Reciprocity. Coming out of the wood works. With semblance or resemblance of humility?

Written in response to: Start your story with a character seeing something terrifying.... view prompt


Crime Kids Speculative

Reciprocity can bite.

Reciprocity can be a bite.

Bag it up.

Bog it down.

Whatever it takes to stall the inevitable.

Watch your habits for they can become character. (ffr)

Character building.



Hypo allergenic.


Fake it til you make it?

Make it til you fake it?

Same difference?


Just make it look good.

Or bad.

Come across.

Pass for.


Show off.



Come again?

The best we can hope for is a power differential that embraces similarities and respects differences. With little to no ambivalence about what you are doing.(pt)

The problem.

The problems.

Things tend to simmer under the surface.

Breaking points occur. (bs)

Organized, coercive, fraudulent, schemes exist to collect.

Offer a service that solves a problem, that would not exist without the racket. The ultimate form of “protection”.

Threats, threatening to knee cap.




Just the facts m’am.



Sharks bite when exploring. Their vision is not conducive to always seeing the enemy. So they bite to feel and find their way around. If you happen to be snorkeling along, it may be you that takes the bits. It does bite to get bitten.

Once bitten. Twice shy. And 95% of sharks tend toward shyness.

How’ bout that!

Humans run around, run in circles, run away from sharks and 9 times out of 10, sharks do not even see us coming or going.

A bit amusing.

Also amusing is a shark is less concerned about biting you and more concerned with you getting in their face and space.


No give and take. With a shark.

No confidence games, confidence tricks while swimming with the sharks.

Not so with humans interacting with humans.

Confidence tricks are sharpened and honed by humans. Attempts to defraud. A person. A group. A person or group after first gaining their trust. Exploit its victims credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility and greed.(wk)

Make ‘em fear their own shadow kinda existence.

Further voluntary exchanges that are not mutually beneficial.

Doesn’t even make a big or huge difference if actual currencies exchanged hands.

Con men, con women seek to void you of your confidence. Slam shut windows of opportunity on your life to grow and change for the better.

It is not all dire.

When you stand your ground.

Take the “I-sound-like-a-broken-record approach. Like.

The truth.

Feeling gullible yet?

Judgey even?

Confidence tricks are tricky. The tricks seek to destroy. You and your good nature. Using tactics such as greed, dishonesty, vanity,opportunism, lust, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, desperation and naivety. (wk)

There is no consistent profile of a confidence trick victim.

The victim relies on the good faith of the con artist.


A plant, shill, aka/stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization.

Shills can carry out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing, politics, sports, confidence games, cryptocurrency, or other business areas. (wk)

Sometimes what we do not see is far more terrifying that what we do see.

And the windows are closing at a rapid pace.

The will of allowable discourse is closing. In the manners and methods of being judged, cancelled, deleted.

Before or after doesn’t even really matter.

The shark bites. Bold.Shy. Risk taking.Risk avoidance.

Interest and interesting in who gets what first…….

Relationships built on trust are broken by its absence.

Love at first sight?


Don’t ask the chatter box-ers or the chat bott-ers.

They are the opposites that do not bother.

With you.

With one another. At least for the long haul.

The boundary between problems and decisions is a subjective one.


I think the shark ran off with something resembling my confidence.

Phew. Thankfully there are other fishes in the sea who step up, to have our back. One of a like-minded foundation following.

This foundation—one of no power deferential. Mutual identification , trust, respect and equality. (ffr).

Ambivalence becomes a confidence trick vulnerability if and only if you allow it to enter your domain—-it will be used against you. And it will be. Again and again. Coming out of the wood works like old friends wanting to “get together”.

Reciprocity can be a confidence builder.

A positive confidence builder. Sans the vulnerabilities coming out of the wood works.

Rewarding kind actions.

Just ‘cuz.

It feels good.

In response to a friendly action, people become much nicer and cooperative. Better than the self-interest model which tends to become all “explain-ey”.

Reciprocity makes good possible! Reciprocity makes it possible to build sustainable and continuing relationships with reciprocal exchanges.

Francis Fukuyama, wise person, states that “if the institutions of democracy and capitalism are to work properly, they must coexist within certain premodern cultural habits that ensure their proper functioning. law, contract, and economic rationality and prosperity…must as well be ,leavened with reciprocity, moral obligation, duty toward community, and trust.”

Sounds good to me.

But how to collectively get there?

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck”?

Things are not always what they appear to be.

Then what?

Take it seriously

Take a stand with others.

In their distress.

Compassion takes seriously the reality of other persons, their inner lives, their emotions, as well as their external circumstances.

Active disposition toward fellowship and sharing, toward supportive companionship in distress or in woe. Compassion seeks to retain our hold on our very awareness—that as infants we do not distinguish between our own distress and that of others—that we are all in the same boat, but for the grace of God there go I.(wjb)

Animosity nor prejudice. The main task of compassion is to ensure its growth is not stunted by animosity or prejudice. Compassion is moral awareness. “A mass of states, of experiences, thoughts and desires, just as real as thou art”. Josiah Royce.

There is no such thing as a small act of kindness.

It may be hard to offer it, to handle it, but at the very least the practice of it will never be lost on another.

Good day neighbor!

July 11, 2023 19:21

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