentic Qur'an and hadith.

February 06, 2023 11:01

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