The Heart's Desire

Submitted into Contest #292 in response to: Center your story around a mysterious painting.... view prompt


Horror Mystery Suspense

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

**This story contains explicit language, violence, and gore.

Cosmic Wonders is the very last storefront on Main Street in the quiet town of August Cove, Long Island. Its exterior is pristine to match the eloquent small boutiques that line the town's square, however the inside is a clutter of ancient and often mysterious items. The antique store has been around for almost twenty years. Clint Quirtly, the eccentric owner, has become a local legend of sorts. He’s quirky, light hearted, mysterious, and energetic. With his long white straggly hair, his crooked nose, and his solemn face, most people would guess he was somewhere between sixty-five and seventy-five. No one would believe it if they knew he was actually 122 years old. He was born in Southampton, England in 1903, and at the age of nine he was one of the lucky survivors of the Titanic. During his escape he pocketed whatever small rare artifacts he could grab. From that day forward his obsession with strange and mysterious antiques began.

Clint sits behind a cluttered counter consisting of different rings, pendants, playing cards, and a strange looking ashtray. While reading the newspaper, he notices an article about a local wedding. 

‘Bobby Bridgeton and Nancy Engelwood tie the knot last night at Water Lilies Pond.’

“Son of a bitch did it,” Clint says to no one. A small bell rings from the front of the store, and Jennifer DeAngelo, mid-forties and haggard, enters. Three years ago she was a total knockout, but stress the last few years really did a number on her. “Good afternoon ma’am. Can I help you?”

Jennifer slowly makes her way to the front counter, looking at random things as she passes. She notices a statue about three feet high that has the body of a chiseled man with the head of a rottweiler. She’s nervous and feels a sense of foreboding. She picks up a lighter and tries to spark it. Nothing happens. Clint watches her curiously as she moves through the store. She passes a small bottle with a splinter of wood inside sitting next to a card that reads, ‘from the deck of the Titanic.’ She’s almost at the counter and picks up a picture frame. It’s a Tom Brady rookie card with his autograph on it. She puts it back down and approaches the counter. “This is an interesting store you have here,” Jennifer says.

“Thank you, my dear. Are you looking for anything in particular?”

“Sebastian Anton told me to talk to you.”

“Gonna have to be a lil’ more specific than that, I’m afraid.”

Jennifer, avoiding eye contact with Clint, looks around the store. “He was here about two years ago. Told me to ask you about my heart’s desire.” 

“Ahh, yes I remember Sebastian. Nice kid.” Clint studies Jennifer for a moment. “How’s he been?”

“Good actually. After meeting you he reunited with his biological parents.”

“Happy to hear.” Clint pauses a second. Jennifer picks up the playing cards from the counter and is about to open them.

“I wouldn’t open those in here if I were you,” Clint warns.

“Why not?”

“I just wouldn't, is all.”

Jennifer nods. “What’s up with that statue by the door?”

“She protects the place.”

“She… How so?”

“Break in one night, and you’ll see.” Clint laughs. It’s hard to tell if he is joking or serious. Jennifer walks over to the piece of wood in the glass bottle.

“And how am I to believe that this piece of wood is actually from the Titanic?”

“I know the person who plucked it off the deck.”

“Is that so?”

“Scouts honor.”

She moves over to the Tom Brady card. “And this is authentic?”

“It is,” he says.

“And I should believe you because…”

“Before moving here I had a shop in Michigan. He worked for me one summer when he was in college,” Clint says, grinning.

Jennifer nods, not believing him. “And what’s that over there behind you?” She points to a small rusty watch, clearly a little nervous with all the small talk.

“That's a watch that allows you to go back in time by five minutes.” Jennifer laughs. “But you’re not here for any of these things. It’s the heart’s desire you’re after, right?”

Jennifer takes a deep breath, then nods. “I must say, I’m skeptical. But after hearing Sebastian's story I have to give it a chance. It’s my last hope for…”

“Stop!” Clint quickly replies. “Don’t tell me what you’re looking for. I don’t ask questions.” 

“How does it work?”

“It’s very simple, and I’ll explain all of that if you decide to move forward.”

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

“Yes, I suppose you are. But to see the heart’s desire is by appointment only. So let’s schedule a time.”

“Can’t I today?” she pleads. “It’s really urgent. See my d…”

“Again,” he interrupts, aggravated. “Don’t tell me. It requires a twenty four hour grace period. I don’t make the rules, I follow the way it’s supposed to be.” 

Jennifer is annoyed but sees no point in arguing. She looks down at her watch. “Can I come back at four o’clock tomorrow?”

Clint pulls out a worn leather binder and opens it. Dust fills the air. He turns a few pages then nods. “Perfect.” 

She nods. “I can pay now, if you’d like. Sebastian did warn me it’s a little expensive.” She pulls out her wallet and produces a credit card. Clint looks at the card and points to a small wooden sign that reads ‘Cash only, no refunds.’

“You can bring cash with you tomorrow.”

Jennifer nods. “Is it still $3,500?”

“$4,000, I’m afraid.”

Jennifer hesitantly agrees. “If this does what it’s supposed to, it’ll be worth it..”

Clint gives her a small smile. She turns to leave.

“I must warn you,” Clint calls out. She stops and turns to look at him. “The effects of the heart's desire are permanent.” Jennifer hears a low beating heart faintly in the background. She isn’t sure if she’s hearing things. She focuses on the sound while Clint continues to talk. “They can’t be undone. Every person only gets one request. So you can’t come back and unwish it if things don’t go your way.”

The beating is ringing in Jennifer’s ear but slowly comes to a stop. “Understood. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jennifer leaves as quickly as she can. Clint goes back to reading his newspaper article as if he had never been interrupted.

Later that night Jennifer is tucking in her daughter Susie at bedtime. She’s very frail and wearing a cloth cap to cover her bald head. Jennifer tucks the blanket tightly around her body and kisses her forehead. “Mommy loves you.”

“I love you too Mommy. And I love Rosie.” She kisses her ratty stuffed dog and hugs her.

“Good night bug. Come get me if you wake up.” Jennifer smiles at her as she leaves the room, keeping the door open a crack. She walks across the hall towards her bedroom.

She’s laying on her bed with a laptop open on her lap. She has multiple tabs open on her browser. One for her bank account that shows a balance of $4,619. She starts to shift through the tabs showing her credit card statements, mortgage balance, car, bill, and so on. She pulls out her cell phone and types a message to David. ‘Still waiting on the last two months of child support.’ She hits send and begins to cry. She stares at the bank balance again, understanding the situation she’s in, then decides to go on facebook. She types in Sebastian’s name, then scrolls through his page and sees a photo of him with his foster parents and biological parents all in one. Her tears of sorrow shift to tears of hopefulness. She closes her laptop and drifts off to sleep. She dreams a dream she doesn’t remember, but is aware of the low beating heart that echoes in the darkness.

 Jennifer arrives at Cosmic Wonders the next day promptly at four o’clock. She enters the door and is greeted by the small bell. Clint looks up from behind the counter. He smiles at Jennifer and slowly hobbles to greet her at the door. “Welcome back.”

“Thank you. This is for you.” She hands him a small brown bag filled with money. He takes it, then locks the front door. He flips around the open sign to show that the store is now closed.

“Right this way please.”

“You’re not going to count it?”

“Don’t need to. I can tell by the weight that it’s all there.” Jennifer looks puzzled. She thinks about how strange he is, and how strange this place is. But more importantly how strange it is what she’s about to do. Clint walks past her and she follows him. For a brief moment she wonders how old he is. 

He escorts her behind the counter and pulls back a red velvet curtain that leads to a dark staircase. He pulls a string from the ceiling, turning on a small light. Its light is dim, but Clint proceeds down the stairs with Jennifer behind him. The smell of musk and dust is almost unbearable the further down they get. At the bottom, Clint stops and flips a light switch producing more dim light. Jennifer notices the basement is packed with objects wrapped in burlap sacks. All that remains of the basement is a narrow hallway. The two slowly walk down it. 

“What's under these sacks?” Jennifer asks.

“Stuff. Some things are already purchased that I need to ship out. Others are too dangerous to sell.”

“Dangerous how?”

“Never mind that.” They stop at a beautiful solid oak door. It’s black and has some strange carvings throughout the molding. It certainly doesn’t look like it belongs in a run down basement such as this one. “Last chance. Are you sure you want to go through with this?” Clint asks as he studies her expression. 

Jennifer pauses for a second, then responds, “Positive.”

Clint pulls a string out from under his shirt which has a large key tied to the end. He slips it in the door lock and turns. There is a small hiss as he jiggles the knob and pushes the door open. It’s heavy, and he has to lean on it with all of his strength. He pulls another string from the ceiling revealing a small reddish glow. The two of them step inside. The room is empty except for one easel on the far end of the room. There is a black cloth covering it. 

Jennifer looks around the room, and is immediately convinced she’s been scammed. This is where he will kill her, and no one would ever find the body.

“This is where I leave you,” he says as he starts to walk towards the door. 

“Leave me?” she asks nervously.

He nods. “When I’m gone, remove that black cloth. There’s a painting under there.” Jennifer looks at him, puzzled. “Give me your hand.” Jennifer lifts up her hand and Clint places a giant rose thorn on her palm. “There’s a scroll on the painting. Use the thorn to prick your finger, then use your blood to write your heart's desire on the scroll.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it. Then look at the painting til’ it speaks to you. When you’re done you can knock on the door and I’ll let you out.”

“Can’t you stay with me?”

“Sorry, but no. That’s now how it works.” With that Clint leaves and closes the door behind him, bolting it shut. 

Jennifer stands there alone, not knowing how to proceed. 

I’m sure I could have found a better use of my money, she thinks.

She slowly walks over to the easel and hesitantly removes the black cloth. She marvels at the beautiful painting. It’s in a gorgeous gold frame, with elegant roses carved into it. At the bottom is the painting's name etched into the frame ‘The Heart’s Desire.’ Jennifer starts to become light headed as she takes in the painting’s beauty. 

 It’s a human heart with more detail than she’s ever seen before. It's wrapped in a vine of thorns. There’s over a hundred thorns throughout. Some are embedded into the heart leaving a streak of blood, while others are pointed away. The heart rests in a field of roses both red and black. Each one is unique and crafted with such care. Jennifer stares at each rose one by one, completely overwhelmed by the presence they exude. It’s hard to fathom how much anger, love, hope, and destruction could be embedded on one canvas. 

Breaking her temporary paralysis, she looks down and notices a blank scroll. Subconsciously her eyes then shift towards the long thorn she’s been holding. She takes it and pricks her finger but doesn’t feel any pain. She dabs the thorn into her blood and brings it to the canvas. She hesitates at first, afraid to ruin the pristine painting, but thinks of her heart’s desire as she writes the words, ‘Susie's health.’

Jennifer looks at her writing and swears it melts into the canvas, as if it’s been there from when the artist first painted it. She’s having an out-of-body experience as she fixates on the heart. The atmosphere in the room changes a little as Jennifer’s mind is filled with her beautiful daughter. She feels almost high and in a perfect zen. The heart on the canvas starts to beat and pulsate. Jennifer fixates on this, not believing her eyes as the beating makes its way into her head. She hears ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom, intertwined with Suisie’s laugh and giggles. Jennifer cries. This goes on for about fifteen minutes as the beats start to settle. The words in the scroll, ‘Susie’s health,’  blend into the canvas until the scroll is blank once again. Jennifer starts to return to normal. She instinctively throws the black cloth over the Canvas. She can’t explain why, but has a feeling that she needs to keep her desire deep within the art. She knocks on the door and Clint instantly opens it.

“All done?” he asks.

“Yes.” Jennifer blindly says.

Later that night Jennifer is laying in Susie’s bed with her. They are watching The Wizard of Oz. Jennifer is still in a daze from earlier, but is enjoying spending this time with her daughter. Susie coughs throughout, and seems worse tonight then she has the last few nights. At the point in the movie where they’re about to pull back the curtain and reveal the great and powerful Oz, Susie turns to look at Jennifer and throws up all over her. 

“I’m sorry Mommy,” she says as she starts to cry.

“It’s okay honey. It’s just a bad reaction from chemo.” Jennifer can’t help but to think that she’s been duped just like Dorothy and the people of Oz. Reality sinks in.

A few weeks later, Susie and Jennifer are sitting in a bright white hospital room. The doctor is talking to Jennifer. 

“I don’t understand it,” he says. “The cancer has gone into remission. I’ve never seen stage five cancer go away so quickly.” Jennifer is only half listening as a heart beat starts to over take the doctor's voice. “Ba-boom, ba-boom, Of course we will run a few more tests to confirm, ba-boom.” Jennifer begins to sob, knowing no more tests will be needed. She hugs the doctor, then her daughter.

At that same moment, in the basement of Cosmic Wonders, the painting is slowly pulsing along to the heart beat. The words ‘Susie’s Health’ on the scroll fade in and then out again under the black cloth. A new thorn grows on the vine wrapped around the heart facing away from it, as a new red rose sprouts in the rose field. It is just as beautiful as the others.

Six months later, Paul Coen enters his house in a daze. He moves along, not aware of where he is or what he’s about to do. He arrives at the master bedroom and opens the door. His wife Jackie springs up from below the bed sheets. 

“Paul, what are you doing home?”

Paul doesn’t say a word. He rips the sheets off and reveals Mark, his best friend of thirty years, going down on his wife. Paul starts to hear a faint heart beat in his head. Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom. He raises a gun and points it at Mark. Mark turns his head and realizes what’s happening.. 

“Paulie, this isn’t how it looks,” he pleads.

Jackie chimes in. “Babe, put the gun down.”

Paul doesn’t hear them. All he hears is, Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom. A mystical force guides his finger to pull the trigger. Mark’s head explodes with a rush of blood. The sheets and walls are splattered with blood and gore. Mark’s limp body falls directly on Jackie’s privates. 

Jackie screams, then begs. “Paul, please.” 

Ba-boom, ba-boom… 

He turns the gun and shoots her twice in the chest. Her body falls limply to the bed. Paul turns the gun to his own head and waits a few seconds. 

Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba- BOOM.

In the basement of Cosmic Wonders, below the black cloth, the heart is beating. A new thorn grows, piercing the heart and leaving a trail of crimson blood. In the field, a black rose sprouts. Fading in and out on the scroll are the words, written in Paul’s blood, ‘Strength to deal with my broken marriage.’

Clint sits upstairs. He hears the beating heart as he turns a page in his magazine, waiting for a new customer to enter.

March 08, 2025 03:46

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Trudy Jas
16:10 Mar 08, 2025

A lovely build-up to the two ends. Very atmospheric.


John Rafanelli
18:14 Mar 08, 2025

Thanks Trudy!! Appreciate you reading and the comment!


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