Submitted to: Contest #281

The Christmas Fairy.

Written in response to: "Write a story from the POV of a non-human character."

Christmas Contemporary Fiction

So this was Christmas. The Christmas Fairy was gorgeous. A scintillating frock adorned with glitter and sparkles, a golden wand and crown, completed by gossamer wings. By now, she was six foot four inches tall, plus inclusive high heeled, jeweled, platform sandals. But, hey, she was loud and proud. Abusive and aggressive, yes, alone for now, but still, she was lovely looking Christmas fairy.

So this was Christmas. And what had the Christmas fairy done, finally achieved? She had her own considered personal point of view about the spirit of Christmas, her own baggage. Readers might think the true Christmas fairy was not quite human, a magical being capable of sparkling Christmas trees and family gatherings for celebrating the light of each new dawn, to welcome the Nativity.

Our beloved tree topper had participated around an inclusive Christmas faith worship in many lands, for believers of diverse communities and pagans who had a holiday, and some who did not. Her tale of being what society had created began at home in her childhood. There was a reason why Miss Sparkles had mysteriously kept smiling all down through time, despite having to sit on top of the Christmas tree, a very uncomfortable position. Before the Christmas fairy was ten years old, she had believed in Christmas magic. She had been a real live girl, very pretty.

But her parents lived in the harsh world where they needed money desperately, so they agreed to sell Miss Sparkles to some 'uncle', to meet his biological needs. Miss Sparkles was totally naive about this, and was forced to reside with Uncle, cleaning, cooking and filling his double bed.

Uncle would not let her past his front door for two years. He was horrible, ugly, never interested in anything normal, always ready to seek new underage children. Our Christmas fairy longed for her former home, still trusting in her once loving parents. So, one night, after Uncle had a few of his nightly tipples, she stayed awake long enough.

Silently, she raided his wallet, and crept through the slums, until she found an early bus back home. But her parents were not so glad to have an extra mouth to feed. They only pretended, cleaning her up, then flogging her off to a sex trafficker.

Silently, she raided his wallet, and crept through the slums, until she found an early bus back home. But her parents were not so glad to have an extra mouth to feed. They only pretended, cleaning her up, then flogging her off to a sex trafficker.

The Christmas fairy cautiously flew through darkened suburbia, in the pre-dawn of Christmas Day. The world was hushed, waiting, anticipating. For what, she now wondered, after the sex trafficker had sold her to Santa.

Father Christmas had a dark secret for quite some time, appearing to Christians and 'good' children as a benevolent, genial elderly gentleman who gifted them sweet and toys. Behind closed doors, there was a reason why his home was surrounded by child elves. Mrs. Santa had lived with that knowledge for all those years, that is why she slumbered in the other bedroom, quite complicit in Santa's evening delights with children.

Enter Miss Sparkles, by now well aware what Santa's real intentions when he led her to his comfortable bedroom, after dinner and closed doors. She suddenly stopped believing in Santa's kindness. She threatened to disclose his true meaning as a child molester on her ubiquitous social media and support group on her long range mobile phone. Society had also made an international digitally active network of youth, and educating children about the dangers of any male wishing to groom children to sit on their laps by bribing them with bribing them with gifts and sweets.

Santa was drunk and hostile by then. He empowered Miss Sparkles, and shoved her on top of his magical Christmas tree. There she sat, bewitchingly enchanting with a pretty smile, part of his image. Mrs. Santa had long made plans of her own, leaving the scene and divorcing him secretly. Society covered over that fact too, all part of the magic.

Somehow, Miss Sparkles developed her own unique non human powers, spread through the magic of Christmas. Society still expected children from a tender age to believe that Santa was the one elderly sitting on this diversity quota exception to their rules was part of society's gifts. Too easy.

Yes, Miss Sparkles also escaped from the North Pole. Part of the magic of time, cashed up with a credit card as well by the rapidly fleeing elves, forever young, Their non happy memories were cynical, changing Christmas traditions forever.

The Christmas fairy sneaked up to the front door where her whinging, sports fanatic, geriatric father lived. She expertly booby trapped the front door, tampering with the wiring of the door bell. Copper wires, a discreet timing device, then away. The Christmas fairy ran back to his car and drove off into the night.

Next was her bossy, fat, middle-aged old mother. She repeated her new Christmas party trick on her front door on her front door, and drove away, before she awoke. The Christmas fairy was not responsible, or what she?

Then, back to the home of alcoholic, drug raddled Santa. Same scenario. He was also surviving an 'amicable divorce'. "Put him out of his misery!" The Christmas fairy arrived to her new suburban home, where no one was stirring in that neighborhood, as yet.

"All quiet on the Eastern seaboard," she told the Christmas tree. She poured a large amber bourbon, made a little plate of Christmas cake and shortbread.

So, this was Christmas, and what had she done? She had finally labelled and destroyed Santa and the perps, each and every one. Ever smiling, scintillating, folding her wings behind her, She could now stop blaming her past. She smiled sweetly still.

'Twas the true fright for Christmas. Miss Sparkles had totally raised 'Stranger Danger" awareness round the globe for all children, courtesy of society. Every Santa round the world was sacked and banned, no longer that trusted magical potential part of festivities for anything. Miss Sparkles was having a true Christmas reflection time, as Christmas carols sounded faintly in the distance of dawn on Christmas Day. She raised her glass in a toast, saying "Family first!"

Posted Dec 14, 2024

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19 likes 3 comments

Shirley Medhurst
12:40 Dec 22, 2024

Sobering bittersweet story!!!

(If you still have time to edit, I noticed a repeated paragraph and also a couple of repeated phrases... a quick re-read through might be a good idea???)

Didn't stop me enjoying your tale though - well done.


Tricia Shulist
17:59 Dec 21, 2024

Well, that’s not what I expected. Grim, but not untrue for many. Thanks for sharing.


Mary Bendickson
04:57 Dec 16, 2024

A cynical look from the tre top.
One paragragh is repeated.


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